Facility Site ID: 2024 Cleanup Site ID: 4426

Status Update

BP Harbor Island Petroleum Terminal Site is in full compliance with Washington State cleanup requirements. Groundwater gasoline concentrations have been in compliance since March 2012 with three exceptions, groundwater benzene concentrations have been in compliance since March 2012 with two exceptions, groundwater diesel concentrations have in compliance since December 2012 with no exceptions.  The exceptions noted above show minor occurrences when gasoline or benzene were slightly above state cleanup level.  Ecology and BP are working together to resolve these irregularities.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published the Fourth Five-Year (2010-2014) Review Report on September 25, 2015. This report shows BP in compliance with EPA Superfund cleanup requirements and Washington State cleanup requirements. The three petroleum terminals represent one Operable Unit within the ten Operable Units for the Harbor Island Superfund Site.

The BP 2014 Annual Site Progress Report (April 2015) shows compliance for all chemical of concern (petroleum gasoline and diesel, benzene, and carcinogenic Poly – Aromatic Hydrocarbons (cPAH)).  Currently BP has three cleanup systems operating to remove chemicals of concern and protect the West Duwamish Waterway and Elliott Bay.

A new seawall is proposed to be installed along the waterfront along the West Duwamish Waterway.  Ecology has reviewed the plans and they are consistent with the cleanup Consent Decree. Installation of the new seawall is estimated to be completed in 2015-2017.

2015 Periodic Review Report

Ecology Periodic Review Report (PRR) for BP Harbor Island Terminal for 2010 through 2014 is final after the public comment period held December 19, 2014 through January 26, 2015. The report highlights the cleanup actions conducted at the BP Harbor Island Terminal, and former ARCO Harbor Island Terminal. The BP Terminal is one of three petroleum terminals at Harbor Island and part of the US EPA Harbor Island Superfund Site. The three terminals make up Operable Unit #2.
This report is to satisfy the requirements for the state Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) periodic review; and to assist the EPA Five-Year Review for the Harbor Island Superfund site.
The PRR report shows that the BP Terminal and the two other petroleum terminals at Harbor Island are in compliance with the MTCA requirements and legal agreement called the Consent Decree. The report shows that the cleanup actions completed appear to be protective of human health and the environment, and some cleanup actions will continue at specific locations with groundwater compliance monitoring.
Based on this periodic review for 2010 – 2014, Ecology has determined that the requirements of the Consent Decree for BP Harbor Island Terminal are being met and no additional cleanup actions are required other than continued specific cleanup actions and compliance monitoring. Next periodic review is scheduled for 2019.

Site Description

BP West Coast Products (previously known as the ARCO Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, also known as the ARCO Tank Farm), is an industrial site located at 1652 SW Lander Street on Harbor Island in Seattle, King County. The facility, which consists of Terminal Plant 1 and Terminal Plant 2, was constructed in the 1930s and has been in operation under a variety of owners since that time. BP West Coast Products is the current owner and operator at this site.

Harbor Island is a Superfund site and is on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)  National Priorities List.  The BP terminal and two other terminals (Shell-Equilon Enterprises Terminal and Kinder Morgan - GATX Terminal) are part of the EPA Harbor Island Superfund site.  EPA is preparing the fourth Five-Year Review and is accepting comments and recommendations. Ecology is working with EPA and preparing the Ecology Periodic Review Report for 2010-2014.

