Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring for Nitrate Trends in the Central Sumas-Blaine Surficial Aquifer
| 02-03-084 | December 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Squalicum Creek Toxics Screening Study
| 02-03-083 | December 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Characterization of Groundwater Discharge to Lake Whatcom
| 02-03-082 | December 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Shelton Cleaners and Laundry
| 02-03-078 | December 2002 |
2002 Index Watershed Salmon Recovery Monitoring Report
| 02-03-061 | December 2002 |
Seasonal Patterns and Controlling Factors of Primary Production in Puget Sound's Central Basin and Possession Sound
| 02-03-059 | December 2002 |
Arsenic Concentrations in Three Palmer Lake Sediment Samples
| 02-03-058 | December 2002 |
Inorganic Arsenic Levels in Puget Sound Fish and Shellfish from 303(d) Listed Waterbodies and Other Areas
| 02-03-057 | December 2002 |
Appendices for: Washington State Marine Water Quality, 1998 through 2000
| 02-03-056app | December 2002 |
Washington State Marine Water Quality, 1998 through 2000
| 02-03-056 | December 2002 |
Procedural Manual for the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
| 02-03-055 | December 2002 |
Effectiveness Monitoring for Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Loads in Fenwick and Sawyer Lakes
| 02-03-054 | December 2002 |
A Water Quality Index for Ecology's Stream Monitoring Program
| 02-03-052 | December 2002 |
Appendices for "Water Quality Assessments of Volunteer-Monitored Lakes Within Washington State, 1998-1999"
| 02-03-019app | December 2002 |
Water Quality Assessments of Volunteer-Monitored Lakes Within Washington State, 1998-1999
| 02-03-019 | December 2002 |
Mercury Awareness Study: Survey of Residents, State of Washington
| 02-03-060 | November 2002 |
Mobilization and Impacts of Arsenic Species and Selected Metals on a Wetland Adjacent to the B&L Landfill, Milton
| 02-03-053 | November 2002 |
Total Dissolved Gas Monitoring Results Columbia and Snake Rivers, May-July 2002
| 02-03-051 | November 2002 |
DRAFT: Beach Environmental Assessment, Communication, and Health (BEACH) Program Guidance
| 02-03-050 | November 2002 |
Analysis of Fish Tissue from Long Lake (Spokane River) for PCBs and Selected Metals
| 02-03-049 | November 2002 |
Prevent Mercury Spills
| 02-03-048 | November 2002 |
A Total Maximum Daily Load Evaluation for Arsenic in the Similkameen River
| 02-03-044 | November 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Verification of 1998 303(d) Listing for PCBs in Budd Inlet (Inner)
| 02-03-085 | October 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality in Creeks from Ten Washington Mining Districts
| 02-03-081 | October 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Survey of Mercury Levels in Edible Fish Tissue from Selected Lakes and Rivers of Washington State
| 02-03-080 | October 2002 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Water Year 2001
| 02-03-047 | October 2002 |
Results and Recommendations from Monitoring Arsenic Levels in 303(d) Listed Rivers in Washington
| 02-03-045 | October 2002 |
Pesticide Monitoring in the Mission Creek Basin, Chelan County
| 02-03-022 | October 2002 |
South Puget Sound Water Quality Study, Phase 1
| 02-03-021 | October 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Mercury in Sediments from Lake Whatcom and Surrounding Lakes: Determination of Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Characterization of Tributary Inputs
| 02-03-079 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Woodland Creek Temperature TMDL
| 02-03-077 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Investigation of Background Concentrations of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic in Freshwater Fish Tissue in Four Washington Lakes
| 02-03-075 | September 2002 |
Reconnaissance Survey of Dioxins and Furans in Dillenbaugh Creek and the Chehalis River near the American Crossarm Site
| 02-03-043 | September 2002 |
Draft for Public Comment: Washington State Mercury Chemical Action Plan
| 02-03-042 | September 2002 |
Results of Sampling to Verify 303(d) Metals Listings for Selected Washington State Rivers and Creeks
| 02-03-039 | September 2002 |
Water Quality Assessment of the Nooksack River between Brennan and North Cedarville
| 02-03-037 | September 2002 |
Summary of South Puget Sound Water Quality Study
| 02-03-020 | September 2002 |
Total Maximum Daily Load for Lower Columbia River Total Dissolved Gas
| 02-03-004 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Walla Walla River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 02-03-076 | August 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Pesticide Reduction Evaluation for Cranberry Bog Drainage in the Grayland Area
| 02-03-072 | August 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: TMDL Technical Assessment of DDT and PCBs in the Okanogan River
| 02-03-070 | August 2002 |
A Summary of Water Quality Data Collected in the Wilson/Cherry Sub-basin, April - October 1999
| 02-03-038 | August 2002 |
Little Klickitat River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load
| 02-03-031 | August 2002 |
Surface Water-Ground Water Interactions Along the Dungeness River and Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of Streambed Sediments, Clallam County, Washington, September 1999-July 2001
| 02-03-027 | August 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Whatcom TMDL Study
| 02-03-074 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Norfolk CSO Sediment Cap Recontamination Phase 1 Inspection
| 02-03-073 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Pesticide Monitoring in the Mission Creek Basin
| 02-03-071 | July 2002 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee River Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Year 1 Technical Study
| 02-03-069ADD | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee River Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load, Year 1 Technical Study
| 02-03-069 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: TMDL Technical Study: Chlorinated Pesticides and PCBs in the Walla Walla Riverp
| 02-03-068 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Mid Columbia and Snake Rivers Total Dissolved Gas TMDL Field Monitoring
| 02-03-067 | July 2002 |
Colville River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 02-03-036 | July 2002 |
Inhibition of Erythrocyte d-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) Activity in Fish from Waters Affected by Lead Smelters. Article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 77:99-119, 2002.
