Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Status and Trends Monitoring for Watershed Health and Salmon Recovery: Quality Assurance Monitoring Plan
| 06-03-203 | December 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Feasibility of using Sediment Profile Imaging Technology to Evaluate Sediment Quality and Impacts to Benthic Communities found at two Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Sites in the Puget Sound.
| 06-03-119 | December 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Similkameen River and Palmer Lake Investigation of Arsenic in Fish Tissue
| 06-03-118 | December 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Using Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) to Evaluate Sediment Quality at Two Puget Sound Cleanup Sites: Part II: Port Gamble Bay
| 06-03-117 | December 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Using Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) to Evaluate Sediment Quality at Two Puget Sound Cleanup Sites: Part I - Lower Duwamish Waterway
| 06-03-116 | December 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Puyallup River Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-115 | December 2006 |
Effectiveness of Timber Harvest Practices for Controlling Sediment Related Water Quality Impacts. Article in Journal of the American Water Resources Association, October 2006, p. 1307-1327.
| 06-03-046 | December 2006 |
Replicate Precision for 12 TMDL Studies and Recommendations for Precision Measurement Quality Objectives for Water Quality Parameters
| 06-03-044 | December 2006 |
Chemical Characterization of Stormwater Runoff from Three Puget Sound Boatyards
| 06-03-041 | December 2006 |
An Evaluation of a Piezometer-Based Constant Head Injection Test (CHIT) for use in Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction Studies
| 06-03-042 | November 2006 |
Washington State Water Quality Conditions in 2005, based on Data from the Freshwater Monitoring Unit: Technical Appendix
| 06-03-031 | November 2006 |
Washington State Water Quality Conditions in 2005, based on Data from the Freshwater Monitoring Unit
| 06-03-030 | November 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: PCB Monitoring at Walla Walla Wastewater Treatment Plants
| 06-03-114 | October 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Depositional History of Mercury in Selected Washington Lakes Determined from Sediment Cores.
| 06-03-113 | October 2006 |
Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan: Green River and Newaukum Creek Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Study
| 06-03-110 | October 2006 |
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2003-2005: A Cooperative Study by the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Agriculture
| 06-03-036 | October 2006 |
Pullman Stormwater Pilot Study for Pesticides, PCBs, and Fecal Coliform Bacteria, 2005-2006
| 06-03-034 | October 2006 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Montesano Groundwater Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites
| 04-03-114ADD | October 2006 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Pend Oreille River Temperature TMDL
| 04-03-109ADD | October 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Fork Palouse River Dissolved Oxygen and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-112 | September 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, and Dioxins in Yakima River Fish - 2006: Assessing Progress Toward TMDL Targets and Updating the Fish Consumption Advisory
| 06-03-111 | September 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Measuring Copper Concentrations in Two Puget Sound Marinas
| 06-03-109 | September 2006 |
Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan: Bear/Evans Watershed Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-107 | September 2006 |
Results from Monitoring Endosulfan and Dieldrin in Wide Hollow Creek, Yakima River Drainage, 2005-06
| 06-03-038 | September 2006 |
Palermo Wellfield Superfund Site Subdrain System and Treatment Lagoon, Status Report, September 2005 and June 2006
| 06-03-035 | September 2006 |
River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring Report for Water Year 2005
| 06-03-032 | September 2006 |
Appendix F. A Modeling Study of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Port Washington Narrows and Fecal Coliform Transport in Sinclair and Dyes Inlets
| 05-03-042appF | September 2006 |
Appendix E. Fecal Coliform Loading
| 05-03-042appE | September 2006 |
Appendix D: Overview of Microbial Source Tracking
| 05-03-042appD | September 2006 |
Appendix C: Precipitation Data; Impervious Surface Summary; Land Use/Land Cover Analysis
| 05-03-042appC | September 2006 |
Appendix B: Raw Data
| 05-03-042appB | September 2006 |
Appendix A: A Summary of Landuse, Landcover, Stream Flow, and Water Quality Data for Watersheds of Streams, Piped Catchments, Open Watersheds, and Nearshore Areas Draining into Sinclair and Dyes Inlets
| 05-03-042appA | September 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Puyallup and White Rivers Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring
| 06-03-204 | August 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Old Stillaguamish River Multi-Parameter Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-108 | August 2006 |
PBDEs Flame Retardants in Washington Rivers and Lakes: Concentrations in Fish and Water, 2005-06
| 06-03-027 | August 2006 |
PCBs, PBDEs, and Selected Metals in Spokane River Fish, 2005
| 06-03-025 | August 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Snoqualmie River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-106 | July 2006 |
Shelton Laundry and Cleaners, August 2005 through May 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Results
| 06-03-029 | July 2006 |
South Puget Sound Verification of 303(d) Listings for Chemical Contaminants in Fish and Shellfish
| 06-03-026 | July 2006 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Shelton Laundry and Cleaners.
