Facility Site ID: 2067 Cleanup Site ID: 5055

Status Update

Ecology held a public comment period from October 10 - November 8, 2024 for the Interim Action Work Plan – Phase 2 Removal Action.  The document describes how cleanup of contamination from former waste piles will be conducted at the Site.

Ecology did not receive any public comments during the comment period.  The liable party will continue to clean up the Site under the Agreed Order.

Model Toxics Control Act Cleanup Process

The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that protect human health and the environment. Ecology implements the law and oversees cleanups.

​The MTCA site cleanup process is completed in steps over a variable timeline.

Proposed Cleanup Timeline

Estimated Timeline

2024: Phase 2 Interim Action

2024-2025:  Implementation of Remedial Investigation.

2025:   Perform the Feasibility Study

2026: Prepare the Draft Cleanup Action Plan

Each of the remaining cleanup process steps will require a public comment period. The graphic above shows these different stages of cleanup. Sometimes multiple stages occur in one public comment period.

Planned Redevelopment

The Owner plans to redevelop the property as a warehouse following the Phase 2 interim cleanup action including:

  • Demolition of all existing structures (some demolition will occur in conjunction with the cleanup).
  • Construction of an approximate 178,700 square foot warehouse building with concrete and asphalt loading dock, roads, and parking area. 
  • Installation of new stormwater facility and new utility connections.
For more information about the redevelopment, please contact Kyle Siekawitch at
ksiekawitch@bridgeindustrial.com or call 425-749-4325.

Wetland Mitigation

Wetland area on the eastern portion of the property (2022)
Wetland area on the eastern portion of the property (2022)

Portions of the western wetland and portions of the on-property ditch will be filled, and a new wetland will be created along the eastern portion of the property.

For more information on wetlands can also be found on the Ecology Wetlands Webpage.

State Environmental Policy Act For The Redevelopment

The City of Kent is the lead agency for the State Environmental Policy Act SEPA for the redevelopment activity.  The SEPA includes remedial investigation and interim action activities as part of the Ecology-supervised cleanup. In September 2024, a Modified Mitigated Determination of Non-Significant (MMDNS) was issued.  For more information, please contact Nate Schildmeyer, AICP at 253-856-5454, email nschildmeyer@KentWA.gov or mail to 220 4th Ave South, Kent WA, 98032.

Phase 1 Interim Action

Dross pile removal progress (2023)
Dross pile removal progress (2023)

Cleanup work at the Maralco site started in 2023 under Ecology’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).  The VCP provides technical help to owners of contaminated sites to fulfill the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup standards while undergoing cleanup independent of Ecology oversight. 

As a part of the independent cleanup, the dross and other stockpiled wastes on the property and inside the building were removed.  This removal was Phase 1 of the interim action and was conducted from August 2023 to November 2023.  Approximately 35,300 tons of waste were removed from the Site during the Phase 1 interim action. 

After the waste piles and dross were removed, surface soil samples were collected from the area beneath the removed stockpiles. Sample results showed that residual dross and/or contaminated soil was present in the drainage ditches.  The contaminated soil beneath the former dross pile and within the ditches that was not cleaned up under Phase 1 of the interim action will be cleaned up during Phase 2.

Site Location

A map showing where the Site is located.
A map showing where the Site is located.
The Maralco Site is located at 7730 South 202nd Street in Kent, WA. The Owner purchased the approximately 12-acre property in the Kent industrial area in June 2023. Until recently, the property also included a 45,000 square foot building near the western boundary that had been largely abandoned since 1986. The eastern portion of the property is covered by wetlands.

Site Background

Maralco site overview map (click to enlarge)
Maralco site overview map (click to enlarge)
Maralco Aluminum Company, Inc. operated a secondary aluminum smelter from 1980 to 1986. The smelter produced aluminum ingots from recycled aluminum cans, Kawecki-Berylco, Inc. (KBI) dross, and scrap metal using the molten salt process. The wastes created from this process included black dross which is typically a mixture of aluminum and metals (primarily arsenic, barium, copper, and mercury) or “salt cake” (fluorides and chlorides).  Washed oxides (aluminum oxide) were produced when water soluble components of the dross (typically salts) were removed from the dross as part of re-processing. 

Several waste piles remained on the property from the smelting operation (see photos to right) until the Phase 1 interim action was performed in 2023. Other by-products such as the aluminum oxide were also stockpiled on the property and inside the smelter building. 

Site Pictures

Maralco property aerial photo (2023)

Maralco property and wetlands (2023)

Abandoned smelter building (2023)

Maralco property aerial photo (1993)


A map showing the contamination area
A map showing the contamination area

Investigations through 2023 found the following contaminants of concern on the property: 

  • Soil:  Metals, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from diesel fuel
  • Groundwater: Metals, TPH, chloride, fluoride, and ammonia

Metals were also found in soil in the offsite drainage ditch located north of the property.

