Facility Site ID: 8747316 Cleanup Site ID: 4040

  • Site Status

  • Cleanup Started

Current Status - May 2024

Last Updated: May 29, 2024

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We held a comment period from April - May 2024 on a Draft Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree and Public Participation Plan.

View the Response Summary here.

Documents available for review and comment during the most recent comment period:

Download the fact sheet here to read a summary of the latest information about this cleanup site.

Site Information

The Holly Park cleanup site is in Seattle’s Beacon Hill neighborhood at 7315 Martin Luther King Jr Way South, Seattle WA. Ecology, with Community Roots Housing (CRH) and HomeSight (HomeSight), has prioritized cleanup of the site in conjunction with redevelopment of the property as a mixed-use community space and affordable housing complex. CRH and HomeSight are cleaning up the site under a legal agreement, called a Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree, with Ecology.

Why This Site Matters

This site cleanup is made possible in part by funding from Ecology’s Affordable Housing Cleanup Grants. Washington is in dire need of affordable housing across the state. Contamination, or even the suspicion of contamination, drives up the costs of housing development. The large cost leaves little incentive for developers to build affordable housing.

In addition to the usual risks of redevelopment, cleaning up contaminated sites can be a complex process with considerable risk. The cost and time associated with cleaning up a site is often poorly understood; as a result, many sites are left vacant or underused for years, even decades. Supporting cleanups for affordable housing helps make sure the cleanup gets done, protecting the community’s health and the environment. Ecology developed the Affordable Housing Cleanup Grant Program (AHCGP) to help advance environmental cleanups for affordable housing developments. These grants can cover remedial action costs, including planning, investigative, and technical work needed to clean up contaminated sites. The purpose of the AHCGP is to expedite the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites into affordable housing use and lessen the impact of cleanup costs.

What Happens Next?

Ecology will consider all comments received and may amend the documents based on your comments. After that, the PPCD and Public Participation Plan will be finalized, and the formal cleanup will begin.  A Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study will then be completed. Results from the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study will lead to a Cleanup Action Plan. Drafts of the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study as well as the Cleanup Action Plan will be available for public review and comment.

General Cleanup Process

The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that protect human health and the environment. Ecology enacts the MTCA and oversees cleanups. The MTCA site cleanup process is completed in steps (see graphic below) over a variable timeline.
Click image to enlarge
Click image to enlarge
Legal 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree - Draft 4/11/2024 Consent Decree
Public Information 9
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Holly Park - Response to Comments 5/29/2024 Responsiveness Summary
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - May 2024 - Somali 5/9/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Holly Park - Online Presentation - May 2024 5/8/2024 Multimedia
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - April 2024 - Chinese 4/19/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - April 2024 - Vietnamese 4/19/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - April 2024 - Tagalog 4/19/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - April 2024 - Spanish 4/19/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Fact Sheet - Holly Park - April 2024 4/11/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Holly Park - Public Participation Plan - Draft 4/11/2024 Public Participation Plan
Technical Reports 21
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Holly Park - SHA Rank Letter 8/3/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Holly Park - Site Hazard Assessment 7/31/2015 Site Hazard Assessment Report
Holly Park - First Quarter 2014 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 4/22/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - SHA Notification Letter 4/4/2014 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Holly Park - Fourth Quarter 2013 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 2/24/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Third Quarter 2013 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 10/1/2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - First Quarter 2013 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 5/23/2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Third Quarter 2012 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 9/13/2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - First Quarter 2012 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 7/17/2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Fourth Quarter 2011 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 3/21/2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Third Quarter 2011 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 11/30/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Second Quarter 2011 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 8/30/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - First Quarter 2011 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling Report 6/10/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Third Quarter 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report 3/10/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - First Quarter 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report 3/31/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Fourth Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/18/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Third Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report 11/16/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Second Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/20/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Holly Park - Site Characterization and Delineation Report 9/9/2003 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Holly Park - Focused Phase II ESA (7313 & 7315 MLK Jr Way S) 10/16/2002 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Holly Park - Focused Phase II Environmental Site Assessment 6/20/2002 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Voluntary Cleanup Program 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Holly Park - VCP Termination Letter 3/9/2010 VCP Administrative Document
Holly Park - VCP Status Request Letter 2/4/2010 VCP Administrative Document
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 5

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Diesel C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Other C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.