| 02-03-078ADD | July 2006 |
Results of First Season Shallow Aquifer Recharge Testing, Hall-Wentland Site
| 12-03-303 | June 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Fork Palouse River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-105 | June 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Fork Palouse River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-104 | June 2006 |
Spokane River PCBs Total Maximum Daily Load Study (DRAFT report)
| 06-03-024 | June 2006 |
Zinc and Copper Concentrations in an Industrial Area Creek during Storm Events
| 06-03-023 | June 2006 |
Moses Lake Phosphorus-Response Model and Recommendations to Reduce Phosphorus Loading
| 06-03-011 | June 2006 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Toxic Contaminants in Fish Tissue and Surface Water in Freshwater Environments, 2003
| 06-03-019 | May 2006 |
Lower Yakima River Suspended Sediment Total Maximum Daily Load: Effectiveness Monitoring Report
| 06-03-014 | May 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State
| 06-03-103 | April 2006 |
Wenatchee River Basin Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-018 | April 2006 |
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Feed and Rainbow Trout from Selected Trout Hatcheries
| 06-03-017 | April 2006 |
Getchell Plateau Groundwater Investigation
| 14-03-044 | March 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Samish Bay Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-102 | March 2006 |
Preparing Elements of a Quality Assurance Monitoring Plan to Conduct Water Quality Monitoring near Dairies and CAFOs
| 06-03-015 | March 2006 |
Henderson Inlet Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 06-03-012 | March 2006 |
Tributaries to Totten, Eld, and Little Skookum Inlets - Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report
| 06-03-007 | March 2006 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan for Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams: Addition of Skagit-Samish Watersheds, and Extension of Program through June 2009.
| 03-03-104ADD | March 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Willapa River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Verification Study
| 06-03-202 | February 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Vancouver Lake PCBs, Chlorinated Pesticides, and Dioxins Fish Tissue Investigation
| 06-03-101 | February 2006 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Ballinger Total Maximum Daily Load Effectiveness Monitoring Study
| 06-03-201 | January 2006 |
Lakewood Plaza Cleaners, June and November 2005 Groundwater Monitoring Results
| 06-03-010 | January 2006 |
A Survey of Zinc Concentrations in Industrial Stormwater Runoff
| 06-03-009 | January 2006 |
Montesano Groundwater Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, October 2004 and March 2005
| 06-03-008 | January 2006 |
Lake Tapps (Pierce County) Monitoring, Final Data Report
| 06-03-006 | January 2006 |
American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results, March and August 2005
| 06-03-005 | January 2006 |
Native Plants for Aquatic Gardens and Aquariums: A guide for using plants native to the Northwestern U.S. in decorative ponds and aquariums
| 06-03-004 | January 2006 |
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions along the Naches and Tieton Rivers, Summer and Fall 2004
| 06-03-003 | January 2006 |
Post Point (Bellingham Bay) Sediment Sulfide and Toxicity Assessment
| 06-03-002 | January 2006 |
Methoprene Concentrations in Surface Water Samples from Grant County Mosquito Control District No. 1
| 06-03-001 | January 2006 |