Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring of Tire Contaminants in Coho Salmon Watersheds
| 23-03-113 | November 2023 |
WRIA 21 Queets-Quinault Watershed Water Availability
| 20-11-021 | September 2023 |
Focus on: Watershed Health Monitoring 2022
| 22-03-010 | January 2022 |
Focus on: Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
| 21-06-008 | April 2021 |
Focus on: Water of the United States
| 21-06-007 | March 2021 |
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy-2021-2025
| 21-06-005 | February 2021 |
Planning for flood risks
| 21-06-004 | February 2021 |
Final Programmatic EIS: Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast
| 17-06-028 | June 2018 |
Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast
| 17-06-027 | June 2018 |
Rule Implementation Plan: Vessel Sewage No Discharge Zones — Chapter 173-228 WAC DRAFT
| 17-10-029 | October 2017 |
Preliminary Regulatory Analyses for Chapter 173-228 WAC - Vessel Sewage No Discharge Zones
| 17-10-028 | October 2017 |
Survey of Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Rivers and Lakes, 2016
| 17-03-021 | September 2017 |
You & I Market Groundwater Monitoring Results, March 2016: Data Summary Report
| 16-03-034 | September 2016 |
Bacteria Study Digs Up Concerns for Shellfish Harvest Areas along North Pacific Coast Beaches
| 16-03-024 | June 2016 |
North Pacific Coast Beaches Fecal Coliform Source Investigation Study: Data Summary
| 16-03-021 | June 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: You & I Market, Pacific Beach Groundwater Performance Monitoring
| 16-03-107 | May 2016 |
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 2016-2020
| 15-06-013 | August 2015 |
North Ocean Beaches Fecal Coliform Bacteria Source Investigation Study Water Quality Study Design (Quality Assurance Project Plan)
| 14-03-108 | May 2014 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Evaluation of SPMDs for Trend Monitoring of PBTs in Washington Waters 2010-2011
| 12-03-036 | June 2012 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter from Washington State Rivers and Lakes, 2011 Results
| 12-03-031 | June 2012 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Monitoring with SPMDs for PBTs in Washington Waters in 2009
| 11-03-029 | May 2011 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter from Washington State Rivers and Lakes, 2010 Results
| 11-03-026 | May 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Trend Monitoring for Organic PBTs in Washington Rivers and Lakes
| 10-03-117 | October 2010 |
Perfluorinated Compounds in Washington Rivers and Lakes
| 10-03-034 | August 2010 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter from Washington State Rivers and Lakes, 2009 Results
| 10-03-041 | June 2010 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Trend Monitoring for Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, PAHs, and PBDEs in Washington Rivers and Lakes, 2008
| 10-03-027 | April 2010 |
An Assessment of the PCB and Dioxin Background in Washington Freshwater Fish, with Recommendations for Prioritizing 303(d) Listings
| 10-03-007 | January 2010 |
2009 Report to the Legislature: Watershed Plan Implementation Statutory Changes, Progress Report on Setting Instream Flows, and Reclaimed Water in Adopted Plans
| 09-11-033 | January 2010 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Freshwater Fish Tissue Component, 2008
| 09-03-055 | November 2009 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Trends Monitoring for Organic PBTs: Revisions for the 2009 Spring Monitoring Effort
| 09-03-113 | May 2009 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter, 2008
| 09-03-020 | May 2009 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Trend Monitoring for Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, and PBDEs in Washington Rivers and Lakes, 2007
| 09-03-013 | March 2009 |
2008 Report to the Legislature - Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 08-06-027 | December 2008 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Type N Experimental Buffer Treatment Study: Addressing Buffer Effectiveness on Riparian Inputs, Water Quality, and Exports to Fish-Bearing Waters in Basaltic Lithologies
| 07-03-103ADD1 | June 2008 |
Clarks Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform TMDL
| 07-10-110 | May 2008 |
Condition of Coastal Waters of Washington State, 2000-2003: A Statistical Summary
| 07-03-051 | December 2007 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Contaminants in Fish Tissue from Freshwater Environments in 2004 and 2005
| 07-03-024 | June 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Type N Experimental Buffer Treatment Study: Addressing Buffer Effectiveness on Riparian Inputs, Water Quality, and Exports to Fish-Bearing Waters in Basaltic Lithologies
| 07-03-103 | March 2007 |
Condition of Outer Coastal Estuaries of Washington State, 1999 - A Statistical Summary
| 07-03-012 | March 2007 |
Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 05-11-038 | December 2005 |
Marine Fueling and Oil Transfer Practices for Covered Vessels and Ships in Washington
| 04-08-005 | December 2004 |
Biological Assessment of Small Streams in the Coast Range Ecoregion & the Yakima River Basin
| 99-302 | January 1999 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1994
| 95-349 | September 1995 |
Joe Creek Receiving Water Study
| 95-330 | June 1995 |
Pacific Beach Receiving Water Report.
| 85-e18 | January 1985 |
Pacific Beach Receiving Water Study: Scope of Work Proposal.
| 84-e31 | October 1984 |
Clams from Grays Harbor County Ocean Beaches.
| 79-e00 | August 1979 |
Pacific Beach Lagoon (Grab).
| 74-e93 | August 1974 |
Ocean City Park Lagoon.
| 74-e92 | August 1974 |
Pacific Beach.
| 73-e31 | July 1973 |