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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Analysis PSEP-ORG97 Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Organic Compounds in Water, Sediment, and Tissue, Rev. 1997 PSEP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), Rev 1997. Recommended Guidelines for Measuring Organic Compounds in Puget Sound Water, Sediment and Tissue Samples. Prepared for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority by King County Env Lab Y
ANALYSIS RTI-TREL Trace Elements in Tissue by Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission (ICP), Research Triangle Institute Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS RTI-AS-SE Arsenic and Selenium in Tissue by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption (GFAA), Research Triangle Institute Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS RTI-HG Mercury in Tissue by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA), Research Triangle Institute Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS RTI-WTRCNT Moisture (Water) Content by Freeze-Drying, Research Triangle Institute Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS MSA10-3S Sulfate, Soluble Constituents in Soil, Waters and Aqueous Extracts (Ch. 10-3.7) using Methylthymol Colorimetric Procedure or Ion Chromatography. Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Soluble Salts (Ch. 10), p 167–179. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y
Analysis OSU-SOP-PFAS-2016 PFAS Analytical Methodology with Methanol Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), and Negative-Ion-Mode Electrospray Ionization Robel, Alix and Jennifer Field, 2016. Oregon State University-Department of Environmental & Molecular Toxicology, 1007 ALS Building, 2750 Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331-4003 Y
PREPARATION RYDIN2000P-NH4Cl NH4Cl Extraction for Loosely Bound Phosphorus Rydin, Emil, Brian Huser and Eugene B. Welch, 2000. Amount of Phosphorus Inactivated by Alum Treatments in Washington Lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan., 2000), pp. 226-230 and Psenner, R., et al., 1988 Y
PREPARATION RYDIN2000P-HCl HCl Extraction for Ca-Bound Phosphorus Rydin, Emil, Brian Huser and Eugene B. Welch, 2000. Amount of Phosphorus Inactivated by Alum Treatments in Washington Lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan., 2000), pp. 226-230 and Psenner, R., et al., 1988. Y
PREPARATION RYDIN2000P-NaOH NaOH Extraction for Al-Bound Phosphorus Rydin, Emil, Brian Huser and Eugene B. Welch, 2000. Amount of Phosphorus Inactivated by Alum Treatments in Washington Lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan., 2000), pp. 226-230 and Psenner, R., et al., 1988. Y
PREPARATION RYDIN2000P-DITH Dithionate Extraction for Fe-Bound Phosphorus Rydin, Emil, Brian Huser and Eugene B. Welch, 2000. Amount of Phosphorus Inactivated by Alum Treatments in Washington Lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan., 2000), pp. 226-230 and Psenner, R., et al., 1988. Y
Preparation SAEJ2975-DRILL Brake Friction Material Drilled to Produce Residue Sample, from Measurement of Copper and Other Elements in Brake Friction Materials, Original Version. SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, (877)-606-7323,, Original Version, 2011-12-12 Y
Analysis SAEJ2975 Measurement of Copper and Other Elements in Brake Friction Materials, Original Version SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, (877)-606-7323,, Original Version, 2011-12-12 Y
Analysis SAEJ2975A Measurement of Copper and Other Elements in Brake Friction Materials, Revision A SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, (877)-606-7323,, Revision A, 2013-12-20 Y
ANALYSIS Solarzan69 Ammonia-Nitrogen in water by phenol-hypochlorite method. Salarzano, L., 1969. The determination of ammonia in natural water by the phenol-hypochlorite method. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14(5):799-801. Y
Analysis NOAA172.1 Trace Metals in Marine Animal Tissues by Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry ICP/MS, 1993-1996 update NOAA Sampling and Analytical Methods of the National Status and Trends Program Mussel Watch Project: 1993-1996 Update. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 130. March 1998. Silver Spring, MD. 233pp. Y
Analysis NOAA172.1H Trace Metals in Marine Animal Tissues by Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry ICP/MS, 1984-1992 NOAA Sampling and Analytical Methods of the National Status and Trends Program National Benthic Surveillance and Mussel Watch Projects, 1984-1992. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 71. July 1993. Silver Spring, MD Y
