South State Street MGP

Facility Site ID: 2865 Cleanup Site ID: 4606

Current Status

Aerial view of South State Street MGP cleanup site Upland and Marine Units located along South State Street in Bellingham. (Click image to enlarge)
Aerial view of South State Street MGP cleanup site Upland and Marine Units located along South State Street in Bellingham. (Click image to enlarge)
Last Updated: February 2025

2020 Fact Sheet  |  Información en español

The northern portion of Boulevard Park is also the South State Street Manufactured Gas Plant (SSSMGP) cleanup site - so named for its industrial past. Ecology, the City of Bellingham (City), and Puget Sound Energy (PSE) are working to clean up the site. 

In 2020, Ecology finalized the cleanup action plan and an associated environmental
review document for the site. Since then, the design (or engineering) of the cleanup action plan has been underway through the completion of multiple pre-remedial design investigations. See “Technical Reports” below to review these pre-remedial design documents. 

The engineering design report of the final cleanup action is complete. The report represents 30% completion of design work and provides details that refine the cleanup action plan selected by Ecology in 2020.

A future legal agreement will require the City and PSE to clean up the site.

Want to learn more?
  • Visit our 2021 blog and video to read about Ecology's SSSMGP fieldwork. 
  • Take a virtual site tour. These videos were funded through a Public Participation Grant from Ecology.

Estimated Site Timeline

  • 2025: Complete the design (engineering) of the cleanup action. 
  • Early 2026: Hold a public comment period for the legal agreement (consent decree) requiring the City and PSE to implement the cleanup action plan for the Upland Unit of the site – see map.
  • Late 2026: Begin the cleanup of the Upland Unit.
  • 2028: Hold a public comment period for the amended legal agreement (consent decree) requiring the City and PSE to implement the cleanup action plan for the Marine Unit of the site – see map.
  • 2029: Begin the cleanup of the Marine Unit.

Sign Up For Updates!

Join our email list to receive updates about the South State Street MGP cleanup site. Email Kristen Forkeutis, Public Involvement Coordinator, at to be added to the list. Unsubscribe at any time.

General Cleanup Process

The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that protect human health and the environment. Ecology enacts MTCA and oversees cleanups. The MTCA site cleanup process is completed in steps over a variable timeline.

Public Participation

Current South State Street Manufactured Gas Plant cleanup site Public Participation Plan

This plan includes information for the public regarding opportunities to get involved in the cleanup process. The outreach activities and mechanisms presented reflect Ecology’s current plans for keeping the public informed and for receiving information and comments from the public.

Site Information

	South State Street MGP site (and Boulevard Park), facing east, before 2017 Interim Action (click to enlarge)
South State Street MGP site (and Boulevard Park), facing east, before 2017 Interim Action (click to enlarge)

Site History 
The South State Street Manufactured Gas Plant site is about 6 acres at the north end of Boulevard Park on the Bellingham waterfront. Portions of the property at South State Street near Bay View Drive are contaminated where a manufactured gas plant operated from the 1890s to the 1950s. The plant made home heating and cooking fuel (gas) from coal. Other potential sources of contamination also include historic railroad and lumber mill operations. 

Bellingham Bay Gas Co., a predecessor to Puget Sound Energy, was the first operator of the plant. Cascade Natural Gas bought and continued to operate the plant in the 1950s. Residential developers bought the plant property in the 1960s. The city of Bellingham acquired most of the gas plant property in 1975 for use as a park. The state and BNSF Railway Co. also own portions of the contaminated area.

An Agreed Order (legal agreement) in 2010 between Ecology, the City, and PSE requires the City and PSE to investigate contamination (remedial investigation) evaluate cleanup alternatives (feasibility study), and prepare a report of their findings. The legal agreement also includes provisions to take early cleanup actions if necessary. A 2019 amendment to the Agreed Order requires development of a cleanup action plan and design documents to address contamination at the South State Street MGP site.

The City and PSE began investigating contamination at the Site in 2010 with Ecology oversight. Contaminants were found in soil, groundwater, and sediment above state standards established to protect human health and the environment. Contaminants include:

  • carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs)
  • benzene
  • naphthalene
  • cyanide
  • selenium
  • lead
Early Cleanup Action (Interim Action)
Historically, marine forces and storms caused shoreline erosion and damage to a public pier. This triggered the need for an early cleanup action to prevent further shoreline erosion and potential exposure to and movement of contaminated soil. The early action, called an interim action, was completed in October 2017.  The interim action:  
  • Removed creosote-treated piles and a wood deck.
  • Stabilized an existing concrete bulkhead.
  • Stabilized approximately 450 linear feet of shoreline with rock.

Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot
The South State Street Manufactured Gas Plant site is one of 12 sites coordinated through the Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot. The Pilot is a bay-wide multi-agency effort to clean up contaminated sediment, control sources of sediment contamination, and restore habitat, with consideration for land and water uses. In 2000, participants in this initiative developed the Bellingham Bay Comprehensive Strategy.

Language Access

Le ofrecemos servicios de traducción e interpretación sin costo. Para solicitar una copia de esta información en español, llame a Kristen Forkeutis al 425-240-4353 o envíe un correo electrónico a Si necesita servicios de interpretación, solicite un intérprete y permanezca en la línea mientras lo comunicamos.
Legal 5
Map 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
South State Street site - brick building 7/29/2011 Map
Concrete gas-holding tank 7/29/2011 Map
Outreach Information 17
Document Title Document Date Document Type
South State Street MGP - Response to Comments - CAP/SEPA Determination - August 2020 8/18/2020 Responsiveness Summary
South State Street MGP - Online Public Meeting Presentation - June 25, 2020 6/25/2020 Multimedia
South State Street MGP - Fact Sheet - CAP/SEPA Determination - June 2020 6/11/2020 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
South State Street MGP - Agreed Order 2nd Amend Comment Response Summary - May 2019 5/22/2019 Responsiveness Summary
South State Street MGP - Postcard Agreed Order Amendment - March 2019 3/13/2019 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
South State Street MGP - RI/FS FINAL Response to Comments Sumamry - January 2019 1/28/2019 Responsiveness Summary
South State Street MGP - RI/FS Public Meeting Presentation - October 2018 10/31/2018 Multimedia
South State Street MGP - Public Participation Plan - October 2018 10/3/2018 Public Participation Plan
South State Street MGP - Fact Sheet - RI/FS 9/26/2018 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
South State Street - FactSheet - Interim Action - Boulevard Park 8/14/2017 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
S.State Street - SEPA Postcard Factsheet 7/24/2017 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Environmental Study Begins 8/13/2010 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Responsiveness Summary 3/1/2010 Responsiveness Summary
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Public Comments on AO and PPP 2/28/2010 Public Participation Plan
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Gas Plant Cleanup Site Documents Available 2/4/2010 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Public Participation Plan 2/1/2010 Public Participation Plan
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Fact Sheet Draft Legal Agreement Available 2/1/2010 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
State Environmental Policy Act 3
Technical Reports 23
Document Title Document Date Document Type
South State Street Manufactured Gas Plant Engineering Design Report 11/22/2024 Engineering Design Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Data Report - Appendices E-H 6/28/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Data Report - Appendix D-2 6/28/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Data Report - Appendix D-1 6/28/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Data Report - Appendices A-C 6/28/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Data Report 6/28/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Report 11/13/2020 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
South State Street MGP Final Cleanup Action Plan 8/20/2020 Cleanup Action Plan
South State Street MGP - FINAL Feasibility Study Report, Figures, Tables, Appendices - January 2019 1/22/2019 Feasibility Study
South State Street MGP - FINAL Remedial Investigation Appendix E - January 2019 1/22/2019 Remedial Investigation Report
South State Street MGP - FINAL Remedial Investigation Appendices A-D - January 2019 1/22/2019 Remedial Investigation Report
South State Street MGP - FINAL Remedial Investigation Figures and Tables - January 2019 1/22/2019 Remedial Investigation Report
South State Street MGP - FINAL Remedial Investigation Report - January 2019 1/22/2019 Remedial Investigation Report
South State Street - Interim Action Workplan - Boulevard Park 6/7/2017 Interim Action Documents
South State Street - Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #6 6/7/2016 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #5 - Sediment Sampling - September 2015 9/22/2015 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #4: February 2013 Air Sampling 2/13/2013 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Air Sampling Health & Safety Plan 2/13/2013 Health and Safety Plan
Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #3 9/20/2012 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #2 9/19/2012 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Sampling Analysis Plan - Addendum #1 9/18/2012 Sampling and Analysis Plan
S State Street Manufactured Gas Plant RI-FS Work Plan 8/6/2010 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Sediment Site Characterization Evaluation - Bellingham Bay 6/26/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Ecology Bellingham Field Office
    913 Squalicum Way, Unit 101
    Bellingham, 98225
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 3

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.