Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant
Site Description
March 2016 Diesel Release
In March 2016, a release was reported after an employee observed fuel seeping to the surface through a crack in the asphalt pavement. Diesel was being pumped through a distribution line beneath the release location and was the source of the leak. This was confirmed after removal of the asphalt and excavation of overburden soil. The volume of the release and the length of time that the release occurred are unknown.
On March 23, 2016, an Interim Action was performed to investigate the nature and extent of contamination, including excavation of contaminated soil. Additional soil excavation occurred on March 30, 2016. An Interim Action is a partial or short-term cleanup of contamination and is meant to reduce exposure to harmful contaminants while a long-term cleanup up plan is worked on. The excavation continued vertically to about 20 feet below ground surface. The extent of the excavation was limited on the west side due to presence of a building. A soil sample collected from the sidewall at the west extent showed contamination concentrations above state cleanup levels. About 212 tons of petroleum-contaminated soils were removed and properly disposed during this action.
Three groundwater monitoring wells and one recovery well were installed on April 27 and 28, 2016. During installation, the soil was field screened and sampled. After the well installations, diesel was observed in two wells. Sampling from the wells revealed contamination above state cleanup levels. An extraction well was installed beneath the point of release. A total of 50 gallons of product was removed during eight recovery events using a vacuum extraction truck. Later measurement of the diesel in the recovery well was 2.5 feet on August 5, 2016.
January 2017 Gasoline Release
In January 2017, a gasoline release was reported; the amount of the release is unknown. The source of the release is believed to be an underground distribution line and shallow groundwater is impacted.
Documents 44
Legal 11
Outreach Information 6
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant Draft Agreed Order and Cleanup Action Plan Factsheet | 7/15/2024 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant Draft Agreed Order and Cleanup Action Plan Spanish Factsheet | 7/15/2024 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigation and Interim Action Report and Feasibility Study Responsiveness Summary | 12/14/2023 | Responsiveness Summary |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigation and Interim Action Report and Feasibility Study Fact Sheet | 11/13/2023 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigation and Interim Action Report and Feasibility Study Fact Sheet - Spanish | 11/13/2023 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant Fact Sheet for Agreed Order | 2/27/2018 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Technical Reports 27
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Prelminary Results of the Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test - November 2024 | 1/31/2025 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Preliminary Results of the Bioventing Pilot Test - November 2024 | 1/31/2025 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - ECY Approval of Revised Pilot Test Work Plan | 10/3/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Pilot Test Work Plan - Amended 9/13/02024 | 9/13/2024 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Supplemental Investigation to Define the West Boundary | 3/27/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Cleanup Action Plan - Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant | 3/25/2024 | Cleanup Action Plan |
Ecology Comments on Draft Cleanup Action Plan | 2/12/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Invitation to enter into an Agreed Order to implement the CAP | 2/5/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - ECY Approval of RI/FS | 1/8/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigation and Interim Action Report | 10/11/2023 | Remedial Investigation Report |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Feasibility Study | 10/6/2023 | Feasibility Study |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Data Submittal Requirements | 8/10/2023 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Schedule Change for Deliverables | 3/10/2023 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Ecology Comments on Draft Remedial Investigation and Interim Action Report | 1/27/2023 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Site Manager Change | 4/1/2022 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Fuel - 2021 Q2 Update | 6/30/2021 | Progress Report |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Fuel - ECY Comments on RI and IA Report | 1/21/2021 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Schedule Update for Remedial Investigation | 1/22/2020 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigations and Interim Actions | 7/16/2019 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Fuel - Remedial Investigation Update | 7/12/2019 | Progress Report |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Remedial Investigations Letter | 2/20/2019 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - RIWP | 8/16/2018 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Coleman Oil Yakia Bulk Plant - Data Summary Report | 7/19/2018 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant 30-Day Notice of Potential Liability-Chevron USA | 10/20/2017 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Fuel 30-Day Notice of Potential Liability-Wondrack Distributing | 10/3/2017 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Coleman Oil Site Characterization | 8/1/2016 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant - Site Characterization Report | 6/18/2015 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Places to see print documents
Central Regional Office1250 W Alder StUnion Gap, 98903-0009Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
Contaminants 2
Contaminant Type | Soil |
Groundwater |
Surface Water |
Air |
Sediment |
Bedrock |
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Diesel | C | C | ||||
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline | C | C |
- S
- Suspected
- C
- Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
- B
- Below Cleanup Levels
- RA
- Remediated-Above
- RB
- Remediated-Below
- R
- Remediated