Derivation DNR-TFW-AM9-99-005 TFW Monitoring Program manual for the stream temperature survey. Schuett-Hames, D., A. E. Pleus, E. Rashin, and J. Matthews. 1999a. Prepared for the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources under the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement. Rep. No. TFW-AM9-99-005. DNR # 107. Y
Analysis TFW-AM9-99-006-Grav Particle/Grain Size Fines by Dry Sieve Gravimetric Method, TFW, 1999. Schuett-Hames, D., R. Conrad, A Pleus, and M. McHenry. 1999. TFW Monitoring Program method manual for the salmonid spawning gravel composition survey. Prepared for WADNR under the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement. TFW-AM9-99-006. Y
Measurement CONDUCTIVITY-SBE Conductivity sensor using cylindrical, flow-through, borosilicate glass cell with three internal platinum electrodes & Wein bridge, unique to Sea-Bird Electronics Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., 1808 136th Place NE, Bellevue, WA 98005, 425-643-9866, Y
Analysis AXYS MLA-075-08 Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products and Hormones in Solid, Aqueous, Tissue, and POCIS Samples by LC-MS/MS, Rev 08. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-075, Rev 08, Ver 01, December 2020, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-108-01-01 Selected Chlorinated and Brominated Flame Retardants in Tissue Samples by Gas Chromatography Electron Capture Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry (GC-(ECNI)-MS), Rev 01, Ver 01 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-108, Rev 01, Ver 01, December 2015, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-110-01-05 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Samples, Solids and Solvent Extracts by LC-MS/MS, Rev 01, Ver 05 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-110, Rev 01, Ver 05, December 2017, Y
Analysis AXYS MLA-110-01 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Samples, Solids and Solvent Extracts by LC-MS/MS, Rev 01 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-110, Rev 01, March 2017, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-110-01-06 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Samples, Solids and Solvent Extracts by LC-MS/MS, Rev 01, Ver 06. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-110, Rev 01, Ver 06, March 21, 2018, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-110-01-07 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Samples, Solids and Solvent Extracts by LC-MS/MS, Rev 01, Ver 07. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-110, Rev 01, Ver 07, November 15, 2018, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-110-02-08 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Samples, Solids and Solvent Extracts by LC-MS/MS, Rev 02, Ver 08. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-110, Rev 02, Ver 08, November 12, 2020, Y AXYS MLA-110-02-08
Analysis AXYS-MLA-111-02-02 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Total Oxidizable Precursors (Top) in Aqueous and Solid Matrices, Rev 02, Ver 02 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-111, Rev 02, Ver 02. December 2017, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-111-02-03 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Total Oxidizable Precursors (Top) in Aqueous and Solid Matrices, Rev 02, Ver 03 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-111, Rev 02, Ver 03. May 2019, Y
Analysis AXYS-MLA-111-03-01 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Total Oxidizable Precursors (Top) in Aqueous and Solid Matrices, Rev 03, Ver 01. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-111, Rev 03, Ver 01, November 13, 2020, Y AXYS MLA-111-03-01
Analysis AXYS MLA-113-01-04 Bisphenols in Biosolid, Solid, Influent, Effluent and Other Environmental Aqueous Samples, Rev 01, Ver 04. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-113, Rev 01, Ver 04, November 2019, Y
Analysis AXYS MLA-115-01 Triclosan and Methyl Triclosan in Tissues by High Resolution Gas Chromatography with High Resolution Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometric Detection (HRGC/HRMS), Rev 01 AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MLA-115, Rev 01, Ver 02, November 2018, Y
Analysis AXYS MLA-118-01-01 Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Antiozonants and Selected Degradation Products in Aqueous Samples by UHPLC-MS/MS (Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry), Revision 01, Version 01. AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, MSU-118, Rev 01, Ver. 01, October 21, 2021, Y
Preparation AXYS-XLA-076-M Filtration and XAD-2 Extraction of Large Volume Water Samples, modified (field filtration instead of lab filtration), Rev not specified AXYS Analytical SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., Sidney, BC, XLA-076-M, Rev not specified, Y
