Facility Site ID: 46445373 Cleanup Site ID: 6134

Site Status - May 2021

Block 37 Property looking southeast
Block 37 Property looking southeast

Legal Agreement Finalized

Ecology has finalized a legal agreement called an Agreed Order with Phillips 66 Company and City Investors XI LLC for the Block 37 Cleanup Site (Site). The order names them as Potentially Liable Persons (PLP's) and requires them to investigate environmental conditions, conduct an interim cleanup action (if necessary), and develop a cleanup action plan for the Site.

Ecology is hosted a public comment period for these documents from March 29 - April 27, 2021. No comments were received that warranted any changes to the draft Agreed Order, so Ecology has now finalized that document. The PLP's will now move on with the next cleanup steps.

Next Steps and Estimated Timelines

The PLP's will be working on these next steps in the cleanup process. Some of these will require new public comment periods as well:

• Prepare the Remedial Investigation Work Plan (mid-2021)
• Conduct a Remedial Investigation (late 2021 - late 2023)
• Conduct a Feasibility Study to evaluate cleanup alternatives (late 2023 - late 2024)
• Prepare a draft Cleanup Action Plan for the selected alternative (2025)

Email List

Join our email list to receive updates about the South Lake Union cleanup sites, including Block 37. You may also email the Public Involvement Coordinator (listed under Contacts) to be added to the list. Unsubscribe at any time.

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Site Background

Historical aerial view of South Lake Union area in Seattle
Historical aerial view of South Lake Union area in Seattle
The Block 37 property (Property) is located in Seattle’s South Lake Union area. It is made up of several parcels generally located at 600-630 Westlake Avenue North, and is bordered by Westlake, Mercer Street, Valley Street, and Terry Avenue North. City Investors XI LLC is the current owner of the Property, and Phillips 66 Company previously owned two parcels in the southern portion.

Historical uses of the Property date back to the late 1800s. A lumber mill, creamery, and brewery operated there until the early 1930s. A railroad occupied the northeast corner from the 1910s to 2005. A retail gasoline service station operated on the northwest portion from about 1930 to the mid-1960s. A service garage operated on the northern portion from 1971 to 2002. A second retail gasoline and automobile service station operated on the southwest portion from about 1965 to 2008. 

No permanent structures are currently on the Property. The southern portion is mostly covered with gravel and used for temporary site offices, equipment, materials staging, and temporary water treatment facilities for nearby redevelopment projects. The northern portion is paved and mostly used as a parking lot and equipment storage.

Site Investigation And Contamination

Many environmental investigations have been done on the Property and surrounding streets since 1980. These have documented the following hazardous substances in soil and/or groundwater in amounts that exceed minimum allowed levels under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA):
total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline;
total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel and oil;
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes; 
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;
total lead; 
methyl tertiary butyl ether; 
dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. 
Several independent cleanups have been done on and around the Property. These have included removal of petroleum contaminated soil and liquid petroleum hydrocarbons, as well as in-ground treatment to reduce contamination in groundwater and remove harmful vapors that evaporate from these contaminants.

Ecology's Cleanup Process

MTCA is Washington’s environmental cleanup law. It provides requirements for contaminated site cleanup and sets standards that protect human health and the environment. Ecology implements the MTCA cleanup process  and oversees cleanups.

