Facility Site ID: 32584416 Cleanup Site ID: 4203

  • Site Status

  • Cleanup Started

Site Background

The former Airport Kwik Stop building is no longer an operating business.
The former Airport Kwik Stop building is no longer an operating business.

The Airport Kwik Stop site begins west of Highway 31 and north of Greenhouse Road and extends generally east and southeast toward the Pend Oreille River. The site was formerly a convenience store that sold gasoline and diesel. The site includes the former Airport Kwik Stop, the former Cabin Grill, and vacant properties north, south and east of the Cabin Grill.

The Airport Kwik Stop building is no longer an operating business. The Cabin Grill is a private residence. 

In 1994, underground storage tanks at the Airport Kwik Stop were removed, and above-ground storage tanks were used to store fuel. In 2008, a pipe connection leaked under the premium gas dispenser, which caused gasoline to spray inside the dispenser. 

In 2010 and 2011, soil and groundwater samples taken at the site showed petroleum-related contaminants exceeded state standards and posed a threat to human health and the environment. Drinking water wells in the vicinity have been impacted.


Volatile organic compounds, benzene, tolueneethylbenzene, xylenes, and gasoline-range petroleum hydrocarbons are in soil and groundwater.


Map of where petroleum is in groundwater as of May 2022 (click to enlarge).
Map of where petroleum is in groundwater as of May 2022 (click to enlarge).

Ecology is leading and funding cleanup at the Airport Kwik Stop site because the former owners/operators cannot afford it.

In 2012, Ecology proposed (read Ecology’s responses to public comments) a work plan for investigating the extent and locations of contamination and evaluating cleanup options, a process resulting in a feasibility study in 2013.

In early 2012, as part of the investigation, Ecology sampled the drinking water wells of six residences that were potentially impacted by the contaminated groundwater plume, which had shifted directions. Since then, we have installed carbon filters on residential water wells showing contamination.

Ecology installed 10 groundwater monitoring wells at a variety of potentially impacted locations in 2012. Three soil vapor extraction wells were also installed to test efficiency for treating petroleum-contaminated unsaturated soil at the Airport Kwik Stop. Two air-sparge wells were added to evaluate treatment of contamination in saturated soil.

By mid-2012, Ecology shared the results of testing the soil vapor extraction system and proposed to use the technology to reduce contamination while the remedial investigation and feasibility study process continued. We responded to public comments on this interim cleanup action.

In late 2013, the remedial investigation and feasibility study reports were made available for public comment. Ecology responded to public comments on the reports in 2014.

In mid-2014, Ecology proposed additional work to clean up petroleum contamination in soil and groundwater about 35 feet below ground at the former Cabin Grill property. We responded to public comments on the plan.

In 2015, Ecology conducted a pilot test of a new, combined air-sparge and soil vapor extraction system near the former Cabin Grill to determine if full-scale treatment system is needed for the site.

Based on the results of the combined air-sparge and vapor extraction pilot test, air sparging was added to the remediation system at the Airport Kwik Stop site in 2016. Depending on the performance of the initial five air-sparge wells, additional wells may be installed.

Ecology held a comment period May 22 - June 5, 2017, on a proposed groundwater treatment plan to reduce petroleum contamination. We didn't receive any comments. You can learn more in the fact sheet that was mailed to nearby residents and was available at the Airport General Store.

Following the comment period, contractors began injecting bioremediation amendments into groundwater to supply bacteria that increase the growth of microbes that consume petroleum. Increased microbial activity decreases the amount of petroleum. The injections also provide nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, that further increase microbial growth and activity.

Ecology held a comment period January 30 through March 1, 2023, for the draft plan to excavate shallow contaminated soil and the related State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documents. We responded to one comment and will proceed with the shallow soil cleanup. This work will include:

  • Removing and disposing the existing fuel pumps and associated piping.
  • Removing and disposing the metal awning and associated infrastructure attached to the Airport Kwik Stop building.
  • Excavating and disposing petroleum-contaminated soil.
  • Treating the excavated area to break down remaining contamination faster.
  • Installing piping at the base of the excavation to apply additional treatments, as necessary.
  • Backfilling the excavated area with clean gravel.

When the cleanup plan for deeper contamination is ready, it will be available for public review and comment. This plan will select the best cleanup methods from the investigations and treatment system tests.

Legal 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Airport Kwik Stop - Notice of Intent to File Lien 11/22/2012 Lien related document
Outreach Information 12
State Environmental Policy Act 8
Technical Reports 26
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Airport Kwik Stop SHARP 3/13/2025 SHARP Report
Data Gaps Site Assessment 3/8/2024 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Contaminated Shallow Soil Excavation Plan 7/25/2022 Interim Action Documents
Airport Kwik Stop Cultural resources review memo 4/19/2022 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
In-Situ Remediation Plan: Airport Kwik Stop and Cabin Grill Site 5/10/2017 Interim Action Documents
Airport Kwik Stop Supplemental Interim Action Work Plan 7/3/2014 Interim Action Documents
Airport Kwik Stop Feasibility Study Report 2013 6/28/2013 Feasibility Study
Remedial Investigation Report pgs 1-65 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Figures 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix A 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix B 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix C 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix D 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix E 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix F 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix G 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Investigation Report Appendix H 1/29/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
Interim Action SVE Work Plan Airport Kwik Stop 7/1/2012 Interim Action Documents
Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Report Airport Kwik Stop 7/1/2012 Interim Action Documents
Airport Kwik Stop Work Plan for Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study 11/22/2011 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Second Supplemental Site Characterization Report 8/31/2011 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Groundwater Monitoring Report (Fourth Quarterly Event) 6/29/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Groundwater Monitoring Report (Third Quarterly Event) 5/5/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Groundwater Monitoring Report (Second Quarterly Event) 1/25/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Supplemental Site Characterization Report 1/3/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Site Characterization Report 10/14/2010 Site Specific Technical Document - other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Eastern Regional Office
    N 4601 Monroe St
    Spokane, 99205-1265
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • Ione Public Library
    200 Blackwell, Suite 1
    Ione, 99139
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 3

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Methyl tertiary-butyl ether S
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.