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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Analysis USDOE-U-02-RC Isotopic Uranium in Biological and Environmental Materials The Procedures Manual of the Environmental Measurements Laboratory, Volumes I & II, 28th Edition, US Department of Energy Environmental Measurements Laboratory, Washington, D.C., HASL-300, February 1997 Y U-02-RC
Analysis NCASI-487 An Evaluation of Certain Limitations of the Chromotropic Acid Method for Measurement of Formaldehyde in Wastewaters National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). 1986. Technical Bulletin No. 0487: An Evaluation of Certain Limitations of the Chromotropic Acid Method for Measurement of Formaldehyde in Wastewaters, 4/86, Research Triangle Park, NC Y
Preservation Freeze-20DegC Frozen at -20 degrees Celsius Y
Analysis Beacon-ELISA-20-0149 Cylindrospermopsin by Enzyme-Labeled Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) using the Beacon Cylindrospermopsin Plate Kit Beacon Analytical Systems Inc., 82 Industrial Park Road, Saco, ME 04072. Cylindrospermopsin Plate Kit, Catalog #20-0149 Y
ANALYSIS I-2057-90 Anions in Filtered Water by Automated Ion-Exchange Chromatographic (USGS) Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A1, Rev 1990. Y
Measurement TurbiditySeawater Turbidity by optical backscatter at 700nm with 124 degree detector Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
PREPARATION SW3630B Silica Gel Cleanup, Revision 2 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 2, September 1994. Y
Analysis WTPH-D-SG Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel in Soil (Kerosene-Fuel Oil #2 or >Dodecane-Tetracosane), modified with silica gel cleanup Y
Preparation SW3005A Acid Digestion of Waters for Total Recoverable or Dissolved Metals for Analysis by Flame Atomic Absorption (FLAA) or Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectroscopy, Revision 1 U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 1, July 1992 Y
Measurement Pressure-StrainGauge Strain-gauge pressure sensor Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
Analysis TBE-PB210-2015 Pb-210 Radiochemistry, Teledyne-Brown Engineering SOP, based on EPA 901.1 (Gamma Radiation Detection) Y
Analysis TBE-2015-R4 Lead-210 Activity in Various Matrices (Soil and Sediment), Revision 4 Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services, Huntsville, AL, Revision 4, 10/5/2011 Y
ANALYSIS I-2522-90 Ammonia as Nitrogen in Water by Colorimetry, Salicylate-Hypochlorite, Automated-Segmented Flow (ASF) (USGS) M.J. Fishman, 1993, Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory--Determination of inorganic and organic constituents in water and fluvial sediments: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-125 Y
MEASUREMENT WINDSPEED Wind Speed by field meter Y
Preservation Freeze-18DegC Frozen at -18 degrees Celsius Y
PREPARATION SW3051A Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils, and Oils, Revision 1 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. Revision 1, February 2007. Y
MEASUREMENT ITI455 Innerspace Technology 455 single frequency survey depth sounder (accuracy of 0.2 m with 0.1 m measurement resolution) Innerspace Technology, Inc., Carlstadt, N.J., (201) 933-1600, Y
Analysis uNBOD4.57-CALC Ultimate Nitrogenous Biological Oxygen Demand (uNBOD) calculated by constant 4.57 x TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) Y
ANALYSIS CEC-THOMAS Cation Exchange Capacity of Soils (Ammonium Acetate) Thomas, G.W. 1982. Exchangeable cations. In: A.L. Page et al. (Ed.) Methods of soil analysis, Part 2, 2nd Ed, pp. 159-165. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. Y
PREPARATION SW3541 Automated Soxhlet Extraction, Revision 0 EPA Office of Solid Waste SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Revision 0, September 1994. Y
Bioassay ECY-SAPA-B03 Marine Microtox 100 Percent Porewater Sediment Toxicity Assessment (SAPA Appendix B), Rev 2003 Ecology, 2003. Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan Appendix - Guidance on the Development of Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plans Meeting the Requirements of the Sediment Management Standards (Ch. 173-204 WAC), Publication No 3-09-043 Y
ANALYSIS PAPRICAN79 Pentachlorophenol And Tetrachlorophenols By Gas Chromatography/Electron Capture Detector (GC/ECD), Canadian Pulp Method PAPRICAN. 1979. Effect of pulp chlorination conditions on the formation of toxic chlorinated compounds. CPAR Project Report 828-1. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada. Y
ANALYSIS RSK-175B EPA SOP for Dissolved Gas Analysis in Water Samples Using a GC Headspace Equilibration Technique, Revision 2 US EPA National Risk Management Research Lab, prepared for the use of the Ground Water and Ecosystems Restoration Division, Revision 2, May 2004. Y
ANALYSIS I-2540-90 Nitrite as Nitrogen in Filtered Water by Colorimetry, Diazotization, Automated-Segmented Flow (ASF) (USGS) M.J. Fishman, 1993, Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory--Determination of inorganic and organic constituents in water and fluvial sediments: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-125 Y
