Facility Site ID: 93355524 Cleanup Site ID: 6885

  • Site Status

  • Cleanup Started
Jan. 23
12:01 am
Feb. 21
11:59 pm

Comment On Cleanup Agreement, Studies, And Plan

Información en Español

Time Oil Company (TOC) Facility 01 176 site (Site) is in a commercial-residential area of Mountlake Terrace. It covers parts of three contiguous parcels of property at 24205, 24225 and 24309 56th Avenue West, plus part of the 54th Avenue West right-of-way. The 24205 property was the source of the contamination.

JYK Holdings, LLC, intends to purchase, cleanup, and redevelop the 24205 and 24225 parcels.

Ecology will oversee the cleanup. We invite the public to review and comment on these draft documents:

  • Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree: a legal agreement that directs JYK Holdings to implement an Ecology-approved cleanup action for the site once they have completed the purchase.

Exhibit A – Site Diagram
Exhibit B – Legal Description of Property
Exhibit E – Schedule of Work and Deliverables

  • Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study: describes the contamination at the site, evaluates cleanup actions, and selects a preferred option.
  • Cleanup Action Plan: describes the selected cleanup action, which includes:
    • Rehabilitating and expanding the existing multi-phase extraction (MPE) remediation system on the site
    • Operating the MPE system for three years to treat residual groundwater contamination
    • Collecting soil and groundwater performance and confirmation samples
    • Capping or covering residual contaminated soil at the site, if necessary
    • Implementing institutional controls under an environmental covenant, if necessary
    • Providing engineered vapor intrusion mitigation at the site, if necessary
  • Public Participation Plan describes how Ecology will inform the community about the cleanup and ways to become involved.

For more information, download the fact sheet.

Comment online

You can also send comments by email to vance.atkins@ecy.wa.gov, or by US mail to:

Vance Atkins LG LHG, site manager
Dept. of Ecology
PO Box 330316
Shoreline, WA 98133

Jan. 23
12:01 am
Feb. 21
11:59 pm

Decreto De Consentimiento Del Comprador

El Departamento de Ecología (Ecología) está negociando un acuerdo legal, llamado Decreto de Consentimiento del Comprador Potencial (PPCD, Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree), con JYK Holdings, LLC (Comprador Potencial) para el sitio de limpieza TOC Facility No. 01 176. Para información detallada sobre este sitio de limpieza, descargue nuestra hoja informativa.

El sitio está en una zona comercial-residencial de Mountlake Terrace. El sitio abarca secciones de tres parcelas contiguas ubicadas en las siguientes direcciones: 24205 56th Avenue West (Propiedad Fuente), 24225 56th Avenue West (Propiedad Adyacente), y 24309 56th Avenue (Parcela Drake), además de parte del derecho de paso de 54th Avenue West.

JYK Holdings tiene la intención de comprar, limpiar y redesarrollar la Propiedad Fuente y la Propiedad Adyacente. 

Ecología supervisará la limpieza e invita al público a revisar y comentar sobre los siguientes borradores, disponibles en inglés: 

  • Decreto de Consentimiento para Compradores Potenciales: un acuerdo legal que le ordena al Comprador Potencial realizar una limpieza del sitio, aprobada por Ecología, después de finalizar la compra.
  • Investigación Remedial/Estudio de Viabilidad: que describe la contaminación en el sitio, evalúa distintas acciones para limpiar el sitio, y selecciona la alternativa preferida.
  • Plan de acción para la Limpieza: que describe la acción de limpieza seleccionada e incluye:
    • Rehabilitación y expansión del sistema de remediación por extracción multifase (MPE) en el Sitio
    • Operación del sistema MPE por 3 años para tratar contaminación residual de las aguas subterráneas
    • Recolección de muestras de resultados y confirmación del suelo y el agua subterránea
    • Instalación de una capa o cubierta sobre el suelo contaminado del sitio, de necesitarse
    • Implementación de controles institucionales bajo un convenio ambiental, de necesitarse
    • Mitigación contra la intrusión de vapores, de necesitarse.
  • Plan de Participación Pública: que describe cómo Ecología le informará a la comunidad las actividades realizadas en el sitio y maneras en que pueden participar.

Envíe sus comentarios

Para más información en español, comuníquese con Nancy Lui escribiendo a nancy.lui@ecy.wa.gov, o llame al 425-393-5679 y deje saber que quiere hablar de TOC Facility No. 01 176.


Time Oil operated a retail gasoline service station on the Source Property from 1968 to 1990. In April 24, 2014, Time Oil Company (TOC) Facility 01 176 filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. 

The Site encompasses portions of three contiguous parcels, the Source Property, Adjoining Property, and Drake Parcel, plus a portion of the 54th Avenue West right-of-way.

The Source Property contains a fenced remediation system compound surrounded by paved parking and unpaved vegetated areas. The Adjoining Property is developed with a vacant one-story commercial building and contains a fenced remediation system compound. The Source Property and Adjoining Property are unoccupied. The Drake Parcel is developed with a tavern known as the Getaway Tavern.

Underground Storage Tanks

The service station included three underground storage tanks (USTs), six fuel dispensers, and associated product lines. In 1991, the USTs, fuel dispensers, and associated product lines were decommissioned by removal during closure of the service station.


