Valid Values - Tissue Types

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Kingdom Organ System Sample Tissue Type Description
Animal Reproductive system Egg(s), ovum
Animal Skin, connective tissue system Fat, adipose tissue
Animal Digestive system Feces Material that has been excreted from the digestive tract.
Animal Muscular system Fillet portion (epaxial muscle), skin off Appropriate when only a portion of fillet is sampled. Fish muscle sampled between the back of the head and dorsal fin, and above the lateral line (epaxial muscle), skin removed. This is different than Fillet, skin off because only a portion of the muscle is sampled.
Animal Muscular system Fillet, skin off Entire fish fillet with skin removed
Animal Muscular system Fillet, skin on Entire fish fillet, skin remains on fillet
Vascular Plant Reproductive Fruit
Animal Respiratory system Gills
Animal Digestive system Gut contents Material or contents found within the gut (digestive tract). Does not include tissue of the digestive organs.
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Head
Animal Excretory System Kidney Kidney, whole or part(s)
Vascular Plant Foliage Leaves
Animal Digestive and Excretory System Liver and Kidney Liver and kidney combined, whole or parts
Animal Digestive System Liver or Hepatopancreas An organ associated with the digestive tract. The hepatopancreas is usually associated with molluscs and arthropods. The liver is usually associated with vertebrates.
Animal Muscular system Muscle Use this only when muscle tissue sample does not fit in the other muscle tissue catagories in EIM (such as muscle tissue sample from tail of crayfish, muscle tissue sample from a squid.)
Vascular Plant Roots Roots, whole
Vascular Plant Shoot Shoot, whole (leaves and stem)
Animal Skin, connective tissue system Skin
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Viscera, not liver, not kidney, not stomach contents Abdominal organs and tissue except for the liver, kidney, and stomach contents, all of which were removed. Sometimes used for finfish samples.
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Visceral mass Appropriate for molluscs only (e.g. snails, clams, mussels). This is the soft, nonmuscular region in molluscs which contains the internal organs (also know as the gut ball).
Algae Whole organism Whole organism (algae)
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism (animal) Entire organism, nothing removed
Vascular Plant Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism (plant) Entire organism, nothing removed
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not exoskeleton or shell Entire organism, with exoskeleton or shell removed.
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not exoskeleton or shell, not gut Entire organism with gut (digestive tract) and exoskeleton or shell removed
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not fillets Whole fish specimen with fillets removed. Also known as "carcass" in some studies. The precise meaning of carcass can vary among studies because different tissues may or may not be included in the samples.
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not fillets, not liver, not kidney, not stomach contents Whole fish specimen except for fillets, liver, kidney, and stomach contents, all of which were removed.
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not gut Entire specimen with gut (digestive tract) removed
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not stomach contents Entire specimen with stomach contents removed
Animal Whole organism or multiple tissues Whole organism, not stomach contents, not gills Entire specimen with stomach contents and gills removed
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