Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Dioxin in Surface Water Sources to Oakland Bay
| 11-03-118 | December 2011 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analyzing Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Fish from Washington Background Lakes: Analysis of Supplemental PBTs in Non-Background Waterbodies
| 11-03-108-Addendum-1 | December 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – December 5, 2011
| 11-03-082 | December 2011 |
POSTER: Puget Sound Toxic Loading Analysis: Hazard Evaluation for Chemicals of Concern in the Puget Sound Basin - Methodology and Results
| 11-03-068 | December 2011 |
Focus on Fish Testing: Snake River Fish Tested for Chemicals
| 11-03-067 | December 2011 |
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmon-Bearing Streams: DH-81 and Grab Sample Comparison Study
| 11-03-066 | December 2011 |
Procedures for Evaluating the Department of Ecology’s Statewide Flow Gaging Network
| 11-03-064 | December 2011 |
PCB, Dioxin, and Chlorinated Pesticide Sources to Vancouver Lake
| 11-03-063 | December 2011 |
POSTER: Seasonal Variations in Flushing Time for Quartermaster Harbor, an Enclosed Puget Sound Estuary
| 11-03-062 | December 2011 |
Background Characterization for Metals and Organic Compounds in Northeast Washington Lakes, Part 2: Fish Tissue
| 11-03-054 | December 2011 |
2012 Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: The Puget Sound Assessment and Monitoring Program/Urban Waters Initiative: Sediment Monitoring in the San Juan Islands and Port Gardner/Everett Harbor
| 09-03-121-Addendum3 | December 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Asotin Creek Temperature Straight-to-Implementation Vegetation Study
| 11-03-116 | November 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Cherry and Ames Creeks (Snoqualmie River Tributaries) Dissolved Oxygen Study
| 11-03-115 | November 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – November 15, 2011
| 11-03-081 | November 2011 |
Pyrethroids in Freshwater Sediments of King County
| 11-03-061 | November 2011 |
Focus on Puget Sound: Puget Sound Toxics Assessment
| 11-03-060 | November 2011 |
Appendix D-9. Hazard Evaluation - Water Effects Summary Data
| 11-03-055-AppD9 | November 2011 |
Appendix D-8. Hazard Evaluation - Summary Statistics for Environmental (Observed) Data
| 11-03-055-AppD8 | November 2011 |
Appendices D-3 through D-7. Hazard Evaluation Figures (Plots)
| 11-03-055-AppD3-D7 | November 2011 |
Appendix D-2. Hazard Evaluation - Results of Prioritization
| 11-03-055-AppD2 | November 2011 |
Appendices D-10 through D-13. Hazard Evaluation - Sediment Guidelines, Tissue Residue Effects Data, Wildlife Effects Data, ECOTOX QA Summary
| 11-03-055-AppD10-D13 | November 2011 |
Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound: Assessment of Selected Toxic Chemicals in the Puget Sound Basin, 2007-2011.
| 11-03-055 | November 2011 |
Lake Chelan Wapato Basin Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality
Effectiveness Monitoring Report
| 11-03-049 | November 2011 |
Review and Critique of Current Microbial Source Tracking (MST) Techniques
| 11-03-038 | November 2011 |
Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound: Phase 3: Primary Sources of Selected Toxic Chemicals and Quantities Released in the Puget Sound Basin
| 11-03-024 | November 2011 |
Addendum to Gibbons Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan
| 11-03-117 | October 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Performance Evaluation of Devices for Stormwater Particulate Sampling
| 11-03-113 | October 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Sumas-Blaine Aquifer Nitrate Contamination Summary
| 11-03-111 | October 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – October 17, 2011
| 11-03-080 | October 2011 |
POSTER: Calibration of a three-dimensional model of water quality in South Puget Sound
| 11-03-059 | October 2011 |
POSTER: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) In Puget Sound Sediments – A Baseline Update (2004-2011)
| 11-03-056 | October 2011 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State, 2010 Sampling Results
| 11-03-053 | October 2011 |
POSTER: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products and Perfluorinated Chemicals in Puget Sound Sediments
| 11-03-051 | October 2011 |
EDB and 1,2-DCP in Domestic Groundwater Supplies, Follow-Up Investigation: Bertrand Creek Area (Whatcom County)
| 11-03-050 | October 2011 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Modeling Study Intermediate-scale Model Development
| 0903110Addendum1 | October 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Black Lake Grocery Groundwater Confirmational Monitoring
| 11-03-114 | September 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Elwha-Dungeness Watershed Planning Area Assessment of Gaged Streamflows by Modeling
| 11-03-112 | September 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Salmon Creek Watershed Low Dissolved Oxygen and pH Characterization Study
| 11-03-110 | September 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Type N Experimental Buffer Treatment Study in Incompetent Lithologies: Riparian Inputs, Water Quality, and Exports to Fish-Bearing Waters
| 11-03-109 | September 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analyzing Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Fish from Washington Background Lakes
| 11-03-108 | September 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – September 12, 2011
| 11-03-079 | September 2011 |
Background Characterization for Metals and Organic Compounds in Northeast Washington Lakes, Part 1: Bottom Sediments
| 11-03-035 | September 2011 |
Sumas-Blaine Aquifer Long-Term Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network, 2009 Annual Report
| 11-03-015 | September 2011 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Aquatic Plant Monitoring in Washington Lakes and Rivers.
