Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Watershed Plan Implementation Assessment for the Colville Watershed
| 24-11-011 | March 2024 |
Methylmercury in Freshwater Fish, 2020 Comparison Study
| 23-03-011 | July 2023 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals (PBTs) Using Age-Dated Lake Sediment Cores: 2023-2027
| 23-03-114 | June 2023 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2017-2019 Sampling Results
| 23-03-014 | June 2023 |
WRIA 59 Colville Watershed Water Availability
| 20-11-059 | August 2022 |
Watershed Plan Implementation Assessment for the Colville Watershed
| 22-11-009 | February 2022 |
Focus on: Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
| 21-06-008 | April 2021 |
Focus on: Water of the United States
| 21-06-007 | March 2021 |
Planning for flood risks
| 21-06-004 | February 2021 |
Colville Watershed (WRIA 59) Plan Update
| 20-11-090 | December 2020 |
Upland Regional Soil Background Characterization for Select Metals in Northeast Washington Watersheds
| 19-03-014 | July 2019 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish, 2015 Sampling Results
| 17-03-006 | April 2017 |
Colville National Forest Temperature and Bacteria TMDL: Second addendum to the Colville National Forest Temperature and Bacteria TMDL Water Quality Implementation Plan
| 16-10-037 | November 2016 |
Focus on Water Availability: Colville Watershed, WRIA 59
| 11-11-063 | November 2016 |
Addendum to the Colville River Fecal Coliform: Total Maximum Daily Load Report
| 15-10-036 | September 2015 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish, 2012 Sampling Results
| 13-03-044 | December 2013 |
PBT Chemical Trends in Washington State Determined from Age-Dated Lake Sediment Cores, 2012 Sampling Results
| 13-03-036 | August 2013 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Colville River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 12-03-116 | September 2012 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan Assessment for Chemical Contaminants in Northeastern Washington Area Lakes: Sampling Additional Lakes and Wetlands for Metals Contamination
| 12-03-115 | August 2012 |
Focus on Fish Testing: Snake River Fish Tested for Chemicals
| 11-03-067 | December 2011 |
Background Characterization for Metals and Organic Compounds in Northeast Washington Lakes, Part 2: Fish Tissue
| 11-03-054 | December 2011 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State, 2010 Sampling Results
| 11-03-053 | October 2011 |
Background Characterization for Metals and Organic Compounds in Northeast Washington Lakes, Part 1: Bottom Sediments
| 11-03-035 | September 2011 |
2010 Report to the Legislature: Water Banking in Washington State
| 11-11-072 | June 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Assessment for Chemical Contaminants in Northeastern Washington Area Lakes.
| 10-03-119 | November 2010 |
Determination of PBT Chemical Trends in Selected Washington Lakes Using Age-Dated Sediment Cores, 2009 Sampling Results
| 10-03-035 | June 2010 |
An Assessment of Washington Lakes: National Lake Assessment Results
| 10-03-029 | April 2010 |
2009 Report to the Legislature: Watershed Plan Implementation Statutory Changes, Progress Report on Setting Instream Flows, and Reclaimed Water in Adopted Plans
| 09-11-033 | January 2010 |
Solving Septic Impacts in the Colville Watershed
| 09-10-021 | March 2009 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Freshwater Fish Tissue Component, 2007
| 09-03-003 | January 2009 |
2008 Report to the Legislature - Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 08-06-027 | December 2008 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2007 Sampling Results
| 08-03-027 | September 2008 |
History of Mercury in Selected Washington Lakes Determined from Age-Dated Sediment Cores: 2007 Sampling Results
| 08-03-012 | May 2008 |
Clarks Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform TMDL
| 07-10-110 | May 2008 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Contaminants in Fish Tissue from Freshwater Environments in 2004 and 2005
| 07-03-024 | June 2007 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2005 Sampling Results
| 07-03-007 | February 2007 |
Colville National Forest Temperature and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Implementation Plan
| 06-10-059 | October 2006 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Toxic Contaminants in Fish Tissue and Surface Water in Freshwater Environments, 2003
| 06-03-019 | May 2006 |
WRIA 59 Colville River Watershed Detailed Implementation Plan
| 06-11-051 | March 2006 |
Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 05-11-038 | December 2005 |
Colville River Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan
| 05-10-045 | August 2005 |
Third Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality of Creeks in Ten Washington Mining Districts, with Emphasis on Metals
| 04-03-005 | February 2004 |
Mercury in Edible Fish Tissue and Sediments from Selected Lakes and Rivers of Washington State
| 03-03-026 | June 2003 |
Investigation of Background Inorganic and Organic Arsenic in Four Washington Lakes
| 03-03-024 | May 2003 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality in Creeks from Ten Washington Mining Districts
| 02-03-081 | October 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Survey of Mercury Levels in Edible Fish Tissue from Selected Lakes and Rivers of Washington State
| 02-03-080 | October 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Investigation of Background Concentrations of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic in Freshwater Fish Tissue in Four Washington Lakes
| 02-03-075 | September 2002 |
Colville River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 02-03-036 | July 2002 |
Second Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality of Creeks in Ten Washington Mining Districts, with Emphasis on Metals
| 02-03-024 | June 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Water Quality in the Colville River Watershed
| 02-10-013 | March 2002 |
The Use of 2,4-D for Selective Control of an Early Infestation of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Loon Lake, Washington. Article in Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 39: 117-125.
