Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
ANALYSIS SLAW72NH3 Seawater/Marine Ammonium Analysis by Autoanalyzer, Slawyk and MacIsaac, 1972 Slawyk, G., and J.J. MacIsaac, 1972. Comparison of two automated ammonium methods in a region of coastal upwelling, Deep-Sea Res., 19, 521-524. Y
Measurement PSS78-SalinityCalc Seawater salinity calculated from conductivity, temperature and pressure sensor measurements, based on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78) and adopted by UNESCO in 1981 as the standard method for calculating salinity from conductivity measurements. Y
Derivation UNESCO83-DepthCalc Seawater depth calculated from pressure sensor measurements using UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science No. 44 formula. This empirical formula takes compressibility (density) into account. An ocean water column at 0 °C (t = 0) and 35 PSU (s = 35) is assumed. The gravity variation with latitude and pressure is computed. Then, depth is calculated from pressure. Fofonoff, N.P. and R.C. Millard Jr.,, 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO technical papers in marine science. 44, 53pp. Y
Measurement UNESCO83-DensityCalc Seawater density calculated from conductivity, temperature and pressure sensor measurements. For sigma-t, density is reported as a function of temperature and salinity at pressure = 0, minus 1000. Fofonoff, N.P. and R.C. Millard Jr.,, 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO technical papers in marine science. 44, 53pp. Y
Analysis SW4025 Screening for Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by Immunoassay EPA SW846 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. New Method, October 2002. Y
COLLECTION SCOOP-SS Scoop or spoon, stainless steel Y
COLLECTION SCOOP-PLAS Scoop or spoon, plastic Y
COLLECTION SCOOP-MISC Scoop or spoon, material type unspecified Y
Analysis BIOO-ELISA-1034-01 Saxitoxin (Paralytic Shellfish Poisons) by BIOO MaxSignal Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kit (1034-01) Bioo Scientific Corp., 3913 Todd Lane Suite 312, Austin, TX, 1-888-208-2246, Y
ANALYSIS WCC-103 S-1.10 Saturation Paste Soil pH Western Coordinating Committee on Nutrient Management (WCC): Soil, Plant and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region, 2003, 2nd Edition. Authors R. Gavlak, D. Horneck, R.O. Miller, and J. Kotuby-Amacher. Y
Analysis SW9100 Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Saturated Leachate Conductivity, and Intrinsic Permeability EPA SW846 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 0, September 1986 Y
Preservation HgCl-Freeze-4DegC Sample preserved with mercury chloride (HgCl) and frozen at -4 degree Celsius Y
PRESERVATION ETHANOL95 Sample preserved in 95% ethanol-filled container upon collection Y
PRESERVATION ETHANOL85 Sample preserved in 85% ethanol-filled container upon collection. Y
PREPARATION SW5000 Sample Preparation for Volatile Organic Compounds EPA SW-846 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. Y
Preservation Cool4DegC Sample kept cool from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius Y
Preservation Cool10DegC Sample kept cool at 10 degrees Celsius Y
Preparation FILTER1.2um-GFF Sample filtered with 1.2 micron glass fiber filter (GFF) Y
Preparation FILTER0.1um Sample filtered with 0.1 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y
PREPARATION DRIED550C Sample dried at 550 degrees C Y
Preparation DRIED104C Sample dried at 104 degrees C Y
Analysis SOP710071 Salinity, Refractometric Ecology-MEL Washington State Department of Ecology, Manchester Environmental Laboratory, 7411 Beach Drive East, Port Orchard, WA 98366, 360-871-8800. Y
Measurement SM2520B-F Salinity, Electrical Conductivity Method, Field Meter Standard Methods 18th, 19th, 20th ed. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1992, 1995, 1998. Y
Analysis SM2520B Salinity, Electrical Conductivity Method Standard Methods 18th, 19th, 20th ed. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1992, 1995, 1998. Y
Analysis SM2520C Salinity, Density Method Standard Methods 18th, 19th, 20th ed. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1992, 1995, 1998. Y
Analysis SM16-210C Salinity, Argentometric Method Standard Methods 16th ed. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1985. Y