Analysis SGS-HR-PAH-R8 Standard Operating Procedure for the Sample Preparation and Analysis of PAHs by Isotope-Dilution HRCG/HRMS, Revision 8 SGS North America Inc, 2015. Standard Operating Procedure for the Sample Preparation and Analysis of PAHs by Isotope-Dilution HRCG/HRMS, Revision 8. Wilmington, NC. 06/11/2015. Y
Analysis Shick2012 Isotopic analysis of solid samples for stable isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogen by continuous flow combustion – isotope ratio mass spectrometry (C-IRMS). Shick, E., E. Delgado, J. Matthews. 2012. Isotopic analysis of solid samples for stable isotopes of C and N by continuous flow combustion – isotope ratio mass spectrometry (C-IRMS). Stable Isotope Facility, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cal Y
Analysis EPA537.0-V1.1 Determination of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAS) in drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), Version 1.1. Shoemaker, J. A., P. Grimmett, and B. Boutin. U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), Cincinnati, OH, EPA/600/R-08/092), Version 1.1, September 2009. Y EPA537, EPA537-V1.1
Analysis EPA537.0-V1.1M Determination of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAS) in drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), Version 1.1, Modified Method. Shoemaker, J. A., P. Grimmett, and B. Boutin. U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), Cincinnati, OH, EPA/600/R-08/092), Version 1.1, September 2009. Y EPA537-V1.1M, EPA537M
Analysis EPA537.1-V1.0 Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), Version 1.0. Shoemaker, J. and Dan Tettenhorst. U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC. EPA537.1, EPA/600/R-18/352, Version 1.0, 11/02/2018 Y EPA537.1
Analysis EPA537.1-V1.0M Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), Version 1.0, Modified Method. Shoemaker, J. and Dan Tettenhorst. U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC. EPA537.1, EPA/600/R-18/352, Version 1.0, 11/02/2018. Y EPA537.1M
MEASUREMENT SILVA-AB40 Silva Sweden AB/40 anemometer (wind speed, direction) Silva Sweden AB, P.O. Box 998, SE-191 29 Sollentuna, SWEDEN, Y
Collection SEDTRAP-CYLINDER Suspended sediment / suspended particulate matter (SPM) trap with upright cylinder(s) in frame Similar to: Norton, D, 1996. Commencement Bay Sediment Trap Monitoring Program, Washington Department of Ecology Publication 96-315. Y
Collection SEDTRAP-BOTTLE Suspended sediment / suspended particulate matter (SPM) trap with upright bottle(s) in frame Similar to: Norton, D., 1996. Stormwater Sediment Trap Pilot Study. WA Dept of Ecology Pub 96-347. Y
ANALYSIS SLAW72NH3 Seawater/Marine Ammonium Analysis by Autoanalyzer, Slawyk and MacIsaac, 1972 Slawyk, G., and J.J. MacIsaac, 1972. Comparison of two automated ammonium methods in a region of coastal upwelling, Deep-Sea Res., 19, 521-524. Y
Analysis NOAA-NMFS-NWFSC-59 Organic Contaminants in Sediments and Tissues by Extraction, Cleanup, and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry NOAA Sloan, C. A., et al., 2004. Extraction, cleanup, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of sediments and tissues for organic contaminants. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-59, 47 p. Y NOAA-TM59
Analysis NOAA-NMFS-NWFSC-125 Analyses of Tissue, Sediment, and Water Samples for Organic Contaminants by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) and Analyses of Tissue for Lipid Classes by Thin Layer Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detection (TLC/FID), Sloan, C.A., et. al., 2014. NOAA Sloan, C.A., et. al., 2014. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-125. Y
Analysis EPA600/2-78-054-3.2 Maximum potential acidity by sulfur determination, EPA 600/2-78-054. USEPA Sobek, Andrew A., W.A. Schuller, J.R. Freeman, and R.M. Smith. March 1978. Field and Laboratory Methods Applicable to Overburdens and Minesoils. EPA600/2-78-054, Ch 3.2.4 Y
ANALYSIS MSA17-5 Free iron oxide in soil by sodium dithionite-citrate extraction and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) Soil Conservation Service, 1972. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y MSA-17-5
Collection PUMP-GW-LOW-FLOW Low-flow (low stress, minimal drawdown) groundwater sampling by pump (0.1 - 0.5 L/min, up to 1 L/min in coarse material). SOP based on current EPA or USGS guidance Y
Analysis SWRI-ORD-HPLC Picric and Picramic Acid Ordnance Compounds by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Southwest Research Institute, 1992. San Antonio, TX, proprietary method Y
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