Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
PREPARATION SW3051 Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils, and Oils, Revision 0 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. Revision 0, September 1994 Y
Preparation SIEVE-2.0MM Sieved with a 2.0 millimeter screen Y
Bioassay ECY-SAPA-C03 Freshwater Microtox 100 Percent Porewater Sediment Toxicity Assessment (SAPA Appendix C), Rev 2003 Ecology, 2003. Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan Appendix - Guidance on the Development of Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plans Meeting the Requirements of the Sediment Management Standards (Ch. 173-204 WAC), Publication No 3-09-043 Y
Collection HYDROLAB Collected using Hydrolab multi-parameter probe Y
Collection PDB-SedPoreWater Passive Diffusion Bag (PDB) Sediment Pore Water Sampler Y
Preparation PSEP-TOC-PREP Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Conventional Sediment Variables, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Combustion, 70 deg C, 1986, Minor Rev. 2003, PREP Puget Sound Estuary Program (PSEP), 1986, Minor Rev. 2003. Recommended Protocols for Measuring Conventional Sediment Variables in Puget Sound. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for US EPA Region 10 and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Olympia, WA. Y PSEP-TOC-P
Collection LVPUFAir Low-volume polyurethane foam (PUF) air sampler. Y
PREPARATION SW3540A Soxhlet Extraction, Nonvolatile and Semivolatile Organics from Solids, Revision 1 U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revison 1, July 1992. Y
Measurement UVSpec-NO3 Submersible In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer for nitrate detection in water Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Analysis ID-COUNT-LEVEL2 Level 2 (Lowest Practical Level) Identification and Count for Benthic Samples from Hard-Bottomed Wadable Streams Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP); Northwest Standard Taxonomic Effort (NWSTE),, January 2013 Y
Analysis CARB435-17-M California Air Resources Board Test Method 435 - Determination of Asbestos Content of Serpentine Aggregate, V2017, modified method. California Air Resource Board, Monitoring and Laboratory Division, April 2017 Y
Measurement Fluorometer-generic Fluorometer, generic. Exact type not specified. Y
Preparation SW3550B Ultrasonic Extraction, Nonvolatile and Semivolatile Organics from Solids, Revision 2 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. Revision 2, December 1996. Y
Collection HVPUFAir High-volume polyurethane foam (PUF) air sampler. Y
Preparation DRIED104C Sample dried at 104 degrees C Y
ANALYSIS EL-ADDA-ABRAXIS Microcystins and Nodularins in Water by Abraxis ADDA Congener-Independent Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kit ABRAXIS, 54 Steamwhistle Drive, Warminster, PA 18974, (215) 357-3911, Y
Analysis EML-GA-01R Gamma Radioassay USDOE Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Procedures Manual, 28th Edition, Vol. I, Department of Energy Report HASL-300, February 1997 Y
ANALYSIS WALKLEY-BLACK34 Total organic carbon (TOC) in soil by the Walkley-Black dichromate oxidation method. Walkley, A. and I.A. Black, 1934. An Examination of the Degtjareff Method for Determining Soil Organic Matter and a Proposed Modification of the Chromic Acid Titration Method. Soil Science, 37:29-38. Y
COLLECTION STM-FieldGroup14 Large Woody Debris - This method explains how to count pieces of large woody debris in waded streams for the Status and Trends Program when traversing the length of the stream site. Observations are limited to the main channel. This method applies to streams of Western Washington (west of the Cascade ridge), where natural conditions are expected to include larger sizes of wood. Y
BIOASSAY Lee-EPA89 Guidance Manual: Bedded Sediment BioaccumulationTests, EPA 600/X-89/302 Lee, H. II, B.L. Boese, J. Pelletier, M. Winsor, D.T. Specht, and R.C. Randall. 1989. Guidance Manual: Bedded Sediment BioaccumulationTests. September 1989. USEPA, 600/X-89/302. Y
Analysis ORNL-SOP7.2.3 Beta Radioassay Procedure for Pb-210 and Bi-210 Analyses Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 1957. Master Analytical Manual, Section 2, Radiochemical Methods, Procedure 7.2.3, TID-7015, November 1, 1957. Y
PREPARATION SW3052 Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous and Organically Based Matrices, Revision 0 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 0, December 1996. Y
Preservation Cool10DegC Sample kept cool at 10 degrees Celsius Y
Collection WIPE-MISC Surface wipe, material unspecified Y
