Western Port Angeles Harbor
Site Description
In 2008, we launched an investigation of Port Angeles Harbor through the Puget Sound Initiative and learned that toxic substances contaminated harbor sediments that may pose a threat to human health and the environment, including fisheries and shellfish beds.
People, pets, or wildlife may be exposed to hazardous chemicals by physically contacting or consuming contaminated sediment. Eating contaminated seafood can also expose people and wildlife to hazardous chemicals.
The harbor sediments investigation showed separate sources of sediment contamination in Western Port Angeles Harbor and the Rayonier Mill Study Area.
In the past, industries along the western shoreline of the harbor generated liquid waste and released it directly into the harbor and lagoon. Contaminated stormwater was discharged into the harbor. Several pulp and lumber mills burned salt-laden wood debris as a fuel source. Burning this debris formed hazardous substances, like dioxin, that rose up through smoke stacks and settled out onto marine sediments.
Based on sampling in Western Port Angeles Harbor Study Area, we learned where the contamination was located and identified the contaminants in the sediment that were above state cleanup levels.
View our status update on Port Angeles Harbor cleanup sites.
Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Completed
After a public comment period in 2020, we finalized the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and Amendment 1 to Agreed Order DE 9781. The RI identifies contaminants, measures how much there are, and where they are located. The FS proposes several cleanup alternatives that will protect human health and the environment. The FS also compares cleanup options for their cost and benefits, like protectiveness, permanence, and other requirements.
The Amendment to Agreed Order DE 9781 requires the PLPs to write a preliminary draft cleanup action plan. Ecology will write the draft cleanup action plan.
Methods For Sediment Cleanup In Western Harbor
Methods for sediment cleanup include excavation, capping, enhanced monitored natural recovery, and monitored natural recovery. The cleanup will meet Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA; Washington's cleanup law) requirements and prevent exposure of people and other animals to contamination in sediment.
- Excavation removes the contaminated sediment from the intertidal or sea bottom and disposes the contaminated material offsite. Subtidal excavation is called dredging.
- Capping covers contaminated sediment with about a 2-foot layer of clean sand, gravel, and/or rock. The cap prevents exposure of aquatic life to the contamination. A cap requires an environmental covenant to protect the integrity of the cap in the future.
- Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery places a 6-inch layer of clean sand or gravel on top of contaminated sediments to jump-start the natural recovery process that occurs through the natural deposition of cleaner material.
- Monitored Natural Recovery requires regular checks on natural deposition to make sure new, cleaner material covers contaminated sediment over time as expected. Recovery by natural deposition occurs relatively slowly in the Western Port Angeles Harbor. Contaminants in sediment would be monitored until cleanup levels are reached.
If needed, cleanup to control upland pollution sources will be handled separately by the upland property owners and Ecology.
Next Steps
The potentially liable persons (PLPs) prepared a preliminary draft cleanup action plan for our review. We will use the preliminary plan to prepare a draft Cleanup Action Plan.
The draft Cleanup Action Plan and a new order to put the plan into effect will be available for public comment before they are finalized.
Documents 83
Legal 9
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Final Western Port Angeles Harbor AO Amendment 1 signed | 12/7/2020 | Agreed Order Amendment |
Owens Corning Determination Western PA Harbor | 11/14/2013 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Western Port Angeles Harbor Final Agreed Order | 5/28/2013 | Agreed Order |
DNR Western Harbor PLP Notice | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
City of Port Angeles Western Harbor PLP Status Letter | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Merrill & Ring Western Haror PLP Status Letter | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Georgia Pacific Final PLP Status Letter | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Nippon Western Harbor PLP Status Letter | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Port of Port Angeles Western Harbor PLP Status Letter | 9/18/2012 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Map 1
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Map of North Olympic Peninsula Regional Background Sampling Locations | 5/3/2013 | Map |
Public Information 20
State Environmental Policy Act 2
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
SEPA Determination of Significance Adoption of Existing Document | 6/28/2023 | SEPA Documents |
NOAA Restoration Center Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement | 6/20/2015 | SEPA Documents |
Technical Reports 25
Natural Resource Damage related documents 26
Places to see print documents
Southwest Regional Office300 Desmond Dr SELacey, 98503-1274Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
Contaminants 7
Contaminant Type | Soil |
Groundwater |
Surface Water |
Air |
Sediment |
Bedrock |
Metals - Metals - Other | C | |||||
Halogenated Organics - Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB) | C | |||||
Pesticides - Halogenated Pesticides | C | |||||
Non-Halogenated Organics - Phenolic Compounds | C | |||||
Halogenated Organics - Dioxins/Furans | C | |||||
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | C | |||||
Pesticides - Non-Halogenated Pesticides | C |
- S
- Suspected
- C
- Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
- B
- Below Cleanup Levels
- RA
- Remediated-Above
- RB
- Remediated-Below
- R
- Remediated