Preparation SoilTest-OLSEN-S4.10 Estimation of available soil phosphorus Sodium Bicarbonate Method. Western States Methods: Olsen et al. Y
Derivation Owens&Millard85DOSAT Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Percent Saturation calculated from temperature and salinity at standard pressure = 1 atm using Owens & Millard, 1985, algorithms. Owens, W.B and R.C. Millard (1985). A New Algorithm for CTD Oxygen Calibration. J. Physical Oceanography, vol 15(5), p 621-631 Y
Analysis CLP-SOM02.4-ARO PCB Aroclors by Gas Chromatograph-Electron Capture Detector (GC/ECD), EPA Contract Lab Program (CLP) U.S. EPA, 2016. EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Organic Superfund Methods Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration SOM02.4, Exhibit D, October 2016. Y
ANALYSIS I-3765 Total Suspended Solids, residue dried at 105 deg C, gravimetric (USGS) Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A1 Edited by Marvin J. Fishman and Linda C. Friedman. Revison 1985 Y
Collection PeriphytonFineVeg Periphyton Sampling Methods for composite sample containing material collected from Pea gravel/Sand or Silt Habitats + Emergent Vegetation or Submerged Vegetation Habitats Y
Analysis GW-RCDating-DIC-AMS Groundwater Radiocarbon Dating by Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) BETA Analytic Inc., 4985 SW 74th Court, Miami, Florida 33155 U.S.A, Y
BIOASSAY ASTM-E724/PSEP-BIO95 Standard Guide for Conducting Static Acute ToxicityTests w/Saltwater Bivalve Mollusk Embryos (ASTM-E724-98) AND Puget Sound Estuary Protocols, Laboratory Bioassays on Puget Sound Sediments, Rev. 1995 (PSEP-BIO95) Combination method. See original methods - ASTM-E724-98 and PSEP-BIO95 Y
Measurement Fe2-DIPYRIDYL Iron, ferrous, in water or soil by Dipyridyl paper test strips or reagent - for detection and semi-quantitative determination Y
Analysis JGOFS94-CH8 The Determination of Nitrite, Nitrate +Nitrite, Orthophosphate and Reactive Silicate in Seawater using continuous Flow Analysis. Knap, A., A. Michaels, A. Close, H. Ducklow and A. Dickson (eds.). 1996. Protocols for the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Core Measurements. JGOFS Report Nr. 19, vi+170 pp. Reprint of the IOC Manuals and Guides No. 29, UNESCO 1994. Y
ANALYSIS MSA10-3S Sulfate, Soluble Constituents in Soil, Waters and Aqueous Extracts (Ch. 10-3.7) using Methylthymol Colorimetric Procedure or Ion Chromatography. Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Soluble Salts (Ch. 10), p 167–179. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y
Collection COMP-SUMP-SED-SOIL Composite sediment or soil sample from sump, collected over a specific period of time. Y
Preparation UNKNOWN-PREP Unknown preparation method - only for historic data or results where the method can't be determined. Y
ANALYSIS DO-WT-GRASSHOFF99 Dissolved oxygen (DO) by Winkler titration modified per Hansen/Grasshoff, Ehrhardt, and Kremling (1999). Hanson, H.P., 1999. Determination of Oxygen. IN: Methods of Seawater Analysis, K. Grasshoff, K. Kremling, and M Ehrhardt, Third ed., WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Germany. Pp 75-89. Y
ANALYSIS WSU-DXNFRN Dioxins and Furans in Tissue, Wright State University Dr. Thomas O. Tiernan, Wright State University, Dayton OH, 1992 Y
Preservation Freeze-10DegC Frozen at -10 degrees Celsius Y
PREPARATION RYDIN2000P-NH4Cl NH4Cl Extraction for Loosely Bound Phosphorus Rydin, Emil, Brian Huser and Eugene B. Welch, 2000. Amount of Phosphorus Inactivated by Alum Treatments in Washington Lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan., 2000), pp. 226-230 and Psenner, R., et al., 1988 Y
MEASUREMENT HACH-MN-5 Manganese by HACH MN-5 Field Kit, Color Disc/Cold Periodate Hach Company, P.O. Box 389. Loveland, Colorado, 80539-0389, 800-227-4224, Y
ANALYSIS I-2700-85 Silica, Dissolved, Colorimetric, Molybdate Blue, Automated-Segmented Flow (ASF) (USGS) Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A1, Rev 1989. Y
Measurement FlowmeterMechanical Flowmeter, mechanical (e.g., turbine, paddlewheel, jet) Y
Collection FISH-MULTI Fish collection, multiple methods (see Field Collection Comment). Y
COLLECTION COMP-CV-CFVI Composite sample, constant volume/constant flow volume increment. Samples of equal volume are taken at equal increments of flow volume and composited. Washington State Department of Ecology SOP ECY002, Standard Operating Procedure for Automatic Sampling for Stormwater Monitoring, V1, September 2009. Y
MEASUREMENT LTGEM2000 Landtec GEM 2000 Portable Infrared Gas Analyzer/Field Meter CES-Landtec, Colton, CA 92324, Y
COLLECTION COMP-CV-QTRPT Composite water sample, constant volume. Samples of equal volume are taken at quarter points of the river cross-section and composited. Y
Bioassay ASTM-E1706-95 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Fresh Water Invertebrates (Historical Method) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA, 1995. Historical Method. Y
Measurement DO-CLARK Dissolved Oxygen (DO) by Electrochemical Polarographic (Clark) Cell Sensor with Fixed Membrane (Flow Dependent) Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
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