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Solid Waste Management (1015 publications 1982-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
2024 Organics Management Laws - Focus Sheet 24-07-025July 2024
2022-2023 Washington Statewide Recycling & Organics Characterization Study 24-07-007July 2024
Local Government Compost Procurement Ordinance (CPO) Adoption and Reporting Requirements 24-07-023June 2024
Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington 23-07-062June 2024
Compostable Product Labeling and Declarations - Focus Sheet 23-07-022June 2024
Washington State - Bag Ban - Point of Sale Sign 21-07-021June 2024
Washington State - Bag Ban - Bring Your Own Bag Flyer 21-07-020June 2024
Washington State - Bag Requirements for Restaurants and other Food Service Businesses 21-07-019June 2024
Washington State - Bag Requirements For Retailers, Grocers, Restaurants, and other Businesses 21-07-018June 2024
Use Food Well - Research Survey and Qualitative Study 24-07-022May 2024
Use Food Well - Marketing Plan 24-07-021May 2024
Organics Management - Compost Procurement Ordinances and Reporting 22-07-026May 2024
Food Waste Prevention - Use Food Well - Partner Toolkit 24-07-018April 2024
Guía para almacenar alimentos - Aprovecha bien los alimentos 24-07-017ESApril 2024
Food Storage Guide - Food Waste Prevention - Use Food Well Washington 24-07-017April 2024
Guía para comprar inteligentemente - Aprovecha bien los alimentos 24-07-016ESApril 2024
Shop Smart Guide - Food Waste Prevention - Use Food Well Washington 24-07-016April 2024
Guía para planificar comidas - Aprovecha bien los alimentos 24-07-015ESApril 2024
Meal Planning Guide - Food Waste Prevention - Use Food Well Washington 24-07-015April 2024
Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Management Study - Final report to Legislature 24-07-014April 2024
Food Waste Prevention - Brand Guide 24-07-003April 2024
Luật Chất hữu cơ – Thông báo Công chúng đến 24-07-002VIApril 2024
Ley de Desechos Orgánicos – Aviso Público para los Negocios 24-07-002ESApril 2024
Public Notice - Business Organics Management Law 24-07-002April 2024
Luật Hữu Cơ - Bưu thiếp 24-07-001VIApril 2024
Ley de desechos orgánicos - Tarjeta postal 24-07-001ESApril 2024
Organics Law Outreach - Instructions for Identifying Businesses 24-07-013March 2024
Washington's Recycling Development Center - 2024 Work Plan 24-07-008March 2024
Go East Landfill Corp Cleanup Site - Mailer 24-07-005March 2024
Appendix to Life Cycle Assessment of Spokane Waste Management Options 23-07-064March 2024
Life Cycle Assessment of Spokane Waste Management Options 23-07-063March 2024
NextCycle Washington - Circular Infrastructure Gap Analysis 24-07-012January 2024
NextCycle Washington - 2023 Year End Report 24-07-011January 2024
NextCycle Washington - Circular Funding Resource Guide 24-07-010January 2024
Plastics PCRC Workload Analysis - Fiscal year 2025 24-07-009January 2024
Postcard - Business Organics Management Law 24-07-001January 2024
Optimizing Recycling in Washington State: Local Government Contracting and Solid Waste System Mapping 22-07-018January 2024