Georgia-Pacific West Bellingham
Facility Site ID:
Cleanup Site ID:
Current Status
Last Updated: February 2025
2022 Fact Sheet | Información en español
The Lignin Operable Unit, covering approximately 4 acres, is located within the Chlor-Alkali Area of the Georgia-Pacific West cleanup site (GP West) at the corner of W. Laurel Street and Cornwall Avenue in downtown Bellingham (see map). Ecology and the Port of Bellingham (Port) prioritized cleanup of the Lignin Operable Unit to enable Mercy Housing Northwest to purchase a portion of the property for redevelopment as affordable
In 2022, after a public comment period, Ecology finalized the cleanup action plan and associated legal agreements (consent decree amendment and prospective purchaser consent decree) for the Lignin Operable Unit.
By the end of 2022, the Port of Bellingham completed the engineering design and the cleanup of the Lignin Operable Unit. Mercy Housing Northwest then purchased a portion of the property from the Port and begin redevelopment in 2023. Construction of the Mercy Millworks affordable housing was completed in early 2024.
Want to learn more?
- Visit our 2022 blog to read about the cleanup of the Lignin Operable Unit.
- Take a virtual site tour. These videos were funded through a Public Participation Grant from Ecology.
The design (engineering) of the cleanup action plan is underway through the completion of multiple pre-remedial design investigations for the remaining Chlor-Alkali Area of the GP West site — see “Technical Reports” below to review these documents.
Estimated Site Timeline
- 2025-2026: Complete the design (engineering) of the cleanup action for the remaining Chlor-Alkali Area.
- 2027-2028: Hold a public comment period for the amended legal agreement (consent decree) requiring the Port to complete engineering design documents and clean up the remaining Chlor-Alkali Area. Begin the cleanup.
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Join our email list to receive updates about the Georgia-Pacific West Bellingham cleanup site. Email Kristen Forkeutis, Public Involvement Coordinator, at to be added to the list. Unsubscribe at any time.
General Cleanup Process
The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that protect human health and the environment. Ecology enacts MTCA and oversees cleanups. The MTCA site cleanup process is completed in steps over a variable timeline.
Public Participation
Current Georgia Pacific West cleanup site Public Participation Plan
This plan includes information for the public regarding opportunities to get involved in the Site cleanup process. The outreach activities and mechanisms presented reflect Ecology’s current plans for keeping the public informed and for receiving information and comments from the public.
This plan includes information for the public regarding opportunities to get involved in the Site cleanup process. The outreach activities and mechanisms presented reflect Ecology’s current plans for keeping the public informed and for receiving information and comments from the public.
Site Information
Background & Location
The approximately 74-acre Georgia-Pacific West cleanup site is located at 300 West Laurel Street, on the south side of Whatcom Waterway, in Bellingham. A pulp and tissue mill operated at the site from 1926 through 2007. The Port of Bellingham acquired property within the site from Georgia-Pacific Corporation in January 2005, and plans to use the property for commercial, retail, and residential purposes.
Environmental investigations of the site showed contamination in two separate and distinct areas. As a result, in 2013, the Port and Ecology agreed to divide the site into two separate cleanup areas to expedite cleanup and support redevelopment. The two areas are known as the Pulp and Tissue Mill area and the Chlor-Alkali area.
In 2011 and 2013, interim cleanup actions (or early partial cleanups) were conducted to remove contaminated soils and building materials from the site. The cleanup of the Pulp and Tissue Mill area was completed in 2016.
The Pulp and Tissue Mill Area (38 acres) was cleaned up in 2016, and the following contamination was addressed:
• metals
• low pH
• petroleum hydrocarbons
• volatile organic compounds
• dioxins/furans
The Chlor-Alkali Area (36 acres) is addressing the following contamination:
• mercury
• high pH (caustic)
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
• petroleum hydrocarbons
Contaminant levels within the Chlor-Alkali Area are present at potentially harmful levels and must be addressed under Washington's toxics cleanup law, the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA).
Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot
The Georgia-Pacific West site is one of 12 sites coordinated through the Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot. The Pilot is a bay-wide multi-agency effort to clean up contaminated sediment, control sources of sediment contamination, and restore habitat, with consideration for land and water uses. In 2000, participants in this initiative developed the Bellingham Bay Comprehensive Strategy.
The approximately 74-acre Georgia-Pacific West cleanup site is located at 300 West Laurel Street, on the south side of Whatcom Waterway, in Bellingham. A pulp and tissue mill operated at the site from 1926 through 2007. The Port of Bellingham acquired property within the site from Georgia-Pacific Corporation in January 2005, and plans to use the property for commercial, retail, and residential purposes.
Environmental investigations of the site showed contamination in two separate and distinct areas. As a result, in 2013, the Port and Ecology agreed to divide the site into two separate cleanup areas to expedite cleanup and support redevelopment. The two areas are known as the Pulp and Tissue Mill area and the Chlor-Alkali area.
In 2011 and 2013, interim cleanup actions (or early partial cleanups) were conducted to remove contaminated soils and building materials from the site. The cleanup of the Pulp and Tissue Mill area was completed in 2016.
The Pulp and Tissue Mill Area (38 acres) was cleaned up in 2016, and the following contamination was addressed:
• metals
• low pH
• petroleum hydrocarbons
• volatile organic compounds
• dioxins/furans
The Chlor-Alkali Area (36 acres) is addressing the following contamination:
• mercury
• high pH (caustic)
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
• petroleum hydrocarbons
Contaminant levels within the Chlor-Alkali Area are present at potentially harmful levels and must be addressed under Washington's toxics cleanup law, the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA).
Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot
The Georgia-Pacific West site is one of 12 sites coordinated through the Bellingham Bay Demonstration Pilot. The Pilot is a bay-wide multi-agency effort to clean up contaminated sediment, control sources of sediment contamination, and restore habitat, with consideration for land and water uses. In 2000, participants in this initiative developed the Bellingham Bay Comprehensive Strategy.
Historical Photos
Language Access
Le ofrecemos servicios de traducción e interpretación sin costo. Para solicitar una copia de esta información en español, llame a Kristen Forkeutis al 425-240-4353 o envíe un correo electrónico a Si necesita servicios de interpretación, solicite un intérprete y permanezca en la línea mientras lo comunicamos.
Le ofrecemos servicios de traducción e interpretación sin costo. Para solicitar una copia de esta información en español, llame a Kristen Forkeutis al 425-240-4353 o envíe un correo electrónico a Si necesita servicios de interpretación, solicite un intérprete y permanezca en la línea mientras lo comunicamos.
Documents 90
Legal 16
Map 2
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Georgia Pacfic West Chlor-Alkali Area Map | 6/6/2018 | Map |
Georgia-Pacific West Map: Potential Areas for early remedial actions | 12/1/2010 | Map |
Outreach Information 26
State Environmental Policy Act 3
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Georgia-Pacific West - Chlor-Alkali Area - SEPA Determination of Non-significance - July 2021 | 7/6/2021 | SEPA Documents |
Georgia Pacific West - SEPA Determination of Non-Significance - November 2014 | 11/12/2014 | SEPA Documents |
Bellingham Bay Comprehensive Strategy - SEPA - Environmental Impact Statement | 10/1/2000 | SEPA Documents |
Technical Reports 43
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.
Places to see print documents
Northwest Regional Office15700 Dayton Ave NShoreline, 98133Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
Ecology Bellingham Field Office913 Squalicum Way, Unit 101Bellingham, 98225This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.
Contaminants 2
Contaminant Type | Soil |
Groundwater |
Surface Water |
Air |
Sediment |
Bedrock |
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants | C | C | R | |||
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified | C |
- S
- Suspected
- C
- Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
- B
- Below Cleanup Levels
- RA
- Remediated-Above
- RB
- Remediated-Below
- R
- Remediated
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.