| 11-03-106Addendum1 | August 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – August 8th, 2011
| 11-03-078 | August 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – July 6th, 2011
| 11-03-077 | August 2011 |
Tidally averaged circulation in Puget Sound sub-basins: Comparison of historical data, analytical model, and numerical model. Article in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
| 11-03-048 | August 2011 |
Characteristics of small headwater wetlands in second-growth forests of Washington, USA. Article in the journal, Forest Ecology and Management.
| 11-03-047 | August 2011 |
White Salmon River Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Attainment Monitoring Study
| 11-03-046 | August 2011 |
PBT Chemical Trends in Washington State Determined from Age-Dated Lake Sediment Cores, 2010 Sampling Results
| 11-03-045 | August 2011 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound Phase 3: Characterization of Loadings via Surface Runoff
| 11-03-107 | July 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Aquatic Plant Monitoring in Washington Lakes and Rivers
| 11-03-106 | July 2011 |
River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring Report, Water Year 2010
| 11-03-037 | July 2011 |
Wenatchee Watershed Planning Area: Prediction of Gaged Streamflows by Modeling
| 11-03-028 | July 2011 |
Groundwater Level Gauging Project: Lower Lake Roosevelt Watershed (WRIA 53),
| 15-03-015 | June 2011 |
Mission Creek Subwatershed Hydro-Geologic Monitoring Report
| 14-03-038 | June 2011 |
Chumstick Creek Subwatershed Hydro-Geologic Monitoring Report
| 14-03-037 | June 2011 |
Little Spokane Groundwater Elevation and Stream Flow Monitoring Project, Tech. Memo - 2011 Project Update
| 12-03-339 | June 2011 |
2011 Swale Creek Subbasin Water Level Monitoring Summary, WRIA 30
| 12-03-337 | June 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – June 20th, 2011
| 11-03-076 | June 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – June 06, 2011
| 11-03-075 | June 2011 |
Relative Importance of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Non-point Sources of Perfluorinated Compounds to Washington State Rivers
| 11-03-036 | June 2011 |
Focus on Nutrients and Puget Sound: Nitrogen in surface water runoff to Puget Sound
| 11-03-034 | June 2011 |
Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Dibenzofurans in Surface Sediments of Bellingham Bay, 2010
| 11-03-033 | June 2011 |
Nason Creek (Chelan County) Oxbow Reconnection Monitoring, 2010
| 11-03-032 | June 2011 |
Deschutes River Continuous Nitrate Monitoring
| 11-03-030 | June 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – May 4, 2011
| 11-03-074 | May 2011 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Monitoring with SPMDs for PBTs in Washington Waters in 2009
| 11-03-029 | May 2011 |
POSTER: Nitrate Contamination in the Sumas-Blaine Aquifer, Whatcom County, Washington
| 11-03-027 | May 2011 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter from Washington State Rivers and Lakes, 2010 Results
| 11-03-026 | May 2011 |
Focus on Puget Sound: Toxics in Surface Runoff to Puget Sound
| 11-03-025 | May 2011 |
Mercury and Copper Levels in Leach Creek (Pierce County) During 2009-2010
| 11-03-014 | May 2011 |
Spokane River PCB Source Assessment, 2003-2007
| 11-03-013 | May 2011 |
Toxics in Surface Runoff to Puget Sound: Phase 3 Data and Load Estimates
| 11-03-010 | May 2011 |
Lower Okanogan River Basin DDT and PCB Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Effectiveness Monitoring Report
| 11-03-009 | May 2011 |
Addendum 2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: A Trend Monitoring Component for Organic PBTs in the Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program.