Recent groundwater monitoring results show Benzene concentration in compliance with Washington State cleanup levels.  Well AMW-01 and well AMW-02 results document that cleanup actions are progressing and removing Benzene.  These wells are near the West Waterway shoreline and seawall and BP is working with US Army Corps of Engineers to construction a new seawall.
Legal 6
Map 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Harbor Island groundwater flow map final 5-23-11 5/23/2011 Map
Public Information 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
BP West Coast Products Fact Sheet Engineering Design Report Available for Public Viewing 6/1/2000 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
BP West Coast ProductsFact Sheet 11/19/1999 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
BP West Coast Products Responsiveness Summary 11/1/1999 Responsiveness Summary
BP West Coast Products Public Participation Plan 11/1/1999 Public Participation Plan
State Environmental Policy Act 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
BP West Coast Products SEPA Checklist 11/1/1999 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 41
Document Title Document Date Document Type
BP Harbor Island - SHARP Report 4/19/2024 SHARP Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2023 Annual Site Report, Seaport Seattle Terminal (Former ARCO/BP Harbor Island Terminal) 4/15/2024 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
RE: SeaPort Midstream Partners, LLC. Harbor Island Terminal Biodiesel Distribution System Upgrades Notification 3/15/2024 Site Specific Technical Document - other
BP Harbor Island Terminal -2023 4th Quarter Progress Report 1/12/2024 Progress Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal -2023 3rd Quarter Progress Report 10/16/2023 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2023 2Q Prg - 1Q GWM SeaPort 7/1/2023 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2022 Annual Site Report, Seaport Seattle Terminal (Former ARCO/BP Harbor Island Terminal) 4/14/2023 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - Harbor Island Terminal Stormwater Upgrades Notification; Consent Decree No: 00-2-05714-8 2/22/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2021 Annual Site Report 4/14/2022 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - Hydraulic Evaluation Summary Report 2/11/2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2021 2nd Qtr Progress Report / 1st Qtr GWMR 7/15/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2020 3rd Qtr Progress Report / 2nd Qtr GWMR 10/15/2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report
EPA Harbor Island Superfund Site - 2020 Periodic Review 9/16/2020 Periodic Review (5 Year)
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2020 2nd Qtr Progress Report / 1st Qtr GWMR 7/15/2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - Plant 1 Waterfront Probing Summary Report 2/7/2020 Remedial Investigation Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2019 4th Qtr Progress Report / 3rd Qtr GWMR 1/10/2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2019 3rd Qtr Progress Report / 2nd Qtr GWMR 10/11/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2018 4th Qtr Progress Report / 3rd Qtr GWMR 1/10/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2018 3rd Qtr Progress Report / 2nd Qtr GWMR 10/9/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2018 2nd Qtr Progress Report / 1st Qtr GWMR 7/10/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2017 4th Qtr Progress Report / 3rd Qtr GWMR 1/10/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2017 3rd Qtr Progress Report / 2nd Qtr GWMR 10/12/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2017 2nd Qtr Progress Report / 1st Qtr GWMR 7/12/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2016 Annual Site Report 4/12/2017 Progress Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2016 3rd Qtr Progress Report / 2nd Qtr GWMR 10/12/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2016 2nd Qtr Progress Report / 1st Qtr GWMR 7/12/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2015 Annual Site Report 4/14/2016 Progress Report
EPA Harbor Island Superfund Site - Fourth Five-Year Periodic Review (2010-2014) 9/23/2015 Periodic Review (5 Year)
BP Harbor Island Terminal, Shell Oil Harbor Island Terminal, Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal LLC - 2010-2014 Periodic Review - Cleanup Remains on Track 7/1/2015 Periodic Review (5 Year)
BP Harbor Island Terminal, Shell Oil Harbor Island Terminal, Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal LLC- Stakeholder Meeting Presentation 7/1/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
BP Harbor Island Terminal - 2014 Annual Site Report 4/14/2015 Progress Report
BP Harbor Island Terminal - Final Periodic Review 2/26/2015 Periodic Review (5 Year)
BP West Cost Products Harbor Island Terminal - Groundwater Progress Report 10/15/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP West Coast Products Harbor Island Terminal - Groundwater Compliance Results for Benzene 6/10/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP West Coast Products Terminal Harbor Island - BP Final Annual Report 4/15/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
EPA - Harbor Island Superfund Site - 3rd Five Year Review 9/24/2010 Periodic Review (5 Year)
EPA - Harbor Island Superfund Site -2nd Five Year Review 9/29/2005 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Engineering Design Report ARCO Harbor Island Terminal 21T Seattle, Washington 5/1/2000 Engineering Design Report
BP West Coast Products Groundwater Compliance Plan 11/19/1999 Groundwater Monitoring Report
BP West Coast Products Cleanup Action Plan 11/1/1999 Cleanup Action Plan
BP West Coast Products Site Access Agreement 11/1/1999 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 16

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Other Contaminant - Base/Neutral/Acid Organics S S
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Organics S S S
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants S S
Metals - Metals - Other S S
Halogenated Organics - Polychlorinated biPhenyls (PCB) S S S C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified C S
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C C S
Other Contaminant - Conventional Contaminants, Inorganic S S
Metals - Arsenic C RB
Non-Halogenated Organics - Organotins C
Metals - Lead C RB
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Diesel C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Other C C
Pesticides - Pesticides-Unspecified S S S
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.