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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus on Aquatic Plant and Algae Management Draft Permit 05-10-102December 2005
Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems: A Guide for Puget Sound Planners to Understand Watershed Processes 05-06-027December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Comparison of Stream Temperature Monitoring Protocols used by the Environmental Monitoring and Trends Section 05-03-205December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Continuous Stream Temperature Monitoring by the Freshwater Monitoring Unit 05-03-202December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan (Revised): Little Spokane River Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-121December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: PCBs and Other Contaminants in Spokane River Fish, 2005 05-03-120December 2005
An Analysis of Microbial Pollution in the Sinclair-Dyes Inlet Watershed 05-03-042December 2005
Walla Walla River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-041December 2005
Washington State Groundwater Assessment Program: Hydrology and Quality of Groundwater in the Centralia-Chehalis Area Surficial Aquifer 05-03-040December 2005
River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring Report for Water Year 2004 05-03-038December 2005
Washington State Water Quality Conditions in 2004, based on Data from the Freshwater Monitoring Unit: Technical Appendix 05-03-037December 2005
Washington State Water Quality Conditions in 2004, based on Data from the Freshwater Monitoring Unit 05-03-036December 2005
Wenatchee River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-012December 2005
Focus on Wilson Creek Sub-basin Bacteria TMDL 03-10-022December 2005
Focus on Fecal Coliform Bacteria 02-10-010December 2005
Focus on Teanaway Basin - A plan to improve stream temperatures 01-10-020December 2005
Focus on Upper Yakima Basin - Restoration plan targets sediments 01-10-003December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Fork Palouse River Pesticide, PCB, and Fecal Coliform Stormwater Pilot Study 05-03-115November 2005
Lower Similkameen River Arsenic Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-074October 2005
Old Stillaguamish River Channel Diel Surveys, July and September 2004 05-03-035October 2005
Quality Assurance Monitoring Plan: Streamflow Gaging Network 05-03-204September 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: PBT Monitoring: Measuring PBDE Levels in Washington Rivers and Lakes 05-03-113September 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Metals Concentrations from Stormwater Runoff in an Industrial Area Creek 05-03-112September 2005
QUAL2Kw - A framework for modeling water quality in streams and rivers using a genetic algorithm for calibration 05-03-044September 2005
Investigation of Petroleum Products in Black Lake Sediment and Surface Water Adjacent to an Underground Storage Tank Site 05-03-030September 2005
Gibbons Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-078August 2005
Willapa River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report and Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-073August 2005
Estimating Discharge and StreamFlows: A Guide for Sand and Gravel Operators 05-10-070August 2005
Colville River Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-045August 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Pataha Creek Effectiveness Monitoring Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-203August 2005
Flow Summary for Gaging Stations on Selected Tributaries of the Walla Walla River 05-03-029August 2005
Palermo Wellfield Superfund Site Subdrain System and Treatment Lagoon, Status Report, September 2004 and June 2005 05-03-027August 2005
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, April through October, 2004: A Cooperative Study by the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Agriculture 05-03-025August 2005
Changes and Trends in Puget Sound Sediments: Results of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, 1989-2000 05-03-024August 2005
Assessment of Surface Water and Groundwater Interchange in the Walla Walla River Watershed 05-03-020August 2005
Wenatchee River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-011August 2005
Thermal Infrared Radiometry: Taking the Temperature of the North and South Fork Palouse Rivers 05-10-065July 2005
Colville National Forest Temperature, Bacteria, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-047July 2005
Groundwater Data Summary for the Wenatchee River Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-018July 2005
Temporal Monitoring of Puget Sound Sediments: Results of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, 1989-2000 05-03-016July 2005
Assessment of Total Dissolved Gas in the Spokane River at Upriver and Little Falls Dams 05-03-010July 2005
Puyallup and White Rivers Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen July - November 2004 Monitoring Report 05-10-053June 2005
Wilson Creek Sub-Basin Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-041June 2005
Nisqually Watershed Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-040June 2005
Final Environmental Impact Statement - Ahtanum Creek Watershed Restoration Program 05-06-016June 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Upper Yakima Basin Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-111June 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: East Fork Lewis River Temperature and Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-110June 2005
Verification of 303(d) Listings for Fish Tissue in the Skagit and Pend Oreille Rivers 05-03-017June 2005
Flow Summary for Gaging Stations on the Wenatchee River and Selected Tributaries 05-03-015June 2005
Lake Chelan DDT and PCBs in Fish Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-014June 2005
Focus on Bacteria in the Issaquah Creek Basin 05-10-054May 2005
Stillaguamish River Watershed Fecal Coliform, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Arsenic, and Mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan) - Submittal Report 05-10-044May 2005
Little Bear Creek Water Cleanup Plan for Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Total Maximum Daily Load - Submittal Report 05-10-034May 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis for Temperature in Tributaries to Oakland Bay-Hammersley Inlet: Mill Creek, Cranberry Creek, and Johns Creek 05-03-107May 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Assessing Current Levels of 303(d) Listed Pesticides and PCBs in Palouse River Fish 05-03-106May 2005
Appendices: Nisqually River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-002appMay 2005
Nisqually River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-002May 2005
Focus on Aquatic Permits 05-10-048April 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Investigation of Petroleum Products in Black Lake Sediment and Surface Water from Underground Tanks. 05-03-105April 2005
Focus Sheet: Water Cleanup Planning in the East Fork Lewis River Watershed 05-03-013April 2005
A Comparison of Water Quality Data Collected from Two Washington Rivers by the Department of Ecology and the U.S. Geological Survey 05-03-009April 2005
Spatial Extent of Dioxin/Furan Contaminated Sediments in Dillenbaugh Creek 05-03-008April 2005
Water Quality Certifications for Existing Hydropower Dams: Guidance Manual 04-10-022April 2005
Salmon Creek Watershed Bacteria and Turbidity Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-037March 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about Protecting Oxygen in the Spokane River 05-10-036March 2005
Effects of Small-Scale Gold Dredging on Arsenic, Copper, Lead, and Zinc Concentrations in the Similkameen River 05-03-007March 2005
Concentrations of 303(d) Listed Pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs Measured with Passive Samplers Deployed in the Lower Columbia River 05-03-006March 2005
Little Klickitat River Watershed Temperature TMDL: Detailed Implementation Plan 04-10-075March 2005
Focus on Little Bear Creek 05-10-024February 2005
Selah Ditch Multiparameter Total Maximum Daily Load: Technical Assessment 05-10-020February 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Skokomish River Basin Fecal Coliform TMDL Attainment Monitoring 05-03-201February 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Saginaw Mill Groundwater Monitoring 05-03-102February 2005
Walla Walla River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Study, Data Summary Report 05-03-003February 2005
North Fork Palouse River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 04-10-067February 2005
Lower Okanogan River Basin DDT and PCBs Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 04-10-043February 2005
Periodic Dam Safety Inspection Report: Trout Lake Dam 92-084January 2005
Focus on Hydropower Dam Licensing and Water Quality 05-10-010January 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Yakima Area Creeks Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study 05-03-101January 2005
Lake Whatcom Total Maximum Daily Load Groundwater Study 05-03-001January 2005
Focus on Water Quality Cleanup Plan for Port Susan and Stillaguamish Watershed 04-10-085January 2005