Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
ANALYSIS PHOS-OLSEN Soil Phosphorus, Olsen Method, NaHCO3 Extraction, Colorimetric, Ammonium Molybdate/Ascorbic Acid Olsen, S. R. and L. E. Sommers. 1982. Phosphorus. p. 403-430. In: A. L. Page, et al. (ed.) Methods of soil analysis: Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties. American Society of Agronomy, Monograph No. 9. Y
MEASUREMENT photometer Light attenuation or light intensity at depth by underwater photometer. Y
Measurement PHSTRIP pH by strip Y
ANALYSIS PLM-DS Asbestos by Polarized Light Microscopy and Dispersion Staining, exact method unknown Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81NH3 Nitrogen (Ammonia) by Colorimetric-Auto-Phenate/Auto-O-Tolidine/or Manual, Titrimetric, Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81PS Sediment Grain/Particle Size by Sieve/Electronic Counter or Sieve/Pipet, Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1, Section 3, Analytical Methods. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS. Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81S2 Sulfide by Methylene Blue, Colorimetric or Iodine Titrimetric (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81TC Total Organic & Inorganic Carbon, Infrared (Water), Ignition or Diff Combustion (Soil), Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81TS Total Solids, Gravimetric, Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) SOIL TECHN Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
COLLECTION PNET-MISC Plankton net, type unspecified Y
COLLECTION PNET-PS.1 Plankton net, 0.1 m2 Puget Sound, opening and closing Y
Collection POCIS Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) Y
COLLECTION PONAR-PET Grab sampler, Ponar, petite Y
COLLECTION PONAR-STD Grab sampler, Ponar, standard Y
COLLECTION PONAR.02M2 Grab sampler, Ponar, 0.02 m2 Y
ANALYSIS PPIA-1999 Microcystins and Nodularins in Water by Protein Phosphatase Inhibition Assay (PPIA) Carmichael, W.W. and J. An. 1999. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a protein phosphatase inhibition assay (PPIA) for the detection of microcystins and nodularins. Nat. Toxins 7: 377-385. Y
Measurement Pressure-DigiQuartz Digital quartz pressure sensor Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Measurement Pressure-StrainGauge Strain-gauge pressure sensor Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Analysis PRL-LAB04 Determination Of Tributyltins In Water, Soil/Sediment And Tissue by High-Resolution Gas Chromatograph and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRGC/HRMS). Pacific Rim Laboratories, Inc., #103, 19575 - 55A Avenue, Surrey, B. C. Canada. 604-532-8711. Y
PREPARATION PRL-LAB10 Extraction of Porewater from Sediment using Sodium Tetraethyl Borate Extraction Derivative. Pacific Rim Laboratories, Inc., #103, 19575 - 55A Avenue, Surrey, B. C. Canada. 604-532-8711. Y
BIOASSAY PSEP-BIO95 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Laboratory Bioassays on Puget Sound Sediments, Rev. 1995 Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1995. Recommended Guidelines for Conducting Laboratory Bioassays on Puget Sound Sediments. Prepared by PTI Environmental Services for US EPA Region 10. Y
Analysis PSEP-BOD Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), 5 Day Incubation, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-CNV91 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Variables in Marine Water, 1991 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1991. Recommended Guidelines for Measuring Conventional Marine Water-Column Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 by PTI Environmental Services. Y
Analysis PSEP-COD Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-FSH90 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Variables and Metals in Fresh Water, 1990 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1990. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Water Quality Variables and Metals in Fresh Water of the Puget Sound Region. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 by Tetra-Tech, Inc. Y
Analysis PSEP-MET89 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Metals in Water, Sediment, and Tissue, Rev. 1989 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1989 (Rev). Recommended Protocols for Measuring Metals in Puget Sound Water, Sediment, and Tissue Samples. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 by Battelle PNNL and PTI Environmental Services Y
Analysis PSEP-MET97 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Metals in Marine Water, Sediment, and Tissue, Rev. 1997 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), Rev 1997. Recommended Guidelines for Measuring Metals in Puget Sound Marine Water, Sediment and Tissue Samples. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority by King County Env Lab Y
Analysis PSEP-MIC86 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Recommended Protocols for Microbiological Studues in Puget Sound, 1986. PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), November 1986. Recommended Protocols for Microbiological Studies in Puget Sound. Final Report TC-3991-04. Prepared for USEPA Region 10 by Tetra Tech, Bellevue, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-N Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Nitrogen, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-OG Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Oil and Grease (Freon Extractable), IR or Gravimetric, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-ORG89 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Organic Compounds in Sediment and Tissue, Rev. 1989 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), Rev 1989. Recommended Guidelines for Measuring Organic Compounds in Puget Sound Sediment and Tissue Samples. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 Battelle PNNL and Tetra Tech, Inc. Y
Analysis PSEP-ORG97 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Organic Compounds in Water, Sediment, and Tissue, Rev. 1997 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), Rev 1997. Recommended Guidelines for Measuring Organic Compounds in Puget Sound Water, Sediment and Tissue Samples. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority by King County Env Lab Y
Analysis PSEP-PS Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Particle/Grain Size by Sieve-Pipette, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-TOC Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Combustion, 70 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Preparation PSEP-TOC-PREP Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Combustion, 70 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003, PREP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y PSEP-TOC-P
Analysis PSEP-TOCM Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Combustion,104 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003, Modified PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-TS Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Solids, 103 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-TS2 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Sulfides, Distillation, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Analysis PSEP-TVS Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Volatile Solids (TVS), 103 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y
Measurement PSS78-SalinityCalc Seawater salinity calculated from conductivity, temperature and pressure sensor measurements, based on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78) and adopted by UNESCO in 1981 as the standard method for calculating salinity from conductivity measurements. Y
Collection PUMP-BLADDER Pump, bladder Y PUMP-BLDR
Collection PUMP-GW-LOW-FLOW Low-flow (low stress, minimal drawdown) groundwater sampling by pump (0.1 - 0.5 L/min, up to 1 L/min in coarse material). SOP based on current EPA or USGS guidance Y
Collection PUMP-HAND-VACUUM Pump, hand vacuum Y PUMP-HANDVAC
Collection PUMP-HYDROSTAR Pump, HydroStar piston or similar Y PUMP-HYDRO
Collection PUMP-INERTIAL-LIFT Pump, WaTerra inertial lift or similar Y PUMP-INERTIAL
Collection PUMP-PERISTALTIC Pump, peristaltic Y PUMP-PERIS
Collection PUMP-SUBMERSIBLE Pump, submersible electric Y PUMP-SUB
MEASUREMENT PYRANOMETR Solar radiation by portable Pyranometer Y
MEASUREMENT QUANTUMSEN Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) by Quantum Sensor Y
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