Section 401 Water Quality Certifications (WQC), Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Federal Consistency Decisions, and Administrative Orders (90.48 RCW)

Listed below are recent 401 Water Quality Certification decisions,Coastal Zone Management federal consistency decisions, and Administrative Orders (90.48 RCW) authorizing work in waters of the state, including wetlands. To view a decision, click on the link in the table below. All files are in Adobe PDF.

*For mobile devices, turn to landscape mode for a better viewing experience.

Issue Date Federal Reference # Ecology Order # Applicant Project Description County Action
03/25/2025 202300060 23518 Prologis Inc Prologis Park Vancouver CLARK Administrative Order
03/25/2025 202400152 23395 General Recycling of Washington, LLC General Recycling of Washington Habitat Restoration KING 401 Certification
03/24/2025 202000864 20165 WA DOT SR 167 / I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway PIERCE Amendment
03/18/2025 202401027 WA DOT US 101 / SR 116 North Olympic Peninsula - Remove Fish Barriers (Ennis Creek) CLALLAM CZM Decision
03/18/2025 202300125 Kitsap County Parks Point No Point Park Phase 2 Restoration and Repair KITSAP CZM Decision
03/18/2025 200500502 23546 Lars Andersen & Associates Inc The Home Depot Port Orchard KITSAP 401 Denial
03/18/2025 202400159 23434 Bellevue City of Utilities Department Kelsey Creek Culvert and Lake Hills Boulevard Water and Sewer Replacement KING 401 Denial
03/13/2025 200900650 19862 Taylor Shellfish Farms Smith Lease THURSTON Amendment
03/13/2025 201700175 23461 Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians Triangle Cove Shellfish Aquaculture ISLAND 401 Denial
03/11/2025 202400522 King County Metro Transit Department Daylighting of Riverton Creek at South Annex Base (SAB) KING CZM Decision
03/11/2025 202400179 23524 Newport Yacht Club Newport Yacht Club Bulkhead Replacement KING 401 Denial
03/11/2025 202400414 23326 Herman Lanier Lanier Driveway Extension KING Administrative Order
03/10/2025 202300128 21762 The Nature Conservancy Port Susan Bay Estuary Restoration SNOHOMISH Amendment
03/10/2025 202400522 23516 King County Metro Transit Department Daylighting of Riverton Creek at South Annex Base (SAB) KING 401 Certification
03/06/2025 23517 WA DOT I-90 / EB Weigh Station KITTITAS Administrative Order
03/06/2025 202401027 23522 WA DOT US 101 / SR 116 North Olympic Peninsula - Remove Fish Barriers (Ennis Creek) CLALLAM 401 Certification
03/06/2025 202000864 20165 WA DOT SR 167 / I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway PIERCE Amendment
02/27/2025 202200468 23304 Taylor Morrison Caledon Rural Cluster Subdivision SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
02/27/2025 202400749 23486 Sterling Design, Inc. 119th Street Station PUD Subdivision CLARK 401 Certification
02/27/2025 199900599P 23366 Landco LLC Columbia River Navigation Channel Material Removal Project CLARK 401 Certification
02/27/2025 202400040 23235 Tacoma Port of Port of Tacoma TOTE Maritime Alaska Maintenance Dredge PIERCE Amendment
02/27/2025 200701400 19919 Taylor Shellfish Farms Montecucco Lease THURSTON Amendment
02/27/2025 201400283 13151 Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems Astronics Building and Parking Expansion KING Terminate
02/26/2025 202400742 23495 Cascade Fisheries Peshastin 2.5 Habitat Restoration CHELAN 401 Certification
02/24/2025 PMP-24-05 23241 US ACOE Seattle Desimone Levee Repair KING Terminate
02/19/2025 202400395 23447 Bellingham School District Community Transitions Facility WHATCOM Administrative Order
02/19/2025 202401041 WA DOT SR 20 / Campbell Lake Rd Intersection Improvements - Roundabout SKAGIT CZM Decision
02/19/2025 202300613 23485 Clark County Public Works Heritage Farm Wetland Restoration CLARK 401 Certification
02/18/2025 202300691 Mason Conservation District Skokomish RM 6.5 Restoration MASON CZM Decision
02/14/2025 200400078P 13270 Ilwaco, Port of Port of Ilwaco Marina Maintenance Dredging PACIFIC Amendment