| 01-03-047 | December 2001 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Water Year 2000
| 01-03-042 | December 2001 |
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1997
| 00-03-009 | March 2000 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1998 Activity Report
| 99-328 | June 1999 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1997 Activity Report
| 98-311 | April 1998 |
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State - 1994
| 97-307 | February 1997 |
Colville River Water Quality: Pollutant Loading Capacity and Recommendations for Total Daily Maximum Loads
| 96-349 | January 1997 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1995
| 96-355 | December 1996 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1993
| 96-304 | January 1996 |
City of Colville Sewage Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 95-357 | October 1995 |
City of Chewelah Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection - October 3-6, 1994
| 95-354 | October 1995 |
Estimates of Ground-Water Contaminant Loading to the Colville River in the Vicinity of L-Bar Products
| 95-344 | October 1995 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1994
| 95-349 | September 1995 |
Loon Lake Sewer District 4 Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 95-341 | August 1995 |
Water Quality Impacts from Dairies in Washington State: A Literature Review
| 95-326 | June 1995 |
Loon Lake Class II Inspection, Groundwater Permit No. ST 8019
| 95-319 | May 1995 |
1994 Statewide Water Quality Assessment Lakes Chapter - Companion Document to WA State 305(b)
| 95-311 | February 1995 |
Effectiveness of Forest Road and Timber Harvest Best Management Practices with Respect to Sediment-Related Water Quality Impacts, Interim Report No. 2
| 94-67 | May 1994 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1991-1992
| 94-46 | April 1994 |
Effectiveness of Forest Road and Timber Harvest Best Management Practices with Respect to Sediment-Related Water Quality Impacts, Interim Report No. 1
| 94-27 | June 1993 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Project, 1990
| 92-124 | January 1993 |
Effectiveness of Forest Road and Timber Harvest Best Management Practices with Respect to Sediment-related Water Quality Impacts, Progress Report
| 92-e55 | October 1992 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Project, 1989
| 91-60 | November 1991 |
Water Quality Survey of 15 "Volunteer-Monitored" Lakes in Washington State
| 91-e06 | July 1991 |
Water Quality Survey of 25 Citizen-Volunteer Lakes from Washington State
| 90-e03 | March 1990 |
Irrigation Water Use Efficiency Demonstration Project. Phase 1 State-wide Evaluation of Irrigated Areas
| 89-11-001 | December 1989 |
Colville Wastewater Treatment Plant/Colville River Receiving Water Study.
| 89-e39 | April 1989 |
Colville Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection September 22-23, 1987
| 88-e10 | August 1988 |
Chewelah Class II Inspection and Receiving Water Report.
| 83-e46 | October 1983 |
An Assessment of the Trophic Status of Deer, Loon, and Diamond Lakes
| 80-9 | July 1980 |
Class II Inspection - Colville, Washington.
| 79-e23 | November 1979 |
Review of Water Quality Data for Colville Indian Reservation.
| 79-e03 | July 1979 |
Final Environmental Impact Statement - Colville River Basin Management Plan and Regulation
| 77-11-005 | August 1977 |
Water Resources Management Program, Basin Program Series 5: Colville River Basin
| 77-11-002 | August 1977 |
Chewelah STP Class II Inspection.
| 75-e24 | December 1975 |
Chewelah (Lagoon).
| 73-e36 | July 1973 |
Colville Sewerage Treatment Plant Survey.
| 73-e52 | January 1973 |
Generalized Geology & Hydrology of Stevens County, Washington - 1971
| 71-11-002 | October 1971 |