| 02-03-035 | July 2002 |
Sediment Quality in Puget Sound: Year 3, Southern Puget Sound
| 02-03-033 | July 2002 |
Data Summary: Upper Yakima River Basin Suspended Sediment and Organochlorine Pesticide TMDL Evaluation
| 02-03-032 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Walla Walla River Tributaries Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load
| 02-03-066 | June 2002 |
Ecology PBT Working List: Responses to Public Comments on Appendix E
| 02-03-030 | June 2002 |
Moses Lake Inflow-Outflow Balance: A Component of the Moses Lake Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load
| 02-03-029 | June 2002 |
Journal article: Determining trophic state in Lake Whatcom, Washington (USA), a soft water lake exhibiting seasonal nitrogen limitation. Hydrobiologia 468:107-121, 2002
| 02-03-028 | June 2002 |
Washington State Water Quality Assessment: Year 2002 Section 305(b) Report
| 02-03-026 | June 2002 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 2001 Activity Report
| 02-03-025 | June 2002 |
Second Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality of Creeks in Ten Washington Mining Districts, with Emphasis on Metals
| 02-03-024 | June 2002 |
Preliminary DRAFT - Washington State Mercury Chemical Action Plan
| 02-03-016 | June 2002 |
Chehalis River Watershed Surficial Aquifer Characterization - Maps
| 98-335maps | May 2002 |
City of Sequim_2001_Hydrologic Monitoring Report
| 12-03-288 | May 2002 |
Dungeness River and Matriotti Creek Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 02-03-014 | May 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Mobilization and Impacts of Arsenic Species and Selected Metals on a Wetland Adjacent the B&L Landfill, Milton, Washington
| 02-03-086 | April 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program, Exploratory Monitoring of Toxic Contaminants in Edible Fish Tissue and Freshwater Environments of Washington State.
| 02-03-065 | April 2002 |
Restover Truck Stop Groundwater Monitoring, Results of February 2002 Sampling
| 02-03-018 | April 2002 |
A Comparison of Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity Values Derived from Aquifer Test and Well Specific-Capacity Data for the Sequim-Dungeness Area
| 02-03-017 | April 2002 |
Chehalis Best Management Practices Evaluation Project, Final Report for Water Quality Sites
| 02-03-015 | April 2002 |
1998 303(d) PCB Listing for Chambers Creek Mussels: New Data
| 02-03-013 | April 2002 |
Upper Yakima River Basin Suspended Sediment and Organochlorine Pesticide Total Maximum Daily Load Evaluation
| 02-03-012 | April 2002 |
Results of Sampling to Verify 303(d) Listings for Chemical Contaminants in Shellfish from Dyes Inlet and Port Washington Narrows
| 02-03-011 | April 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Comparison of Toxicity in Lake Union Sediments Using Molecular DNA Techniques and Conventional Bioassay Measures
| 02-03-089 | March 2002 |
Wind River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load
| 02-03-010 | March 2002 |
Spokane Area Point Source PCB Survey, May 2001
| 02-03-009 | March 2002 |
Effects of Land Application of Manure on Groundwater at Two Dairies over the Sumas-Blaine Surficial Aquifer: Implications for Agronomic Rate Estimates
| 02-03-007 | March 2002 |
The Lower Nooksack River: Metals in Sediments Upstream and Downstream of the Ferndale Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 02-03-006 | March 2002 |
Deschutes River Groundwater Inflow Study 2001 Final Report
| 12-03-274 | February 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analysis of Fish from Long Lake, Washington, for PCBs and Selected Metals
| 02-03-088 | February 2002 |
Factors Affecting Waters with a High pH: Statewide Analysis
| 02-03-005 | February 2002 |
PCBs in Sediments at Selected Sites in Puget Sound
| 02-03-003 | February 2002 |
Nitrogen and Pesticide Contamination of GW in WRIA01, V1.3
| 12-03-266 | January 2002 |
Chehalis Reservation 2001 GW Monitoring Report
| 12-03-207 | January 2002 |
Chehalis Reservation Wellhead Protection Report
| 12-03-206 | January 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Arsenic Speciation in Puget Sound Fish and Crab
| 02-03-087 | January 2002 |
Effects of Land Application of Dairy Manure and Wastewater on Groundwater Quality: Pre- and Post-Animal Waste Holding Pond Monitoring
| 02-03-002 | January 2002 |