Legal 6
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Block 37 Agreed Order Final May 2021 5/4/2021 Agreed Order
Tosco 25535330857—Final PLP Status Letter City Investors 3/6/2020 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
Tosco 25535330857—Final PLP Status Letter Phillips 66 3/6/2020 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
Tosco 25535330857—Preliminary PLP Status Letter City Investors 12/27/2019 Early Notice Letter
Tosco 25535330857—Preliminary PLP Status Letter Phillips 66 12/27/2019 Early Notice Letter
Notice of Independent Remedial Action and Private Right of Action 11/6/2008 Notice of Private Right of Action
Public Information 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Block 37 - Factsheet-Spanish - March 2021 3/29/2021 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Block 37 - Factsheet-訊息中文版 - March 2021 3/29/2021 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Block 37 - Public Participation Plan - March 2021 3/22/2021 Public Participation Plan
Block 37 - Factsheet-English - March 2021 3/22/2021 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Technical Reports 184
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for May 2024 6/14/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for April 2024 5/15/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for March 2024 4/15/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for February 2024 3/15/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for January 2024 2/15/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for December 2023 1/15/2024 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for November 2023 12/13/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for October 2023 11/13/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for September 2023 10/13/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - RI Work Plan Approval Letter with PLP Responses to Final Comments 9/29/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Ecology Comments on Block 37 Independent Action Report dated August 31, 2023 9/28/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for August 2023 9/1/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 Independent Action Report, Subsurface Investigation and Groundwater Monitoring Results 8/31/2023 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Block 37 - Remedial Investigation Work Plan 8/23/2023 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for July 2023 8/15/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for June 2023 7/18/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for May 2023 6/13/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for April 2023 5/12/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for March 2023 4/13/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for February 2023 3/14/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for January 2023 2/9/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for December 2022 1/15/2023 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for November 2022 12/15/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for October 2022 11/11/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for September 2022 10/14/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for August 2022 9/14/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for July 2022 8/11/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for June 2022 7/19/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for May 2022 6/15/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for April 2022 5/13/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for March 2022 4/15/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for February 2022 3/15/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - SHA Rank Letter 2/17/2022 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for January 2022 2/15/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - Site Hazard Assessment 2/7/2022 Site Hazard Assessment Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for December 2021 1/14/2022 Progress Report
Block 37 - Site Hazard Assessment Notification Letter 1/6/2022 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for November 2021 12/15/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for October 2021 11/17/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for September 2021 10/15/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for August 2021 9/15/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for July 2021 8/15/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for June 2021 7/15/2021 Progress Report
Block 37 - AO Progress Report for May 2021 6/22/2021 Progress Report
Tosco 25535330857/Block 37—NW1714 2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/19/2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—Response to Preliminary Determination of Liability Phillips 66 1/24/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Tosco 25535330857—Response to Preliminary Determination of Liability City Investors 1/23/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Block 37 Subsurface Investigation Report 1/9/2020 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Data Gap Work Plan 10/23/2019 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Remediation System Decommissioning 8/20/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Response to Ecology Letter 8/1/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Block 37 Subsurface Investigation - Technical Memo 6/20/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Remediation System Restart Report 5/28/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2018 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 4/2/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2017 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/21/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
700 Dexter HVOC Plume Block 37 Property, 630 Westlake Ave N - Interim Action Completion Report 4/9/2018 Interim Action Documents
Tosco 25535550857—NW1714 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study / Cleanup Action Plan 2/16/2018 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Response to Ecology Request for Information 10/25/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 VCP Status Request letter 7/17/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
South Lake Union, Seattle, WA - Cleanup Site Summary - June 2017 6/30/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Remediation System Restart Report 5/3/2017 Remedial Action Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2016 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/23/2017 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2016 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 9/26/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2015 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/17/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2015 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/17/2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2015 1st Qtr Remediation System Progress Report 5/22/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Soil and Groundwater Conditions Assessment Report 2/17/2015 Remedial Investigation Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2014 3rd Qtr Remediation System Progress Report 1/23/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2014 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 9/8/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Remedial Actions Summary Report - Mercer Corridor Project 9/2/2014 Remedial Action Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2014 2nd Qtr Remediation System Progress Report 8/22/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Services Report, Block 37 - SLU Development 8/1/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Remediation System Installation and Startup Report 7/11/2014 Remedial Action/As-Built Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2014 1st Qtr Remediation System Progress Report 7/2/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2013 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 3/25/2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2011 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/24/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Summary of Environmental Assessment and Remediation Activities 6/17/2011 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2010 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/27/2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Well Installation Report for On-Site Replacement Wells and SVE Wells 1/25/2011 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2010 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 11/16/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2010 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/16/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2010 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 4/27/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2009 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/6/2010 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Westlake-Mercer Cleanup Project Phase 2 Closeout Report - text, as-builts, and tables 12/21/2009 Remedial Action Report
Westlake-Mercer Cleanup Project Phase 2 Soil Sampling Report 12/21/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2009 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/15/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2009 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/10/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2009 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 4/22/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Well Installation Report 3/27/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Well Abandonment Report 3/27/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/23/2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 3rd & 4th Qtrs System O&M Report 1/14/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 UST System Removal Report 12/17/2008 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/2/2008 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 2nd Qtr System O&M Report 8/11/2008 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/16/2008 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 5/27/2008 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2008 1st Qtr System O&M Report 5/15/2008 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Draft Cleanup Action Plan 4/9/2008 Cleanup Action Plan