Public Participation

This plan includes information for the public regarding opportunities to get involved in the cleanup process. The outreach activities and mechanisms presented reflect Ecology’s current plans for keeping the public informed and for receiving information and comments from the public.

Working With Tribes

Ecology recognizes the importance of protecting and managing Washington's natural and cultural resources in collaboration with Tribes.

We engage with Tribes both in formal government-to-government relationships and through broader outreach whenever cleanup activities or contamination discoveries may affect tribal interests and resources. This engagement provides opportunities for tribal input throughout the cleanup process.

Ecology also works closely with the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to ensure that any ground-disturbing activities comply with state and federal historical and archaeological preservation laws.

Environmental Justice

We are committed to providing environmental justice to our most vulnerable communities. It is a priority in our efforts to restore and protect land, air, and water. 

Learn How Ecology Is Protecting The Environment In Your Community

What's In My Neighborhood shows contamination cleanup sites in Washington state. Ecology encourages cleanup of these sites to protect the health of people, plants, and animals. Cleanups are projects that remove, treat, or contain potentially harmful substances.

Report An Environmental Issue

Northwest Region Office
Northwest Region Office
To report an environmental problem or concern, any time, day or night, use the online reporting form.

Counties: Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom
Email: nwroerts@ecy.wa.gov
Phone: 206-594-0000

Requesting Accommodation

Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services. To request an ADA accommodation, contact Ecology by phone at 360-407-6831 or email at ecyadacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov. For Washington Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341.  Visit Ecology’s website for more information.

​If you speak a non-English language, free language services are available.

Translated Content

El Departamento de Ecología está anunciando el período de comentarios públicos relacionado a la limpieza ambiental del sitio Maralco. Para obtener este documento, o más información sobre este sitio en español, favor de comunicarse con Nancy Lui al 425-393-5679 o nancy.lui@ecy.wa.gov.
Ang Department of Ecology ay nag-aanunsyo ng panahon para sa isang pampublikong pagpapahayag na may kaugnayan sa paglilinis ng kapaligiran sa site ng Maralco. Para makakuha ng dokumentong ito o iba pang impormasyon tungkol sa site na ito sa Tagalog, pakisuyong kontakin si Nancy Lui sa 425-393-5679 o nancy.lui@ecy.wa.gov.
Tiếng Việt

Bộ Môi Sinh (Ecology) đang công bố thời gian lấy ý kiến công chúng liên quan đến việc tẩy nhiễm môi trường tại địa điểm Maralco. Để truy cập tài liệu này hoặc để biết thêm thông tin về địa điểm này bằng tiếng Việt, vui lòng liên lạc Liêm Nguyễn tại 360-790-4730 hoặc email liem.nguyen@ecy.wa.gov.  

  환경부는 마랄코 현장 환경 정화와 관련된 공개 논평 기간을 공지합니다. 한국어로 문서나, 현장에 대한 한국어 정보를 원하시면 담당자 (Jintae Lee: 360-890-5596, jintae.lee@ecy.way.gov) 에게 연락하십시오.