02/13/2025 20108 US ACOE Seattle Yakima River Gap to Gap Ecosystem Restoration YAKIMA Terminate
02/13/2025 23417 US ACOE Seattle Yakima River Gap to Gap Ecosystem Restoration YAKIMA 401 Certification
02/13/2025 202300691 23475 Mason Conservation District Skokomish RM 6.5 Restoration MASON 401 Certification
02/13/2025 202401041 23476 WA DOT SR 20 / Campbell Lake Rd Intersection Improvements - Roundabout SKAGIT 401 Certification
02/12/2025 202400578 Whatcom County Public Works Cougar Creek Habitat Improvement Project WHATCOM CZM Decision
02/12/2025 201900887 23441 Kessi Engineering and Consulting LLC Lacamas Tech Commercial Development CLARK 401 Certification
02/12/2025 202400726 23483 Cowlitz County Public Works Tower Road Permanent Bridge at Rock Creek COWLITZ 401 Certification
02/11/2025 201100467 21173 Seattle Port of Seattle Pile Systems Repair and Maintenance Program KING Amendment
02/11/2025 202400563 23248 Tacoma Port of Middle Blair Navigation Safety Improvement - The Knuckle PIERCE Amendment
02/11/2025 200701136 19809 Taylor Shellfish Farms Taylor Shellfish Miller Lease PIERCE Amendment
02/11/2025 202200681 23234 Tacoma Port of Port of Tacoma Pierce County Terminal (PCT) Maintenance Dredging PIERCE Amendment
02/11/2025 202100842 21709 Seattle Port of Terminal 91 Berths 6 and 8 Redevelopment KING Amendment
02/11/2025 202400027 22881 Bellingham City of Boulevard Park Shoreline and Public Access Enhancement WHATCOM Amendment
02/10/2025 US EPA MPRSA General Permit for Ocean Disposal of Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Carcasses MULTIPLE CZM Decision
02/06/2025 201900511 23377 STCA, LLC Brownstones East KING Administrative Order
02/05/2025 202100436 Everett City of Downstream Dike Maintenance at Diking District 5, Smith Island, Everett and Snohomish County SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
02/05/2025 202000112 23261 Snoqualmie City of Sandy Cove Park Bank Protection Phase 2 KING 401 Certification
02/05/2025 202400531 23365 Point Roberts Resort, LP Point Roberts Marina Annual Bypass Dredging and Beach Nourishment WHATCOM 401 Certification
01/30/2025 202400371 WA DOT SR 109 North Moclips Slope Stabilization GRAYS HARBOR CZM Decision
01/30/2025 23490 US EPA MPRSA General Permit for Ocean Disposal of Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Carcasses MULTIPLE 401 Certification
01/30/2025 200700167 18057 Skagit County Drainage and Irrigation District No. 17 Skagit Drainage and Irrigation District 17 Drainage Maintenance SKAGIT Amendment
01/29/2025 202400578 23419 Whatcom County Public Works Cougar Creek Habitat Improvement Project WHATCOM 401 Certification
01/28/2025 202100808 20787 Goodro Shellfish Goodro Shellfish Nelson (Hammersley) Property MASON Amendment
01/27/2025 US NOAA NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) Grant - Derelict Crab Pots KING CZM Decision
01/27/2025 202400335 23450 Pend Oreille Conservation District Sunnyside Sandy Shores Bank Stabilization PEND OREILLE 401 Certification
01/22/2025 202300758 23459 Ten Talents Investments 19, LLC Skyview East CLARK 401 Certification
01/21/2025 202300582 Anacortes Port of T Dock Reconfiguration SKAGIT CZM Decision
01/21/2025 202300809 Pierce County Public Works Rhodes Lake Road Corridor East PIERCE CZM Decision
01/16/2025 200800472P Chinook Port of Chinook Marina Maintenance Dredge PACIFIC CZM Decision
01/16/2025 202400307 Snohomish County DNR Elliott Road Flood Reduction SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
01/16/2025 22590 US ACOE Walla Walla Stilling Basin Sediment Removal MULTIPLE Amendment
01/14/2025 202200717 21609 OPG Port Gamble LLC Port Gamble Bay Habitat Restoration KITSAP Amendment
01/14/2025 201800622 23416 Western Forest Industries Museum Morton Track Repairs LEWIS 401 Certification
01/13/2025 202200934 Glacier Northwest, Inc. Kenmore Berth Maintenance Dredging Project KING CZM Decision
01/06/2025 200800472P 23329 Chinook Port of Chinook Marina Maintenance Dredge PACIFIC 401 Certification