These contaminants remain in soil and groundwater at concentrations that exceed applicable cleanup levels:

  • Soil: Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline-range organics (GRO), and benzene, toluene, ethylebenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)
  • Groundwater: GRO, benzene, and xylenes

Future Use

The Prospective Purchaser plans to redevelop the Property as a multi-story mixed residential and commercial building with parking after cleanup is completed. The redevelopment plans have not yet been finalized.

Model Toxics Control Act Cleanup Process

The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It
provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that
protect human health and the environment. Ecology enacts the MTCA and oversees

The MTCA site cleanup process is completed in steps over a variable timeline.

Learn How Ecology Is Protecting The Environment In Your Community

What's In My Neighborhood shows contamination cleanup sites in Washington state. Ecology encourages cleanup of these sites to protect the health of people, plants, and animals. Cleanups are projects that remove, treat, or contain potentially harmful substances.

Report An Environmental Issue

To report an environmental problem or concern, any time, day or night, use the online reporting form.

Counties: Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom
Email: nwroerts@ecy.wa.gov
Phone: 206-594-0000

Requesting Accommodation

Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services. To request an ADA accommodation, contact Ecology by phone at 360-407-6831 or email at ecyadacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov. For Washington Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341.  Visit Ecology’s website for more information.

Language Services

To request language services (interpreting/translation), contact Ecology by phone at 425-393-5679 or email nancy.lui@ecy.wa.gov or visit https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Accessibility-equity/Language-services. For Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341.
Legal 8
Leaking Underground Storage Tank 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
TOC 01 176 - Soil Vapor Survey April 1992 4/28/1992 LUST Site Characterization Report
TOC 01 176 - UST Removal Report July 1991 7/8/1991 LUST - Site Assessment Report
Outreach Information 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
TOC Facilities 01 176 PPP 1/23/2025 Public Participation Plan
TOC Facility 01 176 PPCD and PPP Fact Sheet 1/23/2025 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
TOC Facility 01 176 PPCD and PPP Espanol Fact Sheet 1/23/2025 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
TOC 01-176 - Agreed Order Fact Sheet August 2011 8/26/2011 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
State Environmental Policy Act 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
TOC 01-176 - Determination of NonSignificance August 2011 8/26/2011 SEPA Documents
TOC 01-176 - SEPA Checklist August 2011 8/12/2011 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 37
Document Title Document Date Document Type
TOC 01 176 - Environmental Conditions Summary 8/30/2023 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC 01 176 - Tech Memo 5/17/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Addendum to GW Monitoring Plan 4/13/2017 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC 01-176 - 4Q 2016 GWMR 3/31/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Q4 2016 O&M Report 3/24/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - 3Q 2016 GWMR 3/2/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Ecology Letter on Remediation 2/28/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
TOC 01-176 - EFR Tech Memo Final 12/22/2016 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC 01-176 - Q3 2016 O&M Report 11/8/2016 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC 01-176 - 2Q 2016 GWMR 9/22/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - 2Q 2016 O&M Final Report 9/16/2016 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC Facility No 01 176 - 2016 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/30/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - First Quarter 2016 O&M Report 5/6/2016 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q2, Q3 & Q4 2015 3/31/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Fourth Quarter 2015 O&M report 2/17/2016 Remedial Action Report
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q2, Q3 & Q4 2014 2/10/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01 176 - Technical Memo 12/14/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Third Quarter 2015 O&M report 12/12/2015 Remedial Action Report
TOC 01-176 - Remedial Systerms Operation and Maintenance Report Q2 2015 10/7/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - 2015 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/15/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Operations & Maintenance Report Q1 2015 6/30/2015 Operation and Maintenance Plan
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q3 2013 4/16/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Operations and Maintenance Report Q4 2014 3/27/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - March 2014 cross sections 3/1/2015 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q2 2013 2/11/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Operations and Maintenance Report Q3 2014 2/2/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Operations and Maintenance Report Q2 2014 10/22/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - 2014 Groundwater Annual Report 9/14/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Operation and Maintenance Report Q1 2014 9/5/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Operations & Maintenance Report Q3 2013 8/11/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Operations & Maintenance Report Q4 2013 8/11/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
TOC 01-176 - Draft Remedial Investigation Report 11/27/2013 Remedial Investigation Report
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q1 2013 6/27/2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q4 2012 6/26/2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01-176 - New Ecology Project Coordinator 4/22/2013 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
TOC 01-176 - Groundwater Monitoring Report Q1 2012 8/22/2012 Groundwater Monitoring Report
TOC 01 176 - Limited Historical Investigation July 2007 7/10/2007 Interim Action Documents
Voluntary Cleanup Program 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
TOC 01-176 - Request for Information from CSID 8551, 24325 56th Ave W 3/2/2023 VCP Administrative Document
TOC 01-176 - Request for Information from CSID 8551, 24311 56th Ave W 3/1/2023 VCP Administrative Document
TOC 01-176 - NW1809 VCP Termination Letter 11/8/2010 VCP Administrative Document
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • Mountlake Terrace Library
    23300 58th Ave West
    Mountlake Terrace, 98043
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 6

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants B B
Non-Halogenated Organics - Non-Halogenated Solvents C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C C
Metals - Lead C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.