To request language services (interpreting/translation), contact Ecology by phone at 425-393-5679 or email nancy.lui@ecy.wa.gov or visit https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Accessibility-equity/Language-services. For Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341.
Legal 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Maralco Agreed Order - Final January 2024 1/17/2024 Agreed Order
Maralco PLP Determination Letter 9/14/2023 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
Maralco - Lien - Proposed Settlement Agreement 6/19/1989 Lien related document
Maralco - Notice of Claim of Lien 8/9/1988 Lien related document
Map 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Maralco - Record of Survey 4/9/1991 Map
Outreach Information 14
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Updated Public Participation Plan Maralco October 2024 10/10/2024 Public Participation Plan
Maralco Phase 2 Fact Sheet October 2024 10/10/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Sitio de limpieza Maralco Fact Sheet October 2024 10/10/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Public Participation Plan Final - November 2023 11/27/2023 Public Participation Plan
Maralco - Agreed Order, Public Participation Plan Fact Sheet - October 2023 SPANISH 10/10/2023 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Agreed Order, Public Participation Plan Fact Sheet - October 2023 10/5/2023 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Draft Consent Decree Fact Sheet 2/1/2001 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Interim Action Fact Sheet 11/1/1999 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Draft RI/FS Fact Sheet 10/1/1999 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Public Participation Plan 10/29/1991 Public Participation Plan
Maralco - Updated Public Participation Plan 8/3/1990 Public Participation Plan
Maralco - RI/FS Responsiveness Summary 7/31/1990 Responsiveness Summary
Maralco - Public Comment Period Fact Sheet 7/1/1990 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Maralco - Phase I RI/FS Fact Sheet 6/1/1990 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
State Environmental Policy Act 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Maralco - NW3339 Ecology Comment Letter for SEPA 4/7/2023 SEPA Documents
Maralco - NW3339 Ecology Comment Letter for SEPA 7/20/2022 SEPA Documents
Maralco - NW3339 SEPA Checklist 4/18/2022 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 58
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Maralco - Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan 1/27/2025 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Maralco 4Q24 Progress Report (Oct-Dec 2024) 1/10/2025 Progress Report
Maralco - Final Interim Action Work Plan, Phase 2 Removal Action 12/30/2024 Interim Action Documents
Maralco 3Q24 Progress Report (Jul-Sep 2024) 10/18/2024 Progress Report
Maralco - SHARP Report 7/24/2024 SHARP Report
Maralco 2Q24 Progress Report (Apr - June 2024) 7/10/2024 Progress Report
Maralco Ecology Key Comments on IAWP - Letter 6/6/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Maralco Ecology Key Comments on IAWP - Comment Matrix 6/6/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Maralco 1Q24 Progress Report (Jan-Mar 2024) 4/10/2024 Progress Report
Maralco Interim Action Report 2/6/2024 Interim Action Documents
Maralco - NW3339 Revised Interim Action Work Plan - Text, Tables, Figures 7/25/2023 Interim Action Documents
Maralco - NW3339 Revised Interim Action Work Plan, Appendices 7/24/2023 Interim Action Documents
Maralco - NW3339 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum 6/23/2023 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - NW3339 Remedial Investigation Work Plan 3/16/2022 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Maralco - NW3339 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report 3/21/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report 7/20/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Cost Report Package 8/31/2010 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Waste Characterization Project 8/30/2007 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Acute Oral Rat Toxicity Test 9/8/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Addendum, Sampling and Analysis Plan 6/8/2006 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Maralco - Acute Oral Rat Toxicity Test 3/20/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Revised Proposed Closure Strategy 3/20/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Dangerous Waste Characterization 2/14/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Summary Data Quality Review 11/28/2005 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Metals Analysis 11/17/2005 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Sampling and Analysis Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan 9/9/2005 Sampling and Analysis Plan
Maralco - Complete Summary Format Market Value Appraisal 4/20/2005 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Draft Cleanup Action Plan 11/12/2004 Cleanup Action Plan
Maralco - Proposed Supplemental Waste Characterization Sampling 10/13/2004 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study 5/16/2003 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Maralco - Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Large Figures 5/16/2003 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Maralco - Revised Wetland Delineations 4/25/2003 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Revised Wetland Delineations, Sheet 1 of 1 4/22/2003 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Black Dross Pile Characterization 8/31/2000 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Initial Request for Prospective Purchaser Agreement 6/20/2000 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Analytical Test Results 8/15/1996 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Underground Storage Tank Decommissioning 7/31/1995 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Characterization of Drummed Wastes 6/22/1995 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Task 2 Workplan, Implementation of Selected Cleanup Actions 6/6/1995 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Task 1, Review of Options for Remediation 5/3/1995 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Maralco - Notes for 55% Completion Meeting 12/12/1994 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Phase II Environmental Site Assessment 8/5/1994 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Air Photos 6/1/1993 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Recycled Aluminum Metals Co. Salt Cake Stockpile Sampling Plan 5/13/1993 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Construction As-Built Report 12/3/1991 Remedial Action/As-Built Report
Maralco - Work Plan for Ongoing RI/FS Activities 6/5/1991 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Maralco - Phase 1 Feasibility Study Report 3/1/1991 Feasibility Study
Maralco - Phase I Remedial Investigation Report 2/1/1991 Remedial Investigation Report
Maralco - International Aluminum Inc. Health and Safety Plan 8/27/1990 Health and Safety Plan
Maralco - MK Environmental Services Health and Safety Plan 8/3/1990 Health and Safety Plan
Maralco - Remedial Investigation Data and Analysis 5/22/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Phase II Environmental Assessment 4/30/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Revised Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan 3/19/1990 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Maralco - International Aluminum Inc. Prospectus & Feasibility Study 8/4/1989 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Technical Assistance Team Site Assessment Report 10/1/1987 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Verifications and Requirements 8/4/1986 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Impact of Western Processing on Water Quality in Mill Creek 1/1/1985 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Maralco - Western Processing Final Hydrogeologic Assessment 10/16/1984 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Voluntary Cleanup Program 7
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Maralco NW3339 - VCP Termination Letter 1/18/2024 VCP Administrative Document
Maralco - NW3339 Ecology Technical Assistance on IAWP July 31 2023 7/31/2023 VCP Technical Assistance
Maralco - NW3339 VCP Opinion Letter 8/24/2022 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – Other
Maralco - NW3339 VCP Application Acceptance 6/16/2022 VCP Administrative Document
Maralco - Termination of VCP Agreement 3/6/2013 VCP Administrative Document
Maralco - Request for Information on VCP Project 1/24/2013 VCP Administrative Document
Maralco - Request for information on status of VCP 7/23/2012 VCP Administrative Document
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • King County Library - Kent Library
    212 2nd AVE N
    Kent, 98032
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 3

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Metals - Metals - Other C C S
Other Contaminant - Conventional Contaminants, Inorganic C S
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Diesel C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.