Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Preservation Cool4DegC Sample kept cool from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius Y
COLLECTION BOTTLEDIP Bottle, direct dip/fill, type unspecified Y
COLLECTION PNET-PS.1 Plankton net, 0.1 m2 Puget Sound, opening and closing Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric052 Number of Trichoptera Taxa present in the sample Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric040 Percent of organisms that are sensitive to perturbation Y
Collection Electrofish-boat Fish collection, electro-shock via boat-mounted unit Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric043 Number of organisms in the sample that are tolerant to perturbation Y
Collection Niskin-HandClose Bottle, Niskin, hand-lowered by line to target (nominal) depth and hand-triggered to close via brass messenger. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric044 Number of taxa in the sample that requires more than a year to complete one generation Y
PREPARATION Rinsed Specimen rinsed three times with distilled/deionized water prior to analysis. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric033 Taxa richness of those organisms considered to be sensitive to perturbation Y
COLLECTION PETERSEN Grab sampler, Petersen, size unspecified Y
Collection Niskin-RealtimeClose Bottle, Niskin, electronically triggered by field tech to close at target (nominal) depth, based on real-time pressure sensor measurement. Closure depth recorded by data logger and post-processed. Y
Collection DGT Diffusive gradients in thin films passive sampling device Y
PRESERVATION IspAlcohol Isopropyl Alcohol Y
Derivation TRC-CALC Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) by Field Measurement of Manganese+TRC minus Manganese using a Residual Chlorine Meter Y
Preparation FILTER.45um-GFF Water sample filtered with 0.45 micron (micrometer) glass fiber filter (GFF) Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric036 The number of taxa in the sample representing organisms that consume other organisms Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric034 Percent of organisms considered to be tolerant of various types of perturbation Y
Preparation ID-COUNT-PREP500 500-organism count from minimum 2 of 30 6x6 cm square sub-sampling grid. Prepped in alcohol prior to observation under a dissecting microscope. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric002 Number of taxa in the sample that breathe air directly rather than extracting it from water using gills. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric039 The percent of the sample represented by organsims that feed on attached periphyton (Scrapers) and organisms that feed on coarse organic matter from the substrate. Y
PREPARATION SIEVE-25.4MM Sieved with 25.4 millimeter screen Y
PRESERVATION ETHANOL95 Sample preserved in 95% ethanol-filled container upon collection Y
Collection PeriphytonCoarseVeg Periphyton Sampling Methods for composite sample containing material collected from Course Substrate + Emergent Vegetation or Submerged Vegetation Habitats Y
Preparation FILTER.45um Water sample filtered with 0.45 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y FILTER.45M
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric046 Compares diversity by accounting for both richness and evenness of the sample. Generally this metric scores between 0 and 4.5. A higher score represents higher diversity. It is not used to compare sites, however since it is affected by changes in both the number of taxa and the relative abundance of those taxa. Y
Preparation FILTER1.0um-GFF-BF-B Water samples filtered with 1.0 micron glass fiber filter (GFF), binder free (BF), borosilicate glass (B). Y
Collection FISH-LONGLINE Fish collection, with multiple hooks on a long line typically anchored to the bottom. Y
COLLECTION ECKMAN Grab sampler, Eckman, size unspecified Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric048 The percent of organisms in the sample that have a pollution tolerance value greater than 8 (Klemm et al 2002). Y
Collection CORE-EPA-SW5035 Corer, EPA SW-846 Method 5035 Core Sampler Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric027 Compares richness between two sites where different numbers of individuals have been collected, its value can be greater than 1, while other diversity measures score between 0 and 1. Y
COLLECTION KEMMER-ACRYLIC Bottle, Kemmerer, Clear Acrylic Y
Collection OTTERTRAWL Fish or macroinvertebrate collection by netting, otter trawl Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric006 The percent of the sample represented by organisms that have adaptations to help them attach to surfaces in flowing water. Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric042 Percent of organisms tolerant of perturbation Y
Measurement FLOW-SPRINKLER Flow estimated by individual sprinkler head discharge rate X number of sprinkler heads. Y
Measurement ISE-Cl Chloride by Silver Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode Y ISE-Chloride
Preparation FILTER0.1um Sample filtered with 0.1 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y
COLLECTION CORE-SONIC Corer, Sonic drill sampler barrel Y
Collection SoilGasSubSlabTip Soil Gas or Vapor Sub-Slab Sampling Probe Tip Y
Collection US-DH-TEF Isokinetic depth-integrating USGS DH sampler with Teflon components (bottle, cap, nozzle). Y
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric049 The percent of the sample represented by organisms that can control the speed and direction of movement in the water column. Y
Analysis ASTM-D5057-10 Standard Test Method for Screening Apparent Specific Gravity and Bulk Density of Waste ASTM Y
MEASUREMENT photometer Light attenuation or light intensity at depth by underwater photometer. Y
Measurement GWL-OIL-METER Product or groundwater level by electronic oil/water interface meter Y OIL-METER
MEASUREMENT BIOHabitatMetric024 Uses tolerance values to weight abundance in an estimate of overall pollution. Originally designed to evaluate organic pollution Y
Preparation FILTER1.5um-GFF Water sample filtered with 1.5 micron (micrometer) glass fiber filter (GFF) Y
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