Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
COLLECTION SCOOP-MISC Scoop or spoon, material type unspecified Y
PREPARATION SIEVE-0.5MM Sieved with 0.5 millimeter screen Y
Collection LYSIMETER Lysimeter Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric016 Number of Ephemeroptera taxa within the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric013 Percent of the sample represented by the 2 most abundant taxa Y
Measurement PSS78-SalinityCalc Seawater salinity calculated from conductivity, temperature and pressure sensor measurements, based on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78) and adopted by UNESCO in 1981 as the standard method for calculating salinity from conductivity measurements. Y
Collection Electrofish-backpack Fish collection, electro-shock via backpack-mounted unit Y
Derivation USGS-STREAMSTATS Streamflow calculated by USGS StreamStats model. Y
Measurement TDS-METER Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) by Field Meter. Y TDSMETER
COLLECTION FISH-NET-GILL Fish collection, netting, gill net Y
Collection POCIS Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) Y
COLLECTION CORE-B.018 Corer, Balchek gravity, 0.018 m2 Y
COLLECTION CORE-BX.0169 Corer, box, 0.0169 m2 (13x13 cm) Y
Collection PUMP-HAND-VACUUM Pump, hand vacuum Y PUMP-HANDVAC
COLLECTION CORE-BX.16 Corer, box, 0.16 m2 Y
COLLECTION CORE-VIBRA Corer, Vibra-, size unspecified Y
COLLECTION PNET-MISC Plankton net, type unspecified Y
Collection PassDiffAirTube Passive Diffusive Axial (Tube-Style) Air Sampler Y
Measurement FlowmeterEM Flowmeter, electromagnetic Y
MEASUREMENT STAGE-TRAN Surface water/stream stage by pressure transducer. Y
Collection TedlarBag Tedlar Bag – Air/Gas Grab Sampler Y
MEASUREMENT QUANTUMSEN Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) by Quantum Sensor Y
Collection SonicSplitSpoon Sonic drill with spilt spoon sampler Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric028 Index measuring the tolerance to heavy metal toxicity of the community represented by the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric001 Percent of the taxa in the sample that breathe air directly rather than extracting it from water using gills. Y
Derivation AverageDepth Average stream depth, calculated by total cross-sectional area (sq ft) divided by wetted width (ft) Y AVGDEPTH
ANALYSIS UNKNOWN-SQ Unknown method - legacy data from SEDQUAL sediments database. Y
Collection FISH-NET-BEACHSEINE Fish collection, netting, beach seine Y
PREPARATION SIEVE-0.250MM Sieved with 0.250 millimeter screen Y
COLLECTION SCOOP-PLAS Scoop or spoon, plastic Y
Collection GlassBottleAirSamp Glass bottle sampler for air and gas. Y Bottle-Vac
MEASUREMENT GrainSizeEST Visual estimate to determine particle/grain size present in a sample Y
Collection PeriphytonMultiple Periphyton Sampling Methods for composite sample containing material collected from multiple (more than two) kinds of habitats Y
COLLECTION BONGONET1 Plankton net, paired Bongo, 0.1 m2 Y
Collection COMP-WATERCOLUMN Composite water sample, constant volume. Samples of equal volume are taken at different water column depths and composited. Y
Collection FISH-ANGLING Fish collection, with rod, hook, and line. Y
BIOASSAY UNKNOWN-BIOASSAY Unknown bioassay method - only for historic data or results where the method can't be determined. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric041 Number of organisms in the sample that are sensitive to perturbation Y
PRESERVATION ETHANOL85 Sample preserved in 85% ethanol-filled container upon collection. Y
Collection PeeperCylinderPolyP Peeper Multi-Chambered Cylindrical Passive Sampling Device with Polypropylene Semi-Permeable Membranes Y
Measurement ISE-NO3 Ion-Selective Electrode Probe for Field Measurement of Nitrate Ions in Water Y
COLLECTION GRAB-POWER Grab sampler, powered pneumatic Y
COLLECTION FAUCET Water sample, faucet closest to well, pre-treatment, purged before collection Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric038 The ratio of organisms that feed on attached periphyton (Scrapers) to the number of Scrapers and Filterers (organisms that feed by filtering organic matter from the water column) combined. Y
Measurement FID-METER Flame Ionization Detector (FID), field meter for VOCs and other gases Y FIDMETER
Measurement SWFADV Streamflow by acoustic doppler velocimeter Y
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