Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric033 Taxa richness of those organisms considered to be sensitive to perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric032 Number of Plecoptera Taxa present in the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric031 Percent of sample composed of Oligochaeta and Hirudinea (worms and leaches) Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric030 Percent of sample composed of non-insect taxa Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric029 Percent of the taxa in the sample that produces more than 2 generations per year Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric028 Index measuring the tolerance to heavy metal toxicity of the community represented by the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric027 Compares richness between two sites where different numbers of individuals have been collected, its value can be greater than 1, while other diversity measures score between 0 and 1. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric026 Percent of organisms considered to be sensitive to various types of perturbation Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric025 Ratio of Hydropsychidae/Trichoptera within the sample, represents the relative abundance of pollution tolerant caddisflies. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric024 Uses tolerance values to weight abundance in an estimate of overall pollution. Originally designed to evaluate organic pollution Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric023 Number of taxa in the sample that uses Hemoglobin to carry oxygen in their bodies. These are usually an indicator of low oxygen conditions. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric022 Percent of the taxa in the sample that uses Hemoglobin to carry oxygen in their bodies. These are usually an indicator of low oxygen conditions. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric021 The number of taxa in the sample representing organsims that consume fine particulate organic matter from the water column Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric020 The percent of the sample made up of organisms that consume fine particulate organic matter collected from the water column Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric019 A measure of how evenly each taxon is represented in the sample. A community with equal numbers of individuals for each taxa present in the sample would be considered the most diverse community. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric018 Number of taxa representing Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera within the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric017 Percent of sample composed of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric016 Number of Ephemeroptera taxa within the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric015 Percent of the sample represented by the single most abundant taxon Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric014 Percent of the sample represented by the 3 most abundant taxa Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric013 Percent of the sample represented by the 2 most abundant taxa Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric012 Percent of the sample represented by the 10 most abundant taxa Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric011 A community tolerance quotient based on the tolerance of taxa in the sample to alkalinity and sulphates, and the selectivity of taxa in the sample for or against fine substrates and low stream gradients (Winget and Mangum, 1979). This weighted abundance measure ranges from 2 (unpolluted) to 108 (severely polluted). Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric010 The percent of the sample made up of organisms that consume fine particulate organic matter, and include both Gatherers (those who collect from the bottom substrate) and Filterers (those who collect from the water column) Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric009 Number of taxa in the sample that survive in a narrow range of cold water temperatures Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric008 Percent of the taxa in the sample that survive in a narrow range of cold water temperatures Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric007 The number of taxa in the sample represented by organisms that have adaptations to help them attach to surfaces in flowing water. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric006 The percent of the sample represented by organisms that have adaptations to help them attach to surfaces in flowing water. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric005 The number of taxa in the sample represented by organisms that feed on fine organic matter while buried in the sediments Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric004 The percent of the sample represented by organisms that feed on fine organic matter while buried in the sediments. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric003 Ratio of Baetidae/Ephemeroptera within the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric002 Number of taxa in the sample that breathe air directly rather than extracting it from water using gills. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric001 Percent of the taxa in the sample that breathe air directly rather than extracting it from water using gills. Y
Analysis BERNHARDT67-P Seawater/Marine Dissolved Orthophosphate by Autoanalyzer Bernhardt and Wilhelms, 1967; also Knap, A., et al. (eds.). 1996. Protocols for the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Core Measurements. JGOFS Report Nr. 19, vi+170 pp. Reprint of the IOC Manuals and Guides No. 29, UNESCO 1994. Y
COLLECTION BENTHDFKN Macroinvertebrates (benthic) from stream riffle or pool w/500-um net mesh D-Frame kicknet, 8 sq. ft. Plotnikoff, R.W. and C. Wiseman. 2001. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biological Monitoring Protocols for Rivers and Streams: 2001 Revision. Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Ecology Publication no. 01-03-028 Y
PREPARATION BENTH.5MIC Sediment sample rinsed through a .5 micron soil sieve for Macroinvertebrate identification Y
Derivation Benson&Krause84DOSAT Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Percent Saturation in freshwater and seawater calculated using Benson & Krause 1984 & 1980 algorithms. Benson, B.B., and D. Krause, Jr, 1984 & 1980. The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere: Limnology & Oceanography, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 620-32 and vol. 25. no 4, p. 662-71 Y
Derivation BeamAttenCalc Light beam attenuation coefficient in water column, calculated from transmissometer measurements, wavelength 650 to 660 nm, pathlength 25 cm Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Analysis Beacon-ELISA-20-0149 Cylindrospermopsin by Enzyme-Labeled Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) using the Beacon Cylindrospermopsin Plate Kit Beacon Analytical Systems Inc., 82 Industrial Park Road, Saco, ME 04072. Cylindrospermopsin Plate Kit, Catalog #20-0149 Y
COLLECTION BCKT-SS Bucket, stainless steel Y
Measurement Barometer-aneroid Barometric pressure using aneroid barometer Y BARO
Analysis BAL-4100-001C Arsenic speciation by Ion Chromatography – Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS), Rev 001c. Brooks Applied Labs, SOP BAL-4100, Revision 001c, 2018-12-04. Y
Collection BAILER-UNKNOWN Bailer, material unknown Y
Collection BAILER-TEFLON Bailer, Teflon Y BAIL-TEF
Collection BAILER-STAINLESS Bailer, stainless steel Y BAIL-SS
Collection BAILER-PVC Bailer, PVC Y BAIL-PVC
Collection BAILER-POLYETHYLENE Bailer, Polyethylene Y
Preparation AXYS-XLA-076-M Filtration and XAD-2 Extraction of Large Volume Water Samples, modified (field filtration instead of lab filtration), Rev not specified AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, XLA-076-M, Rev not specified, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-228-01 Organochlorine Pesticides by Isotope Dilution by Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry/ (GCMSMS), AXYS Analytical Services Method, Revision 1 AXYS Analytical AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-228, Rev 01, Y
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