| 07-03-104Addendum2 | May 2011 |
Appendix E: COC Concentration Decision - Ambient Areas
| 1103023AppendixE | April 2011 |
Appendix D: COC Concentration and Mass Flux Estimates - Non-detect substitution Method 2 (Lowest RL)
| 1103023AppendixD | April 2011 |
Appendix C: COC Concentration and Mass Flux Estimates - Non-detect substitution Method 1 (0.5RL)
| 1103023AppendixC | April 2011 |
Appendix B: Groundwater Discharge Analysis Results
| 1103023AppendixB | April 2011 |
Appendix A: Shoreline Classification Analysis Results
| 1103023AppendixA | April 2011 |
Appendix S. Temporal Analysis
| 1103010AppendixS | April 2011 |
Appendix R. Median Concentrations and Frequency of Detection by Storm Event
| 1103010AppendixR | April 2011 |
Appendix Q. Puget Sound-Scale Total Toxic Chemical Loading Estimates
| 1103010AppendixQ | April 2011 |
Appendix P. Watershed-Scale Total Toxic Chemical Loading Estimates
| 1103010AppendixP | April 2011 |
Appendix O. Whisker Plots Comparing Unit-Area Toxic Chemical Loading Estimates between Monitoring Locations
| 1103010AppendixO | April 2011 |
Appendix N. Subbasin Scale Unit-Area Toxic Chemical Loading Estimates
| 1103010AppendixN | April 2011 |
Appendix M. Box Plots Comparing Toxic Chemical Concentrations between Monitoring Locations
| 1103010AppendixM | April 2011 |
Appendix L. Summary Statistics for Toxic Chemical Concentrations by Monitoring Location, Land Use, and Watershed
| 1103010AppendixL | April 2011 |
Appendix K. Detection Frequency Summary Tables for Individual Parameter by Flow Condition, Land Use, and Watershed
| 1103010AppendixK | April 2011 |
Appendix J. Validation Reports for Stream Gauging Data
| 1103010AppendixJ | April 2011 |
Appendix I. Validation Reports for Laboratory Data -- available only on CD (85 MB)
| 1103010AppendixI | April 2011 |
Appendix H. Storm Event Delineation Method Description
| 1103010AppendixH | April 2011 |
Appendix G. Alternative Method for Computing Watershed Scale Loading Estimates
| 1103010AppendixG | April 2011 |
Appendix F. Measurement Procedures for the Phase 3 Study of Toxics in Surface Runoff to Puget Sound
| 1103010AppendixF | April 2011 |
Appendix E. Target Parameters for the Phase 3 Study of Toxics in Surface Runoff to Puget Sound
| 1103010AppendixE | April 2011 |
Appendix D. Figures Showing Sample Collection Times Relative to the Stream Hydrograph at Each Monitoring Location
| 1103010AppendixD | April 2011 |
Appendix C. Sample Collection Times by Monitoring Location and Associated Hydrologic Conditions
| 1103010AppendixC | April 2011 |
Appendix B. Documentation for GIS Analyses Performed During the Monitoring Location Selection Process
| 1103010AppendixB | April 2011 |
Appendix A. Detailed Maps of Monitoring Locations and Associated Drainage Basins
| 1103010AppendixA | April 2011 |
Eyes Over Puget Sound: Surface Conditions Report – April 2011
| 11-03-073 | April 2011 |
Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound: Evaluation of Loading of Toxic Chemicals to Puget Sound by Direct Groundwater Discharge
| 11-03-023 | April 2011 |
Assessment of Aquatic Toxicity in North Creek, Gig Harbor
| 11-03-022 | April 2011 |
Appendices C-E: Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2010 Data Summary
| 11-03-021AppendicesC-E | April 2011 |
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2010 Data Summary
| 11-03-021 | April 2011 |
Phase 2: High Summer Bacteria Concentrations in South Puget Sound Streams
| 11-03-019 | April 2011 |
Addendum 4 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Washington State Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid Habitat for Two Index Watersheds.
| 03-03-104ADD4 | April 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Flame Retardants and Metals in Children’s Products and Consumer Goods
| 11-03-105 | March 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee Watershed Planning Area Assessment of Gaged Streamflows by Modeling
| 11-03-104 | March 2011 |
Hangman Creek Watershed Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Nutrients Total Maximum Daily Load Study: Data Summary Report
| 11-03-020 | March 2011 |
Mercury Concentrations in Lake Ozette Sockeye
| 11-03-017 | March 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analyzing Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Effluent and Groundwater at Three Reclaimed Water Facilities.
| 11-03-103 | February 2011 |
Lacamas Creek Fecal Coliform, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Study Design (Quality Assurance Project Plan)
| 11-03-102 | February 2011 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Pyrethroids in Freshwater Sediments of King County
| 11-03-101 | February 2011 |
American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results: April and October, 2010
| 11-03-016 | February 2011 |
Focus on Puget Sound: Update on Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound
| 11-03-012 | February 2011 |
Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Arsenic and Lead in the Tacoma Smelter Plume Footprint and Hanford Site Old Orchards
| 11-03-006 | February 2011 |
Lakewood Plaza Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, June and October 2010
| 11-03-011 | January 2011 |
Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound: Characterization of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound and Major Tributaries, 2009-10
| 11-03-008 | January 2011 |
POSTER: South Puget Sound Nitrogen Loading: Magnitudes and Sources
| 11-03-007 | January 2011 |
Appendices C-G: Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2009 Data Summary
| 11-03-004-Appendices C-G | January 2011 |
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2009 Data Summary
| 11-03-004 | January 2011 |
Mercury Levels in Gold Mining Reaches on Seven Washington Rivers and Creeks
| 11-03-003 | January 2011 |
Walla Walla Watershed Planning Area: Prediction of Gaged Streamflows by Modeling
| 11-03-002 | January 2011 |