01/06/2025 0115 23327 BNSF Railway BNSF Railway Bridge 0050-0037.8 Swing Span Fender Replacement SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
01/06/2025 202200934 23331 Glacier Northwest, Inc. Kenmore Berth Maintenance Dredging Project KING 401 Certification
01/06/2025 202300125 23255 Kitsap County Parks Point No Point Park Phase 2 Restoration and Repair KITSAP 401 Certification
12/31/2024 202200729 22561 Everett Port of Bulkhead Segment E Replacement and Wharf Repair SNOHOMISH Amendment
12/30/2024 202300837 23397 Harbour Homes LLC Lockwood SNOHOMISH Administrative Order
12/30/2024 202400307 23011 Snohomish County DNR Elliott Road Flood Reduction SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
12/30/2024 202400130 23409 Quail Development LLC Quail Riverview CLARK 401 Certification
12/26/2024 US NOAA NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) Grants - Squaxin Island MASON CZM Decision
12/26/2024 US ACOE Seattle Neah Bay Outer Breakwater Repair CLALLAM CZM Decision
12/26/2024 CORPS US ACOE Seattle McGlinn Island Jetties Interim Repairs SKAGIT CZM Decision
12/24/2024 202400372 WA DOT SR 104 Lyon Creek - Fish Passage KING CZM Decision
12/23/2024 202300447 23376 Debra Breen Breen Access Driveway Improvements PIERCE Administrative Order
12/19/2024 202300374 22911 Yakima County Public Services Gap to Gap Floodplain Restoration YAKIMA 401 Certification
12/19/2024 202400372 23379 WA DOT SR 104 Lyon Creek - Fish Passage KING 401 Certification
12/17/2024 202100436 22551 Everett City of Downstream Dike Maintenance at Diking District 5, Smith Island, Everett and Snohomish County SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
12/16/2024 202100956 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) BPA Shelton – Fairmount Transmission Rebuild and Fiber Optic Replacement MULTIPLE CZM Decision
12/11/2024 202400490 23310 Marathon Pipeline Snake River HDD - Boise-Pasco #1 6-inch Pipeline MULTIPLE 401 Certification
12/11/2024 201300687 21556 Sound Transit Federal Way Link Extension KING Amendment
12/10/2024 202300853 Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group Big Quilcene River: Moon Valley Reach Floodplain Restoration JEFFERSON CZM Decision
12/10/2024 202001068 22348 Moses Lake Port of Northern Columbia Basin Railroad (NCBR) Segment 1 GRANT Terminate
12/10/2024 201900953 18253 J.E. McAmis Inc Lower Columbia River Maintenance Dredging MULTIPLE Amendment
12/10/2024 202001068 23360 Moses Lake Port of Northern Columbia Basin Railroad (NCBR) Segment 1 GRANT Administrative Order
12/09/2024 202300853 23378 Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group Big Quilcene River: Moon Valley Reach Floodplain Restoration JEFFERSON 401 Certification
12/05/2024 202400471 23313 Spokane Conservation District Hangman Creek Bank Stabilization and Habitat Enhancement SPOKANE 401 Certification
12/05/2024 US NOAA NOAA Mukilteo Research Station Property Transfer SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
12/05/2024 202400520 23343 Medical Lake City of Coney Island Park Pier/Dock and Shoreline Stabilization SPOKANE 401 Certification
12/03/2024 CENWS-ODP-NS-46 US ACOE Seattle Quillayute River Channel Maintenance Dredging and Placement CLALLAM CZM Decision
11/26/2024 202300305 Taylor Shellfish Farms Oakland Bay Floating Culture MASON CZM Decision
11/22/2024 202300867 23348 MainVue Homes Maltby Grove SNOHOMISH Administrative Order
11/21/2024 202300354 Rainier RCL LLC Peak 410 Business Park PIERCE CZM Decision
11/20/2024 202300375 22901 G Logics Mossman Heating Oil Tank Cleanup KING 401 Denial
11/20/2024 202300354 23358 Rainier RCL LLC Peak 410 Business Park PIERCE 401 Certification
11/20/2024 202000422 Taylor Shellfish Farms Rathburn Farm - Hammersley MASON CZM Decision
11/19/2024 US CG Special Purpose Craft - Heavy Weather (SPC-HWX) II Acquisition MULTIPLE CZM Decision
11/19/2024 201800769 Noble House Hotels & Resorts Edgewater Hotel Pile Replacement KING CZM Decision
11/15/2024 202200778 22149 Bridge Development Partners LLC Maralco Industrial Redevelopment KING Amendment
11/15/2024 202200784 23263 King County Belmondo Levee Repair KING 401 Certification
