Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric030 Percent of sample composed of non-insect taxa Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric031 Percent of sample composed of Oligochaeta and Hirudinea (worms and leaches) Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric032 Number of Plecoptera Taxa present in the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric033 Taxa richness of those organisms considered to be sensitive to perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric034 Percent of organisms considered to be tolerant of various types of perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric035 The percent of the sample made up of organisms that consume other organsims. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric036 The number of taxa in the sample representing organisms that consume other organisms Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric037 The ratio of organsims that feed on attached periphyton (Scrapers) to the number of organisms that feed by filtering organic matter from the water column (Filterers). Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric038 The ratio of organisms that feed on attached periphyton (Scrapers) to the number of Scrapers and Filterers (organisms that feed by filtering organic matter from the water column) combined. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric039 The percent of the sample represented by organsims that feed on attached periphyton (Scrapers) and organisms that feed on coarse organic matter from the substrate. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric040 Percent of organisms that are sensitive to perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric041 Number of organisms in the sample that are sensitive to perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric042 Percent of organisms tolerant of perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric043 Number of organisms in the sample that are tolerant to perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric044 Number of taxa in the sample that requires more than a year to complete one generation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric045 Compares diversity by accounting for both richness and evenness of the sample. Generally this metric scores between 0 and 4.5. A higher score represents higher diversity. It is not used to compare sites, however since it is affected by changes in both the number of taxa and the relative abundance of those taxa. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric046 Compares diversity by accounting for both richness and evenness of the sample. Generally this metric scores between 0 and 4.5. A higher score represents higher diversity. It is not used to compare sites, however since it is affected by changes in both the number of taxa and the relative abundance of those taxa. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric047 Measures diversity by reporting the chance that any two randomly drawn individuals from a sample are the same species. This measure is heavily influenced by relative abundance of each taxa. The measure scores between 0 and 1, with a more diverse community reflected by a score close to 1. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric048 The percent of organisms in the sample that have a pollution tolerance value greater than 8 (Klemm et al 2002). Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric049 The percent of the sample represented by organisms that can control the speed and direction of movement in the water column. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric050 The number of taxa in the sample represented by organisms that can control the speed and direction of movement in the water column. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric051 Total number of taxa present in the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric052 Number of Trichoptera Taxa present in the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric053 Number of taxa in the sample that produces a single generation per year Y
Analysis BIOO-ELISA-1034-01 Saxitoxin (Paralytic Shellfish Poisons) by BIOO MaxSignal Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kit (1034-01) Bioo Scientific Corp., 3913 Todd Lane Suite 312, Austin, TX, 1-888-208-2246, Y
ANALYSIS BLIGHDYER59 Rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification, Bligh and Dyer, 1959 Bligh, E.G. and Dyer, W.J. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 37: 911-917, 1959. Y
ANALYSIS BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 5 day test Y
ANALYSIS BOD5INH Inhibited Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Ecology-MEL Y
COLLECTION BONGONET1 Plankton net, paired Bongo, 0.1 m2 Y
COLLECTION BOTTLEDIP Bottle, direct dip/fill, type unspecified Y
Collection BOTTLEDIPTRANS Bottle dip and transfer to individual sample bottles to fill, type unspecified Y
Collection BottomTrawl Fish collection by dragging a net along the bottom. Also known as benthic trawling. Y
COLLECTION BUGBAG500UM Benthic macroinvertebrate collection by placing rock bags instream for colonization over a period of time.  Samples are sifted through a 500 um mesh net. Y
Measurement CAL-FLOW Flow by The California Pipe Method of Water Measurement Vanleer, B.R., The California Pipe Method of Water Measurement, Engineering News Record, August 3, 1922, and August 21, 1924. Y
Derivation CALC-351.2-350.1 Ammonia or Organic Nitrogen calculated via Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by EPA351.2 (Semiautomated Colorimetry) and Ammonia by EPA350.1 (Nitrogen as Ammonia, Colorimetric, Automated Phenate) Y
Derivation CALC-FLOW-VOLUME Total volume of flow over time Y
Derivation CALC_FLOW Streamflow by calculation. Y
Derivation CALC_IRON Ferric Iron by calculation (Total Iron – Ferrous Iron) Y
Derivation CALCNH3UN Is calcualted from NH4, pH and Temperature. Y
Analysis CAM SOP-00445/6 Determination of Moisture Content in Solids by Gravimetry, Maxxam Analytics SOP, September 22, 2011. Maxxam Analytics Inc, Burnaby BC Canada, September 22, 2011. Based on Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis. Canadian Society of Soil Science. Martin R. Carter 1993. Chapter 51: Soil Water Content. Pg 542-543 Y
Analysis CARB435-17-M California Air Resources Board Test Method 435 - Determination of Asbestos Content of Serpentine Aggregate, V2017, modified method. California Air Resource Board, Monitoring and Laboratory Division, April 2017 Y
Analysis Carter2011-DI-IRMS Dual-inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometry (DI-IRMS) J. F. Carter and V. J. Barwick (Eds), Good practice guide for isotope ratio mass spectrometry, FIRMS (2011). ISBN 978-0-948926-31-0. Y
PREPARATION CAS-MET-TISP-FD Freeze-drying for tissue analyses, Columbia Analytical Services Standard Operating Procedure for Tissue Sample Preparation, SOP No. MET-TISP, Columbia Analytical Services, 2007 Y
Analysis CAS-MET-TISP-FD-TS Freeze-drying tissue for total solids determination, Columbia Analytical Services Standard Operating Procedure for Tissue Sample Preparation, SOP No. MET-TISP, Columbia Analytical Services, 2007 Y
ANALYSIS CEC-THOMAS Cation Exchange Capacity of Soils (Ammonium Acetate) Thomas, G.W. 1982. Exchangeable cations. In: A.L. Page et al. (Ed.) Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, 2nd Ed, pp. 159-165. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. Y
MEASUREMENT CHELS-AQUA UV AQUAtracka Submersible PMT Flourimeter for Hydrocarbon (360nm) or Gelbstoff (440nm) concentrations. Chelsea Technologies Group, Surrey, UK, +44 (0)20 8481 9000, Y
ANALYSIS CHEM-K6203 Iron, Ferrous, in water by CHEMetrics K6203 field kit, 1,10 Phenanthroline Method, Vacu-vial ampoule, adapted from Standard Methods SM3500FeB CHEMetrics, Inc., 4295 Catlett Road, Calverton, VA 20138, 800-356-3072, Y
ANALYSIS CLP-DIO Dissolved Inorganics, EPA Contract Lab Program (CLP) U.S. EPA, Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis, Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration, ILM0x.x Y
ANALYSIS CLP-DIO-LO Dissolved Inorganics, Low Concentration, EPA Contract Lab Program (CLP) U.S. EPA, Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis, Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration, ILM0x.x Y
ANALYSIS CLP-DLM02.0 Dioxins and Furans Analysis, Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration, EPA Contract Lab Program (CLP), DLM02.0 U.S. EPA, 2005. Contract Laboratory Program, Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration Dioxin and Furan Analytical Service for Superfund (DLM02.0), EPA Publication 540-F-05-003, September 2005. Y CLPDLM02.0
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