Analysis CLP-SOM02.4-LM-VOA Low/Medium Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds by Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), EPA Contract Lab Program (CLP) U.S. EPA, 2016. EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Organic Superfund Methods Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration SOM02.4, Exhibit D, October 2016. Y
Measurement pH-Ag/AgCl-Glass pH Sensor Using Pressure-Balanced Glass-Electrode with Ag/AgCl Reference Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
COLLECTION PDB-GW Passive Diffusion Bag (PDB) Groundwater Sampler Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81S2 Sulfide by Methylene Blue, Colorimetric or Iodine Titrimetric (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
Analysis SAEJ2975 Measurement of Copper and Other Elements in Brake Friction Materials, Original Version SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, (877)-606-7323,, Original Version, 2011-12-12 Y
Preparation FILTER5um Water sample filtered with 5 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y FILTER5M
Measurement PARSensor-Sphere Sensor using a spherical silicon photovoltaic detector for measuring quantum response of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in 400-700 nm spectrum Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Collection PUMP-INERTIAL-LIFT Pump, WaTerra inertial lift or similar Y PUMP-INERTIAL
PREPARATION SW5030A Purge-and-Trap for Aqueous Samples, Revision 1 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 1, July 1992. Y
Measurement GWLMU Groundwater level by sonic meter Y
Preparation FILTER11um-CA Water sample filtered with 11 micron (micrometer) cellulose acetate filter (CA) Y
PREPARATION SW3050A Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils, Revision 1 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. Revision 1, July 1992. Y
Collection MidwaterTrawl Fish collection by towing a cone-shaped net at a chosen depth in the water column. Also known as pelagic trawling. Y
ANALYSIS PLM-DS Asbestos by Polarized Light Microscopy and Dispersion Staining, exact method unknown Y
ANALYSIS KEROUEL1997 Fluorometric determination of ammonia in sea and estuarine waters by direct segmented flow analysis Kerouel, R, and Alain Aminot. Marine Chemistry, Volume 57, Issues 3-4, July 1997, Pages 265-275 Y
Preparation FILTER.45um-PP Water sample filtered with 0.45 micron (micrometer) polypropylene filter (PP) Y FILTER.45M-PP
Analysis EF-BF-MB-009-6 Volatile Fatty Acids by Ion Chromatography (Dionex), Eurofins SOP BF-MB-009, Revision 6. Eurofins TestAmerica SOP BF-MB-009, Revision 6. Based on Standard Methods 5560, Organic and Volatile Acids, 4/3/2020. Y
Derivation RHumidityLoggerCalc Relative humidity by data logger, calculated from water vapor partial pressure divided by the saturated vapor pressure at the ambient temperature Y
Analysis Eberline-14C Carbon-14 in Water – Liquid Scintillation Counting Eberline Services Internal Laboratory Procedures, Rod Melgard, Lab Manager, Eberline Services, Richmond, CA, 2009 Y
Analysis EA-SOP-2016-COUNT-R1 Soft Bodied Algae and Diatom Identification, Enumeration, and Processing Standard Operating Procedure, Rev 1. EcoAnalysts, Moscow ID, February 2016. Y
Collection BottomTrawl Fish collection by dragging a net along the bottom. Also known as benthic trawling. Y
Preparation SoilTest-DTPA-S4.40 Estimation of available soil phosphorus AB-DTPA Soltanpour and Schwab Method Western States Methods: Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81NH3 Nitrogen (Ammonia) by Colorimetric-Auto-Phenate/Auto-O-Tolidine/or Manual, Titrimetric, Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
Bioassay ASTM-E1706/EPAB100.5 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Fresh Water Invertebrates (Historical Method) AND Life-cycle Test for Measuring the Effects of Sediment-associated Contaminants on Chironomus tentans (Midge), 2nd Ed Combination method. See original individual methods - ASTM-E1706-00 (or -95) and EPA-BIO100.5-2 Y
ANALYSIS PLUMB81TC Total Organic & Inorganic Carbon, Infrared (Water), Ignition or Diff Combustion (Soil), Plumb, 1981 (EPA/CE-81-1) Plumb, R.H. 1981. Procedures for handling and chemical analysis of sediment and water samples. Technical Report EPA/CE-81-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS Y
Collection PeriphytonCoarseFine Periphyton Sampling Methods for composite sample containing material collected from Course Substrate + Pea gravel/Sand or Silt Habitats Mathieu, N., S. Collyard, and T. Mohamedali, 2013. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Collection of Periphyton Samples for TMDL studies. Version 1.1. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. SOP Number EAP085. Y
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