Measurement SOP710071F Salinity by field refractometer Ecology-MEL Washington State Department of Ecology, Manchester Environmental Laboratory, 7411 Beach Drive East, Port Orchard, WA 98366, 360-871-8800. Y
Analysis Salinometer-Autosal Salinity by Autosal electrical conductivity method with 4-electrode cell immersed in constant temperature water bath, standardized using IAPSO-approved standard seawater. Y
Analysis FFB-SOP-TLC Results of Analyses of Environmental Samples for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Thin-Layer Chromatography Farr, Friedman & Bruya Inc, Seattle WA Y
Analysis NCASI-85.01 Resin Acids and Fatty Acids Ecology-MEL National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI), 1986. Procedures for the Analysis of Resin and Fatty Acids in Pulp Mill Effluents. NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 501, Appendix D, Method RA/FA-85.01 Y NCASI85.01
Analysis EPA160.4M Residue, Volatile, Muffle Furnace, Gravimetric, Ignition at 550 Deg-C, modified USEPA U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020) Y
Analysis EPA160.40-SM2540G Residue, Volatile, Muffle Furnace, Gravimetric, Ignition at 550 Deg-C and Total, Fixed and Volatile Solids in Solid and Semisolid Samples. USEPA U.S.EPA NERL, Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020) and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF Y
Analysis EPA160.4 Residue, Volatile, Muffle Furnace, Gravimetric, Ignition at 550 Deg-C USEPA U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020) Y
Analysis EPA160.3M Residue, Total, Gravimetric, Dried at 103-105 Deg-C, modified USEPA Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020) Y
Analysis EPA160.3 Residue, Total, Gravimetric, Dried at 103-105 Deg-C USEPA U.S. EPA, Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (MCAWW) (EPA/600/4-79/020) Y
Analysis EPA160.5 Residue, Settleable Matter, Volumetric, Imhoff Cone USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 600/4-79-020 Y
Analysis EPA160.2 Residue, Non-Filterable, Gravimetric, Dried at 103-105 Deg-C USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 600/4-79-020 Y
Analysis EPA160.1 Residue, Filterable, Gravimeteric, Dried at 180 Deg-C USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 600/4-79-020 Y
Derivation RHumidityLoggerCalc Relative humidity by data logger, calculated from water vapor partial pressure divided by the saturated vapor pressure at the ambient temperature Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric025 Ratio of Hydropsychidae/Trichoptera within the sample, represents the relative abundance of pollution tolerant caddisflies. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric003 Ratio of Baetidae/Ephemeroptera within the sample Y
ANALYSIS BLIGHDYER59 Rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification, Bligh and Dyer, 1959 Bligh, E.G. and Dyer, W.J. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 37: 911-917, 1959. Y
Analysis SM7500Rn-B Radon by Liquid Scintillation Method. Standard Methods Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA-AWWA-WPCF Y
Analysis EPARa-05 Radiochemical Determination of Radium-228 in Water Samples by Radiochemical Precipitation and Low Background Proportional Beta Count USEPA US EPA, 1984. Radiochemistry Procedures Manual (EPA/520/5-84-006), June 1984. Y
Analysis EPA905.0 Radioactive Strontium in Drinking Water by Radiochemical Separation and Beta Counting, Version 1.0 USEPA US EPA, 1980. Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water (EPA/600/4-80-032), August 1980. Y
Analysis MI-SOP-DNA qPCR-1.3 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR/CENSUS), Standard Operating Procedure, Revision 1.3 Microbial Insights, Inc., 2017. 10515 Research Drive, Knoxville, TN 37932,, MI SOP-PLFA, Revision 1.3, 3/8/2017. Y MI-SOP-CENSUS-1.3
Analysis Gustafsson1997A Quantification of the dilute sedimentary soot phase: Implications for PAH speciation and bioavailability. Gustafsson, O., F. Haghseta, C. Chan, J. Macfarlane, and P. Gschwend, M. 1997. Quantification of the dilute sedimentary soot phase: Implications for PAH speciation and bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31:203-209. Y
Analysis CUW-001-01 Quantification of Organic Contaminants in Urban Stormwater with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), Rev 01. University of Washington Tacoma, Center for Urban Waters, CUW-001, Rev 01, December 2019, Y
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