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2007 4th Qtr System O&M Report 3/5/2008 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857 - 2007 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/31/2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2007 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/17/2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Westlake-Mercer Cleanup Project Phase I Environmental Monitoring Report Appendices A-H 7/16/2007 Remedial Action Report
Westlake-Mercer Cleanup Project Phase I Environmental Monitoring Report June 2006 - April 2007 7/16/2007 Remedial Action Report
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2007 1st Qtr System Status Report 6/25/2007 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 2007 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/25/2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857 - NW1714 Results of EFR Treatment Events 5/24/2007 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 25535330857 - NW1714 2006 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 5/18/2007 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 25535330857 - NW1714 2006 4th Qtr System Status Report 3/30/2007 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2006 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 11/17/2006 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Summary of Well Decommissioning Activities 7/14/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Results of Exploratory Drilling 7/6/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Results of Remediation Pilot Testing 5/10/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2005 3rd Qtr System Status Report 2/3/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2005 2nd Qtr System Status Report 2/3/2006 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Off-Site Environmental Assessment Report_Text-Tables-Figures-Appendix A 11/30/2005 Remedial Investigation Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Addendum to On-Site Assessment Report, Replacement Borings 9/14/2005 Remedial Investigation Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - Limited Off-Site Environmental Assessment, Horizontal and Vertical Delineation 8/29/2005 Remedial Investigation Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - On-Site Environmental Assessment, Horizontal and Vertical Delineation 8/4/2005 Remedial Investigation Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2005 1st Qtr System Status Report 8/1/2005 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2005 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 5/10/2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 4th Qtr System Status Report 2/2/2005 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/2/2005 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 3rd Qtr System Status Report 12/7/2004 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 12/7/2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 2nd Qtr System Status Report 9/7/2004 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Auto Service Company - Site Hazard Assessment 8/17/2004 Site Hazard Assessment Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/21/2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 1st Qtr System Status Report 7/12/2004 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2004 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 5/6/2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips 255353 - 2003 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/9/2004 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - Remediation System and O&M Report, Aug-Dec 2003 2/2/2004 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2003 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/27/2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - Remediation System Installation and Pilot Testing Report 10/27/2003 Remedial Action/As-Built Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2003 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/25/2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2003 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 6/24/2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2002 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 3/4/2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - Draft Hydraulic Hoist Removal Report 1/31/2003 Site Specific Technical Document - other
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2002 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 11/19/2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ConocoPhillips Station 5353 - 2002 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 9/10/2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2002 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 5/29/2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2001 4th Qtr (Additional Wells) Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/29/2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2001 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/23/2002 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - Waste Oil and Heating Oil UST Removal and Sampling Report 11/21/2001 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2001 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/10/2001 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - Supplemental Site Characterization 10/3/2001 Remedial Investigation Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2001 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 9/25/2001 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2000 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/8/2001 Groundwater Monitoring Report
City Properties - SLU Blocks - 1999-2000 Sampling Data Tables and Maps 10/30/2000 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Limited Soil and Groundwater Subsurface Assessment, Denny's Property, 966 Mercer St 9/25/2000 Remedial Investigation Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 2000 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 9/8/2000 Groundwater Monitoring Report
City Properties - SLU Block 104 - Phase II ESA (partial document) 5/15/2000 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1999 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 12/31/1999 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1999 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/16/1999 Groundwater Monitoring Report
City Properties - SLU Block 77 - Phase I ESA (partial document) 7/19/1999 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1999 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 7/8/1999 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Expanded Phase I ESA Appendices D & E 4/25/1999 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Expanded Phase I ESA Appendix C 4/25/1999 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Expanded Phase I ESA Appendices A & B 4/25/1999 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Expanded Phase I ESA text, tables, figures 4/25/1999 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1998 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/5/1999 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1998 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 11/3/1998 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1998 2nd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/11/1998 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1998 1st Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 4/8/1998 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1997 4th Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/5/1998 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tosco 76 Station 5353 - 1997 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/6/1997 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Results of Groundwater Monitoring, Jan through June 1996 10/11/1996 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Results of Groundwater Monitoring, June through Dec 1995 4/2/1996 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Results of Groundwater Monitoring, March and June 1995 9/1/1995 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Remedial Action Progress Report No. 5 7/6/1995 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Results of Groundwater Monitoring, July and October 1994 5/17/1995 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Remedial Action Progress Report No. 4 6/15/1994 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Results of Groundwater Monitoring, Oct 1993 to Apr 1994 6/10/1994 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Report of Geoenvironmental Services, Supplemental Site Assessment, Rosen Site 5/27/1994 Remedial Investigation Report
Unocal Station 5353 - Remedial Action Progress Report No. 3 10/1/1993 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Report of Hydrogeological Services 5/27/1993 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Supplemental Subsurface Contamination Study 7/7/1992 Site Specific Technical Document - other
630 Westlake Property - City of Seattle Site Investigation Report 5/21/1991 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Site Characterization Reports 1980-1988 1/16/1991 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Remedial Action Progress Report No. 2 1/3/1991 Site Specific Technical Document - other
630 Westlake Property - City of Seattle UST Removal and Assessment Report 6/18/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Interim Status Report, Subsurface Vapor Extraction System 10/3/1988 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Unocal Station 5353 - Remedial Action Progress Report No. 1 7/27/1988 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Recommendations and Considerations, Monitoring and Recovery for Gasoline Spills 8/12/1980 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Voluntary Cleanup Program 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 VCP Termination letter 5/28/2021 VCP Administrative Document
Tosco 25535330857—NW1714 Further Action Likely Letter 8/21/2018 Voluntary Cleanup Program Opinion – Other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 9

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Non-Halogenated Solvents C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Methyl tertiary-butyl ether B
Metals - Lead C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Diesel C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Other C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.