11/14/2024 202100119 22565 LeGrow Water Company Intake Pipe and Screen Replacement WALLA WALLA 401 Certification
11/14/2024 201800769 23328 Noble House Hotels & Resorts Edgewater Hotel Pile Replacement KING 401 Certification
11/13/2024 202200679 22947 Myles Yu Myles Bulkhead Replacement ISLAND 401 Denial
11/06/2024 202300187 22066 PDC Seattle LPIV/TH LLC Mt Vista CLARK 401 Certification
11/01/2024 CORPS 23319 US ACOE Walla Walla Mill Creek Diversion Dam Fish Ladder WALLA WALLA 401 Certification
10/31/2024 201801001 Boeing Company Boeing Development Center and Thompson Sites Shoreline Infrastructure Stabilization KING CZM Decision
10/30/2024 202300672 23324 Sager Development INC McKinley Estates PIERCE Administrative Order
10/29/2024 202200712 WZL Enterprises LLC Ash Way Townhomes SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
10/28/2024 201100859 16036 Tacoma City of Leach Creek Holding Basin Maintenance PIERCE Amendment
10/24/2024 202400563 Tacoma Port of Middle Blair Navigation Safety Improvement - The Knuckle PIERCE CZM Decision
10/23/2024 202400563 23248 Tacoma Port of Middle Blair Navigation Safety Improvement - The Knuckle PIERCE Amendment
10/23/2024 201700827 16156 WA DOT I-405 Renton to Bellevue SR 169 to I-90 Stage 1 KING Amendment
10/23/2024 201000050P 9064 Vancouver Port of Terminal 5 Bulk Potash Handling Facility CLARK Amendment
10/22/2024 US ACOE Seattle Union Slough Levee Rehabilitation at SR 529 SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
10/22/2024 202400040 Tacoma Port of Port of Tacoma TOTE Maritime Alaska Maintenance Dredge PIERCE CZM Decision
10/22/2024 202100956 22895 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) BPA Shelton – Fairmount Transmission Rebuild and Fiber Optic Replacement MULTIPLE 401 Certification
10/22/2024 202200712 22400 WZL Enterprises LLC Ash Way Townhomes SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
10/18/2024 202300582 23293 Anacortes Port of T Dock Reconfiguration SKAGIT 401 Certification
10/17/2024 202300581 Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians Trafton Floodplain Restoration SNOHOMISH CZM Decision
10/17/2024 202400113 Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe Big Quilcene River Bridge Replacement Project - Floodplain Phase JEFFERSON CZM Decision
10/17/2024 201200880 15319 Lexington Flood Control Zone District South Fork McCorkle Creek Detention Structure Modification COWLITZ Amendment
10/17/2024 202400563 23248 Tacoma Port of Middle Blair Navigation Safety Improvement - The Knuckle PIERCE 401 Certification
10/17/2024 202400040 23235 Tacoma Port of Port of Tacoma TOTE Maritime Alaska Maintenance Dredge PIERCE 401 Certification
10/16/2024 201600350 22886 Electron Hydro LLC Electron Hydro Diversion Fish Passage Enhancement PIERCE Terminate
10/16/2024 202400113 23296 Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe Big Quilcene River Bridge Replacement Project - Floodplain Phase JEFFERSON 401 Certification
10/16/2024 202300581 23311 Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians Trafton Floodplain Restoration SNOHOMISH 401 Certification
10/15/2024 202200330 Association of Moorage Slip Owners of Murphy's Landing II Murphy's Landing Marina Maintenance Dredging PIERCE CZM Decision
10/14/2024 202200468 22927 Taylor Morrison Caledon Rural Cluster Subdivision SNOHOMISH Administrative Order
10/14/2024 US ACOE Seattle Grays Harbor North Jetty Maintenance GRAYS HARBOR CZM Decision
10/09/2024 202200330 23242 Association of Moorage Slip Owners of Murphy's Landing II Murphy's Landing Marina Maintenance Dredging PIERCE 401 Certification
10/07/2024 US ACOE Seattle Willapa Bay Navigation Channel Maintenance Dredging and Open-water Disposal PACIFIC CZM Decision
10/07/2024 PMP-24-05 US ACOE Seattle Desimone Levee Repair KING CZM Decision
10/04/2024 PMP-24-05 23241 US ACOE Seattle Desimone Levee Repair KING 401 Certification
10/02/2024 201700832 16050 Green Mountain Land LLC Green Mountain PRD Phase 3 + Wetland A Jurisdictional Determination CLARK Terminate